

Structuring and Development Research of Zheng Textbook after the Founding of the PRC

【作者】 赵文婷

【导师】 高敏;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 学科教学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 古筝是我国最古老的乐器之一,以其清丽、古朴的音色被社会各界人士所喜爱。随着时代的发展,古筝艺术更是进入到专业的艺术院校中来,形成了一门艺术专业供人学习。改革开放后,古筝艺术得到迅速发展,又从专业艺术院校中走入社会,供古筝爱好者学习与演奏。在新中国成立后,作为古筝学习者的指路明灯、古筝教师得力助手的古筝教材,更是在古筝艺术的发展及古筝教育中扮演着重要的角色。古筝虽在中国的发展历史久远,但真正系统、科学的古筝教材却形成于新中国成立之后。本文着重从古筝教材的构建与发展情况为切入点进行研究,通过整合法与分类法将建国后我国古筝教材进行整理与分类,即对曲集类、考级类、教程类、幼儿少儿类、练习曲类、理论类等教材的分析总结来完成文章内容。再通过对比法将不同时期的古筝教材进行对比,并总结出不同时期古筝教材的特点,最后将古筝教材构建的成果与不足以分析法的方式进行介绍,最终达到阐述古筝教材在建国后的构建与发展情况的目的。文章共分为四个部分:第一部分对古筝教材构建与发展的起步及探索阶段进行介绍。建国后十年期间,是我国古筝教材的起步阶段,以曹正为代表的专业古筝教师为了更好的将古筝教学在专业院校中开展下去,对古筝教材进行探索与创编,使得我国专业的古筝教材步入到了起步阶段,并初露端倪。古筝教材在经历了建国前十年的起步阶段之后,随着古筝技术的发展,古筝教材也向着多元化的方向进行构建,古筝教材也在60年代进入到了探索阶段,在这一阶段中,古筝教材的编写方式、内容形式等方面更加丰富,同时也初步满足了社会不同层次的古筝学习者的基本需求。第二部分对古筝教材构建与发展的繁荣阶段进行阐述。2000年之后,古筝教材进入到了繁荣阶段,这一时期的古筝教材已经有着细致的类别划分,无论专业院校中古筝专业还是业余古筝教育都有相应的教材编配出来,同时例如古筝弹唱、流行歌曲的古筝改编作品曲集也相继出现。这一时期的古筝教材不仅让古筝技术、历史、作品内容、曲作者创作思想等方面得到系统的呈现,同时也让与古筝相关的文化、美学思想等得到彰显,让古筝艺术真正地做到理论与实践平行发展。在文章的第三部分,笔者通过对各时期古筝教材的特点进行对比分析,总结出古筝教材构建的成果与不足。古筝教材构建的成果主要体现在体例更加成熟、内容更加丰富、针对性更强三个方面,从此三方面中我们能够看到古筝教材在历经60多年的发展历史中从无到有、从小到大、从单一到丰富的发展轨迹。同时这些教材除了能够反映出不同时期的社会背景与人文思想,也能够反映出古筝艺术的发展方向。但是,值得我们注意的是,虽然古筝教材在建国后至今得到了飞速的发展,但是在发展过程中难免会有一些不足之处存在,这些不足之处则体现在重技轻文、缺乏内涵,规范性不强,古筝弹唱不够深入,多媒体应用不够广泛四个方面。从这四个方面入手对古筝教材进行规范化的管理与再构建能够进一步的扩大古筝教材的建设空间,使之更加完善。第四部分阐述了古筝教材的构建与发展的方向。在这一部分中,笔者结合古筝教材构建中存在的不足进行讨论并总结出相应的改进方法,希望以文技并重、加强弹唱、多媒体广泛应用的方式让古筝教材的功能性得到进一步的发挥,同时也让教材对于古筝知识学习的作用得到扩大,让古筝艺术沿着规范、统一的道路进行发展。以上四点为本文主要的构成内容,在文章中除了涉及到理论知识之外,更对一系列的古筝教材进行了归纳与划分,就研究的理论意义而言,本文细致分析了古筝教材的各个发展阶段及其特点,对典型人物与典型教材进行了综合性的介绍,为今后更深入的古筝教学研究提供了理论基础及参考依据。从实际意义而言,本文结合音乐教育的理论及信息技术知识,对古筝教材的功用以及形式进行了深入浅出的探讨、思考及建议,为推动古筝教材的发展尽自己微薄之力。

【Abstract】 Zheng is one of the oldest musical instruments in China. With its elegant, quaint tone, it’s loved by the community. As time goes by, the Art of Zheng is entering the professional art schools as an art professional for learning. After the Reform and Opening of China, the Art of Zheng has been developing rapidly, from the professional art institutions into the society. After the founding of new China, Zheng plays an important role as a guiding start or an assistant for learners and teachers. Even though Zheng has a long development history in China, but the really systematic and scientific textbooks of Zheng formed after the founding of new China. This article focuses on researching the structuring and development of Zheng textbooks, through integration method and the classification methods. By comparing Zheng textbooks of different periods, summing up the characteristics and analyzing the achievements and weaknesses, this article finally reach the purpose of elaborating the structuring and development of Zheng textbooks after the founding of China. The article is divided into four parts:the first part introduces of the Zheng textbook construction and the starting point of development which is called exploration stage. During the decade after the founding of the exploration stage, some professional Zheng teachers compiled some Zheng textbooks for better Zheng teaching results, and carried out at specialized institutions to explore and compose, making the Zheng textbook development entered into the initial stage.10years after the initial stage, the development of Zheng textbook entered the exploring stage. At this stage, the formats and contents of Zheng textbook is more fruitful, so it can satisfy more learners. The second part is focusing on prosperity phase of Zheng textbook development. After the year of2000, Zheng textbooks entered into the boom phase. Zheng textbook in this period has been detailed by types of professional amateur Zheng education of professional institutions while Zheng has a corresponding materials allocation, such as the zither playing and singing, pop songs Zheng adaptations album after another. Not only the Zheng technology developed, but also the history content, work content, the song of creative thinking, and other aspects of the system developed to flourish Zheng-related cultural, aesthetic ideas. It also allows one to reveal itself, so that the Zheng art really do theory and practice of parallel development.In the third part of the article, by comparing the characteristics of Zheng textbooks in this period, this article analyzes the achievements and shortcomings of the Zheng teaching materials. The achievements of Zheng teaching materials mainly reflected in three aspects:more mature styles, richer contents, more targeted. These textbooks can reflect the social background and humanistic ideas of different periods. They can also reflect the direction of development of Zheng Arts. However, inevitably there will be some inadequacies exist in the development process, these deficiencies reflected as:too much technology and lack of connotation, normative; zither playing and singing is not deep enough; multimedia applications is not extensive enough. In the last section, the author provides advice and opinions on building the deficiencies discussed and summed up the improvements to text technology and to strengthen the playing and singing, multimedia widely used way to make the Zheng materials function more friendly and easy to learn. In terms of the theoretical significance of the study, this paper provides a detailed analysis of the Zheng teaching materials in all stage of development and characteristics of typical characters and typical textbooks comprehensive introduction. These materials provide a theoretical basis and reference for future more in-depth Zheng teaching and research. From a practical sense, this paper combined with the theory of music education and IT knowledge, discussion, thinking and advice in simple terms of function and form so that the Zheng teaching materials can promote the development of the Zheng teaching and learning, as a modest willing of the author.


