

Research on Development Thoughts and Policies of Guangxi during the Late Qing Dynasty (1885—1911)

【作者】 薛辉

【导师】 刘玄启; 唐凌;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 边疆史地研究作为我国传统史学研究中的重要组成部分,长期以来受到治史者的关注。近代以降,更是经历两次研究高潮,唤醒了国人对边疆地区的关注。自上世纪80年代起,中国边疆史地研究掀起了新一轮的学术研究热潮,至今仍方兴未艾。广西地处华南、西南结合部,不仅是我国面向东盟的重要门户和前沿地带,也是西南地区最便捷的出海大通道,因此在促进区域协调发展、深化与东盟开放合作、维护国家安全和西南边疆稳定中具有重要战略地位。从历史上来看,广西为守护我国的西南门户作出了重大贡献。不仅如此,在这片土地上生活的人们,还在具体实践活动中为地方开发积累了宝贵经验,从而推动了地方社会经济的发展。本文所指“开发”,是指对政治、经济、文化教育等各方面的建设和治理。晚清时期尤其是中法战争后,出于应对国内外剧烈而复杂的环境变迁,以马丕瑶、张鸣岐、苏元春等为代表的广西官员或主动、或被动的提出了各种开发和建设广西的思想主张,并在一定程度上付诸实践,取得了一些成效。尽管前贤时人对近代广西的开发活动有所述及,但对晚清时期广西开发的思想和实践缺乏全面、详细的论述,同时亦缺乏多层次、多角度的理论分析。有鉴于此,本文以晚清时期中法战争后至清帝退位间近三十年(1885—1911)为研究时段,以广西为研究载体和视域,力图通过梳理与研究各种开发、建设广西的思想主张和政策,考察具体的历史实践活动。同时,通过共时性和历时性的综合探讨,对各种思想主张和政策实践活动进行总结和评价,从而为当前乃至今后一段时期内的区域经济发展和构建和谐社会提供历史的借鉴和现实的参考。本文认为,中法战争后,无论是清政府还是广西地方政府中的有识官员,出于国防的需要,对广西地理位置重要性的认识有所提高。于是,他们纷纷提出诸如移民实边、修建铁路、兴办教育等建议,主要涉及农业、工矿业、交通、文化教育等内容。尽管其初衷是“固边圉”,但客观上为广西的地方社会经济发展做出了贡献。当然,同时我们也应看到,由于受到晚清时期大环境的影响,通过这些措施也并不能完全实现“固边圉”的目的,只是在一定程度上有所缓解而已。另外,领导力量、正确的指导思想、符合地方实际的措施也是不可或缺的重要条件。总之,只有从地方实际出发,才能制定出正确、有效的开发政策和措施,实现促进和推动地方社会经济的向前发展。最后,尽管晚清时期开发广西的历史活动并没有完全实现“固边圉”、“靖地方”的目的,但部分获得成效的经验仍值得总结,从而为我们提供一些有益于区域建设的建议或启示。

【Abstract】 Borderland history and geography studies as an important part of Chinese traditional historical study has been long concerned with the researchers. Since modern times, it has experienced two research climaxes, and awakened the people pay more attention to the frontier areas. From the1980s, the academic circles has lifted a new round of upsurge, and still will be unfolding. Guangxi located between Southern and southwest in China, is not only the important gateway for ASEAN and frontier area, but also the most convenient passageway that face to the sea in the southwestern region. Thus it has an important strategic position in promoting the development among coordinated regions, deepening the cooperation with ASEAN and safeguarding the national security stability. Historical speaking, Guangxi had made a significant contribution in order to guarding the portal of the southwest of our country. Besides, the people who lived in this land had accumulated valuable experiences in practice. By all of these, it leads to promote the local development in society and economy.This paper refers to "development", meaning discusses the construction and management about the political, economic and cultural education. During the later Qing Dynasty, especially after the Sino-French War, facing to the complicated and fiercely environmental changes around the domestic and international, the Guangxi officials like Ma Pi-yao(马丕瑶),Zhang Ming-qi(张鸣岐),Su Yuan-chun(苏元春)proposed a variety of ideas in order to develop the Guangxi. To some extent, these ideas were put into practice and obtained a few results. Although many people have talked about these activities, there are still lack a exposition (comprehensive and detailed) and analysis (multi-level perspectives and theoretical) about the development thought and policy practice. In view of this, the article makes the time (from1885to1911, nearly thirty years) as the study period and brings Guangxi into the research carrier and horizon. In the research, we try to sort out kinds of thoughts and policies, and argue the specific historical practice. At the same time, we will also try to summary and evaluate them through talking the synchronic and diachronic comprehensive. At last, we hope this essay can provide historical and practical references for the development of regional economy and the construction of a harmonious society from the current to the future.In our opinion, after the Sino-French War, the necessary of national defense makes people who no matter the Qing government or the local government of Guangxi officers pay more attention to the frontier and aware the importance geographical position of Guangxi. Therefore, they have put forward some suggestions such as migration to the frontier, building the railways, initiating the education and so on, mainly about agriculture, mining, transportation and cultural education. In spite of the original intention is "solid borderland", these still objectively make contribution to local social and economic development for Guangxi. Of course, we should see the fact at the same time that these measures can’t be fully realized the purpose—"solid borderland"—because of the environment influence, but be eased to some extent. In addition, the leadership, the correct guiding ideology and actual measures are also indispensable conditions. In short, in order to promote and improve the development of economic and social, it is necessary that make correctly and effectively policies and measures should from the local actual conditions. Finally, although these activities during the late Qing Dynasty did not fully achieve purposes, some successful experiences that provide us some beneficial suggestions and inspiration for regional development are still worth to summary.


