

A Research on Pupils Taking Part in Extracurricular Tutoring Phenomenon

【作者】 韦春林

【导师】 陈振中;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 教育学原理, 2012, 硕士


【摘要】 接受额外的教育辅导原本属于个人的事,但据新闻报道和个人生活经验,我国城市小学阶段的学生参加课外班已十分普遍,突显为一个见怪不怪的社会现象,并且对正规学校教育产生广泛影响。笔者疑惑:为何小学生参加课外补习行为变得如此的突出呢,小学生们大面积参加课外班形成的原因主要有哪些,参加这些课外班对学生个体的成长有哪些影响呢;笔者认为关于学生课外补习教育问题很有研究价值。笔者从理论和实践层面对城市小学生课外补习进行探究,选取对桂林市NXS小学(简称N小学)学生参加课外班进行现状调查分析,认为参加课外班是家庭追求增加文化资本而形成的趋势,小学生报班是为了获取各种形态的文化资本,以期为更好地社会流动增加筹码。在我国优质教育供给不能满足社会日益增长的教育需求时,额外的课外教育起到了一定的补充作用。在研究方法上,笔者采用文献分析方法,对课外补习相关内容进行搜集,结合先前研究者关于课外补习的内涵、成因、规模、支出、供需、政府政策等方面在本文的导论部分进行文献综述。通过借鉴已有相关研究成果,对现阶段我国城市小学生课外补习班教育的规模、强度、支出、形式、效果及其影响因素进行了分析与探讨。了解到家庭社会经济背景、地区差异、城乡差异、学业成绩是影响学生参加教育补习可能性的重要因素;此外,学校数量、城市类型、学校层级等因素也会对城市学生参加课外补习产生影响。另外,笔者采用问卷调查和访谈法,对桂林市NXS小学学生参加课外班进行现状调查。通过对NXS小学学生的问卷抽样调查,百分之七十左右学生参加了课外补习班:以及通过对学生、教师和家长的访谈反馈情况,了解到城市小学生参加课外班是普遍形象,课外班内容以文化课程和艺术课程为主,学习成绩对学生报班的选择没有显著的影响,“补差”型与“培优”型补习并存;大部分学生认为参加课外班、接受教育补习会提高学习成绩。本文具体的写作分为三个部分:第一部分:呈现关于桂林市N小学学生参加课外班的现状,笔者采用问卷法和访谈法,调查和了解到包括N小学学生参加课外班的人员情况,学生最早开始参加课外班的年级分布情况,学生参加课外班的个数情况和课程类型情况;以及关于被调查学生的家庭社会背景情况等。第二部分,笔者通过学生报班的行为选择,分析当前城市小学生参加课外班的目的追求,影响小学生参加课外班的直接原因,对于学生家长在小学生报班形成过程中的作用进行思考:学生家庭收入、父亲的受教育程度对学生报班有一定影响,学生家长对小学生报班的选择起决定性作用,以及探究影响家长做出该决定的原因。笔者主要从社会、教育和家庭三个层面探究报班背后的原因,并结合教育社会学理论进行解读,采用布迪厄的文化资本理论来阐释小学生普遍参加课外班的深层原因,并得出结论由于家庭文化资本的不足,需要借助课外班这个外力,以此来增加家庭文化资本,达到在教育领域中更好向上流动的目的。第三部分,笔者对参加课外班辅导对小学生的影响进行探讨,报班会对小学生个体未来成长产生很大的影响,如学习习惯的养成。笔者认为辅导班的文化课程有助于小学生个体在同龄人中赢在学习的起跑线上,艺术课程有利于小学生个性的多元化发展;但是跟风型的、不合理的报班会增加小学生个体的学习负担,报班不当容易造成小学生个体形成依赖心理的学习习惯,以及报班之后可能带来的隐忧,诸如小学生之间的“攀比”加重。最后,笔者对我国现在基础教育进行反思:教育并非独立地存在,教育承载了太多的东西:城市与农村的小学生在成长过程中获得的教育资源不一样,到日后高考时却站在同一起跑线上,使教育的公平性受到极大的质疑。然而如何应对课外辅导“热”的存在,找到有效的解决之道,令笔者陷入沉思。

【Abstract】 Receiving additional education and counsel belonged to a personal matter originally, but according to news reports and personal experience, the pupils taking part in extracurricular tutoring is very common in urban in China, which has been prominent as a social phenomenon and brought a wide-ranging influence to formal schools. The author wonders why the phenomenon of taking part in extracurricular tutoring has become so obvious, what the main reasons on a lot of pupils taking part in extracurricular tutoring and what will be given to students’individual growth. I believe it has great research value, and will explore it on the level of theory and practice to urban primary school tutoring.In theory, the author adopts literature analysis methods, tutoring first collection, combined with previous researchers on tutoring the connotation of the causes of the scale of expenditure, supply and demand, government policies to carry on the literature review. By interrelated achievements on existing research, at this stage of China’s primary stage of urban students’ extracurricular cram education scale, intensity, expenditures, forms, effects and impact of the factors analyzed and discussed. To find the family socio-economic background, regional differences, urban-rural differences, academic achievement is important factors on affecting students to participate in the possibility of educational tutorial; In addition, the number of schools, city type, school level and other factors will have an affect on urban students to participate in tutoring.In practice, the author uses questionnaire survey and interviews, firstly selecting the survey as well as to the education and training institutions (BY education and training center, and JQ Education Training Center) interview survey of Guilin City the NXS elementary school students to participate in extra-curricular classes. By sample survey of the NXS elementary school students, is which more than70percent participate in extracurricular cram; and the feedback through interviews with students, teachers and parents I learned that the city primary school students to participate in extra-curricular classes is a common behavior, the contents of the extra-curricular classes and cultural courses and art curriculum-based, academic performance on the choice of the class of students reported has no significant impact, and "making it up" type coexist with "nurturing good students" type; ajority of students participate in tutoring have improve academic record. Secondly, the author selected by the students’ behaviors of participate in extra-curricular classes, analysis of the pursuit of the purpose of the current city primary school students to participate in extra-curricular classes, affecting students participate in extra-curricular classes of factors, the role of parents in the process of primary school students is thought:students’ family income, fathers’ education level has a certain influence on the students’ behaviors of participate in extra-curricular classes, parents play a decisive role in the choice of classes of primary school students, which will affect the parents made the decision, but what the reason and the influence of the action. And the author explored the reasons behind the three levels of society, education and family, and adopted the way of the sociology of education theoretical interpretation, combined with cultural capital theory of Bourdieu to explain the primary and secondary students generally participating in extra-curricular classes back reason of this phenomenon and make self-examination. It is a trend which to participate in extra-curricular class is formed by the family to pursue to increase the cultural capital, the behavior of primary school students which is in order to obtain various forms of cultural capital, to increase the weight for the better social mobility. In the supply of quality education in China which can not meet the growing demand for education, the additional extra-curricular education has played a complementary role.Finally the author discuss from the positive and negative aspects, sign up for a class will grow to the elementary student individual what effects, think of the class culture course helps elementary school students in learning individual win the starting line, art courses to the diversification of pupils personality; But follow suit type, class pupils for increased individual burden of study, sign up for a class not easy cause elementary school students formed on the individual in learning dependent psychology, sign up for a class may bring worry:primary school students between "keeping up with the joneses heavier. In addition, for our country’s basic education on:education is not independent to exist, education carrying too much stuff; Urban and rural pupils in the growth process of education resources for, to the university entrance exam but stand in the same starting line, make the education of fairness is large threat. However, how to deal with sign up for a class, and find the effective solution, make the author thought.Because the author lack of writing, this paper writing has many shortcomings, sometimes language to express the phrase was not accurate enough. For the whole grasp skilled enough theory, some empirical material are not researched profound enough, deconstruction in place.


