

The Research of Chemistry Teaching in Senior High School Which Is under the Guidance of Multiple Intelligence Theory

【作者】 赵梅艳

【导师】 许燕红;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 2003年颁布的《普通高中化学课程标准(实验)》中明确指出化学教学以提高学生的科学素养为宗旨,构建“知识与技能”、“过程与方法”、“情感态度与价值观”相融合的化学课程目标体系,促进学生个性和能力全面发展。而传统的智力概念只限于语言和数理智力的培养,忽视了学生其它方面的智力发展,阻碍了学生个性和能力全面发展,这样的教育理念已经不能满足时代的发展。1983年加德纳提出了多元智力理论的,它像“火种”点燃了全球,在世界范围内引发了教育的“革命”。同样,该理论对我国当前的新课程改革也产生了较大的影响。但是,在高中化学教学中缺乏对多元智力理论的研究,本文以此为切入点,从多元智力理论与化学学科密切相关的4种智力(言语——语言智力、逻辑——数理智力、视觉——空间智力、自然观察智力)入手,探究多元智力理论指导下的高中化学教学研究,以期为课程改革的有效实施提供一些参考。在查阅大量文献的基础上,我们深入了解了课题的背景,并对国内外研究的现状做了详细的分析,阐述了本研究的目的和意义、研究的内容和主要方法。然后着重介绍了多元智力理论的时代背景、基本结构及内涵、主要观点,并从教学观、学生观、智能观三个维度阐述了多元智能理论对高中化学教学的启示。为了全面了解学生化学学习的实际情况及智力分布的特点,获得真实可靠的数据资料,为后续开展实践研究做好充分的准备,我们对实验学校的高一、高二学生展开了化学学科多元智力现状的调查与分析。在此基础上结合化学学科的特点,提出了化学教学中应该重点发展学生的言语——语言智力、逻辑——数理智力、视觉——空间智力、自然观察智力的观点,并设计了具体的教学策略。根据上述构建的理论框架,在多元智力理论的指导下,我们运用所提出的教学策略设计的教学案例,在广西桂林市第一中学高一(6)班、(4)班和广西玉林市陆川中学高二(1013)班、(1018)班进行实践研究,并采用多元智力问卷(前后侧)、学生成绩、师生座谈、多元智力档案袋等多种方法对实践结果进行“评价”。研究表明:多元智力理论指导下的高中化学教学研究,不仅可以改变学生的学习方式,提高学生学习化学的兴趣,对化学知识的学习有积极的促进作用,学生的学业成绩也有所提高,而且在学生的4种智力得到了发展的同时,也带动了其他智力的发展,体现全面发展的目的,为提高学生的科学素养打下了坚实的基础。由于研究者水平有限,研究时间较短,学生的基础不好等原因,本文提出的4种不同智力的教学策略的有效性、研究结论均有待进一步检验。

【Abstract】 The "Ordinary High School Chemistry Curriculum Standard (Experiment)"is promulgated in2003, it clearly point out that the purpose of chemistry teaching is to enhance the scientific literacy of students, integration of chemistry curriculum goal system which is construct by "knowledge and skill","process and method","emotion attitude and values" target to promote individuality and ability comprehensive development of the student While the traditional intelligence concept is restricted to linguistic and mathematical intelligence, ignored to develop the other aspects of intelligence of the students, obstruct students’personality and the ability of the comprehensive development. Such a philosophy of education can no longer meet the development of the times. In1983, Gardiner proposed the theory of multiple intelligence, it was like "fire" to lit up the world, triggered a revolution in education around the world. Similarly, the theory is also produced a bigger effect on our country current new curriculum reform. However, in the high school chemistry teaching is lack of the research about the theory of multiple intelligences.this is the starting point of this article, we proceed with the theory of multiple intelligences and the4species of intelligence (speech--linguistic intelligence, logic mathematical intelligence, visual spatial intelligence, intelligence--natural observation)which are closely related about chemistry, to explore the study of Chemistry Teaching in high school by the guidance of the multiple intelligences theory, with a view to provide some favorable reference to the curriculum reform.Based on literature review, we in-depth understood the background of the subject, and did a detailed analysis about the domestic and foreign present situation, then, elaborated the purpose and significance, content and the main method of this research. And then we focused on introduce the background, basic structure, connotation, main point of the multiple intelligence theory, and from the teaching view, students view, intellectual view elaborated the enlightenment on chemistry teaching in senior middle school which are from the multiple intelligences theory.In order to fully understand the chemical learning situation and the intelligence distribution characteristics of students, to obtain reliable data, and fully be prepare for the follow-up practical research, we launched an investigation to know the present situation about the experimental high school students’multiple intelligence of chemistry. Then combining the characteristics of chemistry discipline, we put forward the view that chemical teaching should focus on developing the students’language-language intelligence, logic--mathematical intelligence, visual spatial intelligence, natural--observation intelligence, and designed a specific teaching strategies. According to the construction of the theoretical framework, and under the guidance of the multiple intelligence theory, we applied the teaching cases which are designed by the teaching strategy proposed above into practice in grade one class6of Guangxi Guilin first middle school and Second year class1013in Guangxi Yulin Luchuan middle school, and using the multiple intelligences questionnaire (front and rear), student achievement, have an informal discussion with teachers and students, file bags of multiple intelligence and other methods to evaluate the practice result.Research showed that:the high school chemistry teaching under the guidance of multiple intelligence theory not only can change the students’learning mode, improve students’interest in chemistry learning and be positive to stimulate students to learn chemistry, also improve students’achievement, and with the development of the4kinds of intelligence, also drive the develop of other intelligence at the same time, reflec the purpose of the comprehensive development and lay a solid foundation to improve the scientific literacy of students.Due to the limitation of the researcher’s ability and the time and the students’foundation and so on, the4kinds of intellectual teaching strategy and the conclusion of the research are to be further tested.


