

Analysis on the Influence of Trust on Sales in Insurance Business

【作者】 江洁

【导师】 李昌阳;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 社会学, 2012, 硕士


【摘要】 信任作为市场经济最根本的伦理特征,是维持社会秩序的基础之一,对于经济发展具有重大的内生性促进作用。近年来,组织信任在现代经济生活背景下与企业发展关系更是被社会学家所广泛关注。而保险企业作为市场经济体制下涌生出的新兴企业,如何利用组织信任促进其良性发展是本研究的缘起。目前我国保险市场还处在初级发展阶段,存在保险市场结构分布不均衡、专业经营水平不高等诸多问题。前人对保险企业的研究更多的是关注保险企业的经营策略和营销机制,抑或是社会保险与商业保险的共存与比较。很少有学者将注意力放在保险企业内部的管理模式上。作为一个在中国文化背景下,却更多采用西方管理模式的现代企业,保险企业内部员工人际信任网络如何?有近90%的实证研究都假设组织信任对组织发展起积极作用,能带来更高的工作满意度,更高的合作水平和更高的工作绩效。在保险公司中,销售业绩是影响保险企业发展的最重要的因素,那么,组织信任是否对销售业绩产生影响?他们的关系如何?行业的特殊性是否另其内部信任有别于其他组织?本研究运用整体网的分析方法,在分析组织人际关系网络的基础上,探讨了保险企业内部信任网络与员工销售业绩之间的关系。在本研究中,以销售业绩为因变量,将其划分为平均月收入、保单延续率和近三个月卖出保单数三方面进行考察。本文的自变量为组织信任,为一般信任和特殊信任两个维度。控制变量包括工作年限、经验等,利用社会网络分析得出的程度中心性、中介中心性也引入到具体分析中。本文的研究对象是安庆市P保险公司J销售部门的全体员工;资料收集方法是问卷调查为主、个案访谈为辅,全文采用定量与定性研究相结合的方法,利用社会网络考察组织内部信任对销售业绩的影响。运用UCINET社会网络分析软件,绘制出J部的整体网络图和各销售小组的网络图,比较各小组的网络密度、凝聚力、平均距离。在此基础上,具体阐述了J部的整体信任水平,并比较了各销售小组的一般信任水平和特殊信任水平。并列举个案补充描述各小组的具体信任关系,利用单因素方差分析各销售小组的特殊信任。J部信任关系对销售业绩的影响分析,运用相关分析法,考察组织信任与销售业绩的关系,通过皮尔逊相关得出特殊信任与平均月收入、近三个月卖出保单数以及近三个月的保费延续率呈正相关。在此基础上,利用回归分析法,引入控制变量,以及个体的网络中心性,中介中心性对研究假设进行检验。得出中介中心性与销售业绩呈正相关,而排除了特殊信任对销售业绩的直接影响。通过列举个案,补充说明组织信任可以调和矛盾,缓解压力,促进资源共享以提高销售业绩。研究结果显示:(1)行业背景下,组织信任并不直接影响销售业绩。销售员工间的特殊信任,对于组织内部合作行为有更好的促进作用,继而达到良性互动的效果。(2)个体的中介中心性与销售业绩呈正相关。在保险这样一个特殊性质的销售行业,咨询网络中的中介中心性比特殊信任更可能影响销售业绩,这是因为中介中心性高的个体,掌握着比其他个体更丰富的社会资源和人脉信息,更有利于保单的销售。(3)本文的创新点在于发现保险公司内部的熟人连带呈现交换性强,而情感性弱的行业特点。保险行业内部的人际信任,虽然是建立在熟人连带的基础上,但是与其它行业相比,更强调公平交换,情感色彩则相对淡薄。

【Abstract】 As a fundamental characteristic of ethics, trust can maintain social order; it also plays an important role in developing economy. In recent years, sociologists have made lots of researches on the relationship between organization trust and enterprise development in the background of modern economic life.And insurance business is a new business under the market economy system, how to use the organization trust to promote its healthy development is this study’s first target. The Chinese insurance market is still in the primary stage of development, there are many problems such as the imbalance structure of insurance market, the low level of professional management. But most of the insurance business studies are concerned about the enterprise business strategy and marketing mechanism, or the coexistence and comparison of social insurance and commercial insurance. Very few scholars pay attention to the internal management model of insurance business. As the insurance company under the Chinese cultural background, but mostly are in modern western management pattern, what does the social network of their members like? Nearly90%of empirical researches hypothesis that organization trust plays an active role in organization development, it will bring higher job satisfaction, higher level of cooperation, more effective work.Then, the insurance company is an internal competition industry; sales are the most important factor affecting insurance business development, whether organization trusts have an influence on sales performance? What is the relationship? Whether the particularity of the trust makes it different from other organizations? This research analysis the relationship between organization trust and the sales on the basis of interpersonal network, through the way of subgroup analysis.In this research, sales are dependent variable classified as the average monthly incomes, insurance expenses continuation rate and nearly three months the number of insurance slips. The argument is organization trust, including general trust and particularistic trust. Controlled variable included work experience,. And this study analysis point centrality and betweenness centrality too. The study based on AnQing P Insurance Company Sales Department J. Data collection method is relying mainly on questionnaire investigation and cases interview, this study use of quantitative and qualitative research together, using network analysis on the influence of trust on sales in insurance business. Use Ucinet analysis the whole network of Sales Department J, and the group of the network, to compare group cohesion, network density, average distance.Then, including the overall level of trust of Sales Department J, and comparing the level of general trust and particularistic trust between the selling groups.And set up cases to describe the details of the trust relationship, then using of single factor analysis of variance analysis the particularistic trust between the selling groups.Pearson correlation shows particularistic trust play positive role in the average monthly incomes, insurance expenses continuation rate and nearly three months the number of insurance slips. Then bringing control variables and individual point centrality and betweenness centrality by regression analysis, to test of hypothesis. The conclusion shows betweenness centrality play positive role in sales. While troubleshooting a special trust on sales performance directly influence. By way of example that organizational trust can reconcile the contradictions to ease the pressure, promote the sharing of resources to improve sales performance.It makes a summery of this research, and discusses the deep research in future. The results show:(1) Particularistic trust must have influenced the insurance sales. Particularistic trust between salesmen plays positive role in cooperation, and to be perfect.(2)Betweenness centrality play positive role in sales. In such a special property insurance industry sales, effect of betweenness centrality more than particularistic trust.This probably because of the more betweenness centrality means the more social resources. It is good for sales.(3) The point of innovation in this article is to find the stronger exchange but the weaker emotion in the insurance industry. Though, the internal trust is based on the acquaintance relationship, but emphasizing fair exchange than other industry.

  • 【分类号】F274;F842.3;F224
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】82
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