

Study on the Operating Mechanism of Dong-xing Economic Development Zone

【作者】 蒋德文

【导师】 杨丽艳;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 法律, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 在2010年6月出台的《关于深入实施西部大开发战略的若干意见》中,东兴被列为国家重点开发开放试验区。随之,“东兴试验区应当如何发展,采用何种运行机制,东兴试验区的发展方向是什么”成为各方共同关注的课题。带着上述疑问,调研组于2011年8月9日至8月12日深入东兴市了解东兴试验区的建设情况,开展实地调研。本次调研旨在运用国际区域经济一体化理论为东兴开发开放试验区找到合适的运作机制,指明东兴试验区的发展方向。国际区域经济一体化理论历史悠久,在18世纪到19世纪期间就已经有国际区域经济一体化组织的雏形,如奥地利与其邻近的国家建立的五个关税同盟和挪威与瑞典建立的关税同盟。第二次世界大后,国际区域经济一体化获得长足发展,成为国际社会一支重要力量。在国际区域经济一体化中,根据国际区域经济一体化理论,区域经济一体化模式分为六种等级递增的状态:特惠关税区、自由贸易区(商品自由流动)、关税同盟(统一对外关税)、共同市场、经济与同盟和完全济济一体化。调研组认为防城港市东兴开发开放试验区可采取借鉴自由港的管理方式、封闭管理、独立运作,重点从中越边境的优势产业和货物贸易入手,让更多的利益惠及当地人民。与此同时,吸收CAFTA进程中的成功经验,由货物贸易到服务贸易最后到投资层层深入、稳步发展。本文分四章进行论述分析。第一章是介绍本次调研的目的和调研方法;第二章是介绍东兴开发开放试验区的建设情况,将从东兴开发开放试验区管委会筹备组组建情况、东兴开发开放试验区发展的初步设想以及三个先行先试项目的建设进展展开;第三章是分析东兴开发开放试验区建设过程中存在的问题,如东兴自身竞争力不强、运作机制不明确;第四章是针对东兴开发开放试验区的实际情况,提出适合东兴开发开放试验区的运作机制的建议。

【Abstract】 The Central Government enacted the policy of In-depth implementation of western development strategy in June2010,Dong-xing became a special economic development zone.Then, The parties focus on "how to achieve the objective of the development of Dong-xing,what the operating mechanism of Dong-xing economic development zone,what the development direction of Dong-xing economic development zone." The research group with these puzzles reached Dong-xing economic development zone and research the actual conditions of Dong-xing economic development zone in Mid-August,2010.The objective of the research is to apply the theory of international regional economic integration to find a suitable operating mechanism for Dong-xing economic development zone, indicating the development direction of Dong-xing economic development zone. The theory of international regional economic integration Appears very early, dating back to the period of the eighteenth century to the nineteenth century,for example,Austria and its neighboring countries established five Customs Union. After the world war Ⅱ, The international regional economic integration develops Rapidly and beomes an important force in the international society. According to the theory of international regional economic integration,International regional economic integration mode is divided into six level cumulative states:Preferential Trade Arrangements, Free Trade Zone, Customs Union, Common Market, Economic Union. The research group suggests that the Dong-xing economic development zone should take examples from Free port management method, the reference closed management and the independent operation. Focusing on the advantage industry and trade of goods of the border of China and Vietnam and benefiting local people.Meanwhile, the Dong-xing economic development zone should absord CAFTA successful experience, layer upon layer the thorough and steady development.This article is divided into four chapters. The first chapter is to introduce the purpose of research and the methods. The second chapter is to introduce the development and the construction of Dong-xing economic development zone,including government agency, preliminary idea and three projects construction. The third chapter is to analyze the problems existing in the process of construction,such as Dong-xing own competitiveness is not strong, operation mechanism is not clear enough. The fourth chapter is to find a suitable for operation mechanism for Dong-xing economic development zone according to the actual situation.

  • 【分类号】F127
  • 【下载频次】166

