

Study of the Mechanisms of Urban Land Supply on Economic Growth in China

【作者】 陈琴琴

【导师】 葛扬;

【作者基本信息】 南京大学 , 政治经济学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 本文通过理论模型分析、作用机理分析和实证检验对转型经济条件下我国城市土地供给对经济增长的作用进行了分析和测定。首先,运用引入土地要素的索洛模型对一般条件下土地要素对经济增长的作用进行了分析。短期内土地要素投入确实能够推动经济增长,从长期来看土地供给规模固定并不会直接限制经济增长;但在其他条件一定的情况下,土地利用效率水平的高低决定着长期经济增长率水平;另外土地产出弹性越高即经济增长对土地要素的依赖程度越高,长期经济增长率越低。然后,运用计量分析工具对城市土地供给与经济增长的相关关系进行了测定,结果表明两者确实存在着长期均衡关系,但土地供给并不是经济增长的格兰杰原因,相反经济增长却能够直接推动土地供给规模的扩大;通过对财政分权改革以米我国经济增长中土地要素贡献率的测定发现,大规模的土地投入确实为我国经济增长做出了重要的贡献,贡献率达到了10.56%:进一步的通过运用面板数据模型,对东中西部经济增长源泉和各要素贡献率进行了对比,结果表明经济增长对土地要素依赖性越低只是经济发展水平越高的充分条件而不是必要条件,具有更高的经济发展水平、更优的产业结构和更合理的经济增长方式的经济体对土地要素的依赖程度越低、经济增长中的土地要素贡献率越低。最后,以财政体制改革为线索对转型经济条件下地方政府的土地供给行为进行了分析,得出了土地供给对于我国经济增长的作用主要体现为新增投入效应和土地资本化效应两个方面;并且在这一部分的最后对土地财政现象的成因进行了阐述分析。最后,最后针对我国城市土地利用中存在的问题及土地财政现象,对规范地方政府土地供给行为,实现土地资源的合理利用提出了相关政策建议。

【Abstract】 This paper is trying to analyze the contribution of land factors to economic growth of China. Methods employed include theoretical analysis、mechanism analysis and empirical approach. In the first part, we construct an economic growth model of land element, analyze their contribution to economic growth and the influence mechanism. The results show that:during the short term the growth of the land inputs can actually promote the economic growth. In the long term, the fixed scale of land supply will not limit the economic growth. The increase of land application technology is helpful to promote economic growth. Furthermore, the economic growth rate is in reverse to the land dependency ratio of the economy. In the second part of the paper, we analyze the influence mechanism of the land factors to economic growth. In the past thirty years, the land use system reform and the reform of public finance system have changed a lot, the land supply behavior of local governments as well as the role of the land supply to the economic growth also changed a lot. Generally speaking, the influence of the land factors to the economic growth of China can be embodied in the new investment effect and the land capitalization effect. In the last part, we explore the relationship between the economic growth and urban construction land, the results show that there existed a long-term stale equilibrium between urban construction land area and the economic growth. But the input of the urban construction land is not the grange cause to the economic growth. The contribution of land to economic growth in China is significantly10.56%. Further more,we use panel data model to make comparison of the empirical results of the east、west and middle regions. The results show that the lower dependence of the land factors is not the necessary condition but just the sufficient condition to the higher economic development level. With better industrial structure and more reasonable economic growth mode,the dependence of the land factor will be lower.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南京大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期
  • 【分类号】F124;F293.2;F224
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】376

