

Study on the Industrial Disputes and Conflict Quelling in China In the Social Transformation Period

【作者】 季洁

【导师】 童星;

【作者基本信息】 南京大学 , 社会保障, 2012, 硕士


【摘要】 当前我国的劳资冲突事件呈现不断增长的势头,冲突所涉及的劳动者人数、事件的激烈程度以及引发的社会效应,都比以往事件升级。2009年7月24日的“通钢事件”,2009年8月的“林刚事件”,2010年1月23日至5月27日的“富士康十三跳事件”,2010年5月17日的本田“停工门事件”等的发生扰乱了正常的社会经济秩序,打破了社会稳定的局面。劳资冲突不仅考验决策者的决策思路、执行者的执行力度、工会的职能与作用,而且也在考验我国的收入分配制度、经济发展方式以及社会容纳与解决矛盾的能力。本文深入剖析了我国劳资冲突的性质,分析了劳资冲突的现状、成因,并对劳资冲突的形成和演化进行了分析,在此基础上提出化解矛盾、缓解冲突的对策。据此,本文的结构安排如下:第一章为绪论,基于近年发生的案例和数据说明劳资冲突研究的必要性,并对国内外的相关研究进行了梳理,在分析了当前研究的不足之后,提出了本文的研究问题、研究方法和研究思路。第二章主要阐述了基本概念和理论,界定了“冲突”和“劳资冲突”的内涵,概述了“冲突理论”、“集体行动理论”和“资源动员理论”。第三章归纳了我国劳资冲突的性质与特征,指出当前我国的劳资冲突是非对抗性冲突,劳资冲突存在数量不断增加、主体多元化、诱因多元化、行动组织化和暴力化的特征。第四章分析了劳资冲突的成因和功能,从直接诱因、制度诱因、文化心理原因和根本原因的角度全面分析了劳资冲突的形成原因,同时也分正功能和负功能讨论了劳资冲突的破坏效应、示范效应、“安全阀”效应和倒逼机制。第五章对劳资冲突的形成和演化进行了梳理,分析了劳资冲突的形成机理,并探讨了劳资冲突的整体演化历程和具体的演化过程,同时也提出了影响劳资冲突演化的各种因素。第六章为化解劳资冲突,构建和谐劳资关系的建议部分。根据前面的分析,本文提出化解劳资冲突首先要建立现代的劳资冲突观念,明确政府的责任和定位,并分别针对己发生的劳资冲突和劳资冲突的预控机制提出了建议:对于己发生劳资冲突,相关企业和政府都要快速反应,及时妥善处理;劳资冲突的预控机制的构建,则要从宏观、中观、微观层面分别采取措施,力求从根本上消除劳资冲突产生的根源。

【Abstract】 Currently, the industrial disputes happen more and more frequently in our country than before, and more labors are involved. No matter the intense or the social effects both upgrade than that of previous events. Such as the "TISCO event" on24July2009, the "Lin Gang event" in August2009, the "Foxconn event" form23Jan to27May2010, and Honda "lay-off event" on17May2010. The industrial disputes disturb the order and break the stability of society and economy. Labor conflicts not only test the thought of decision makers, the power of executives, the function of trade union, but also be a test of the income distribution system of our country, the mode of economic development, as well as the ability that our society can accept and solve the contradiction. This paper analyzes the nature, the current situation, and the reasons to industrial conflict, and also describes the formation and evolution of industrial dispute in our country. Based on the researches, the policies are provided to relieve and resolve the conflicts. Under this research purpose, the article contains following chapters:Chapter one is an introduction. Based on the data and cases of the situation, explains the necessity of the establishment and research of the industrial disputes, combs and evaluates some important theories in industrial disputes. According to the current situation and deficiency of the researches, this chapter puts forward the questions, mentality and methods of this research. Chapter two is about some basic concepts and relative theories. This part reviews the concepts of conflict, industrial dispute, and expounds the relative theories such as conflict theory, collective action theory and resource mobilization theory. Chapter three is the current situation and features of industrial disputes. The industrial dispute in our country is non-antagonistic. The number keeps increasing, the groups participating and the causes of the events are multivariate. The course of actions is accompanied by organization and violence recently. Chapter four is about the causes and functions of labor conflicts. The paper analyzes the causes of labor conflicts comprehensively, from the perspective of direct incentives, system incentives, cultural and psychological causes, as well as underlying causes. The positive functions and negative features of labor conflicts were discussed too, such as failure effect, demonstration effects,"safety valve" effect and forcing mechanisms. Chapter five combs the formation and evolution of industrial disputes. This part analyzes the forming mechanism of labor-management conflict, discusses the overall and specific evolution process of labor conflict, and puts forward the factors influencing the evolution of labor-management conflicts. Chapter six is about the policies and advice to resolve the problems and construct harmonious labor-capital relations. Based on the previous analysis, the paper presents that in order to resolve the problems, all the society must establish the modern concept of labor conflicts, initially. Secondly, the responsibility and positioning of the government should be clear. Then the advice is put forward to resolve the conflicts have happened and construct the control mechanisms to reduce the opportunity of labor-management conflict, separately. For labor conflicts have happened, related enterprises and governments should respond quickly and handle the situation in a timely manner; for the control mechanisms, the measures should include macro-level, middle-level and micro-level, seeking to eliminate the causes of labor-management conflicts fundamentally.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南京大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期
  • 【分类号】F249.2
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】432

