

Politics or People’s Livelihood?—a Study of the Puppet Regimes’ Yellow River Closure(1938-1945)

【作者】 王兴飞

【导师】 马俊亚;

【作者基本信息】 南京大学 , 中国近现代史, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 1938年的黄河大决口是抗日战争时期的一件大事,不仅使中日两军形成了长期隔河对峙的局面,而且使豫皖苏三省44县的广大地区遭受黄水肆虐长达9年。决口事件发生后,不仅国民政府方面积极筹划新的河防事务,日伪方面也对治河问题进行了旷日持久的讨论与筹划。整个抗战时期,由于侵华日军内部派系间的利益争夺,伪政权的一体化进程始终未能完成,因此在治河问题上,以北京、南京为中心的南北伪政权,在治河上不仅矛盾错综、纷争不断,而且表现出施策上的极端低效能。黄河决口伊始,南北伪政权虽已建立,但豫皖苏三省地方伪政权还处于创建阶段。此时,伪政权对决口的应对措施不外发表宣言、提案,开展决口状况调查等。1939年以后,南北伪政权就治河问题开展了漫长的交涉。加上该段时间,华北、华中日军对决口的不同处置策略,伪政权的治河交涉更形艰难。1940年初,伪临时、维新两政府在北京展开会商,并达成筹设治河机关、实施堵口的共识。但汪伪组府运动,又使两伪政权对几经周折达成的共识失去兴趣。汪伪国民政府成立后,南北伪政权地位逆转。1940年10月的南京治河会谈,两伪政权就治河机关的组织、经费等项达成协议。但未及该治河机关成立,伪河南省当局就开始大规模修筑新黄堤。大造堵口舆论的伪政权,一时陷入进退两难之地。伪政权不得不加快建立治河机关的进程。然而1941年4月筹堵黄河中牟决口委员会(以下简称筹堵委员会)的成立,并没有打破僵局。不仅伪河南省当局修筑新堤的行为仍在继续,汪伪政权方面也加大力度修筑苏皖两省的泛区堤防。同时伪华北政务委员会也开始大规模清丈“河滩荒地”,筹堵委员会一时空有其名。筹堵委员会的成立,也没有完全消除两伪政权的治河分歧。1942年两伪政权间治河纠纷再起,两伪政府的水利部门间展开了频繁的交锋。而伪河南省当局也组织起高效的筑堤委员会,大规模展筑新黄堤。相比之下,从1941年底开始,筹堵委员会逐步开展的工作,如派遣测量队测勘黄河下游故道堤防、进行堵口所需各种材料的调查等均显得暗淡无光。1945年5月,筹堵委员会被撤销,随着抗日战争的结束,伪政权的治河尝试也成为了历史。关于黄河决口问题的处置,恰好处于日军的军事进攻、伪政权的政治需要和泛区民生诉求的三者的交叉点上。因此,南北伪政权在围绕堵口问题,从艰难达成堵口协议,到成立联合堵口机关,再到新黄堤的修筑和堵口机关的撤销,治河纷争一直不绝。表面上看,不论是为了满足日军西侵的军事进攻的需要,还是宣扬伪政权仁政的政治需求和维持泛区灾民的生存,南北伪政权均需毫无疑问的进行堵口工作。但在实际上,军事、政治、民生并没有形成平衡的三足鼎立局面,伪政权间的治河纠纷多出于政治目的,而筹堵实践又多基于军事考量,泛区灾民的民生成为点缀。对伪政权在治河问题的研究,对深入剖析日伪关系,揭露伪政权的傀儡本质及其统治特点具有重大价值。

【Abstract】 The Yellow River burst event of1938is a great event during the period of the Anti-Japanese War. This event not only formed the long-term confrontation between the Chinese army and the Japanese invasion army which were separated by the river, but also made44counties of the Yu-Wan-Su provinces suffered the Yellow River flood for nine years. After the incident, not only the national government decided to construct the new Yellow River defense, but also the Japan and the Puppet Governments discussed on this matter for a long time. During the Anti-Japanese War, because of the competing interests in the internal Japanese invasion army, the puppet regimes were unable to complete the integration process. The north puppet regime with Beijing as the center and the south puppet regime with Nanjing as the center contradicted with each other on the river training issue and both showed extreme inefficiency.At the beginning of the Yellow River burst, although the puppet regimes had been established, the local puppet regime of Yu-Wan-Su provinces was still in the creation phase. At this point, the puppet regimes issued declarations, submited proposals and carried out the investigation into breaches as the response measures. After1939, the north and south puppet regimes conducted lengthy negotiations on the river training issue. During this period, the different strategies to the crevasse between the Japanese army in Northern China and Central China made the negotiation even more difficult. In the early1940, the puppet interim government and the puppet reforming government held the River Control talks in Beijing, and they reached an agreement that was to establish the river controlling organization and to carry out the dyke enclosure. But the movement which was carried out by Wang’s government made the two puppet regimes lost interest to the agreement which had been reached after many setbacks.After Wang’s puppet government being set, the two puppet regimes’ status were reversed radically. On the river training talks held in Nanjing in October1940, the two puppet regimes came to an agreement on the river controlling authority’s organization and funds. But before the establishment of river authority, the Henan local puppet government had started to build the new Yellow River dike in large-scale. In that case, the puppet regimes had to accelerate the speed to set up the river controlling authority. But the establishment of Yellow River Zhongmou blocking Committee in April1941did not break the deadlock. Not only the Henan local puppet government still built the new dike, but also the Wang’s puppet government began to patch the damaged dike in Su-Wan provinces which was destroyed by the flood. At the same time, the puppet North China Political Affairs Committee also began to measure the land which had been a river before. The committee was unworthy of its name.The found of the committee couldn’t eliminate the two puppet regimes’different opinions neither. The dispute between the two puppet regimes broke out again in1942. The water conservancy departments of the two puppet regimes clashed frequently over the matter. The Henan local puppet government also organized effective embanking committee and built the new dike extensively. In contrast, the work carried out by the blocking committee from the end of1941, such as sending the survey team to measure the downstream levee of the Yellow River, investigating various materials which were needed in the enclosure project, was eclipsed. In May1945, the blocking committee was revoked. With the end of the Anti-Japanese War, the river control attempt by puppet regimes became the history too.The disposal of the Yellow River crevasse matter, is just in the intersection where the Japanese military attack, puppet regimes’political needs, and the victims’livelihood combined together. Therefore, on the problems of blocking crevasse, from reachig the closure agreement, setting up the joint closure authority’, constructing the new Yellow River dike, to revocating the blocking committee, the disputes were never disappeared. On the surface, whether to meet the needs of the Japanese military, to fit the publicity of preaching the puppet regimes’kindness, or to relief victims who suffered the flood damage, the north and south puppet regimes were required to carry out the closure work unquestionably. But in reality, the military, the politics and the people’s livelihood did not form the balanced situation, because the disputes between the two puppet regimes were mainly for political purposes, the blocking plans and practices were based on military considerations, and the victims’s livelihood could only became an ornament. The study on the puppet regimes’river training is useful to the further analysis of the relations between the Japan and puppet regimes, and it also has an important value on exposing the ruler’s characteristics and the nature of the puppet regimes.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南京大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期
  • 【分类号】K265;TV882.1
  • 【下载频次】140

