

Research on the House’s Ownership at the Expiration of Land-use Ownership

【作者】 王贞

【导师】 金俭;

【作者基本信息】 南京大学 , 法律, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 土地使用权期限届满所带来的问题大多集中于两个方面:土地使用权本身的问题及土地使用权期限届满后地上建筑物的权属问题。土地使用权本身存在的问题的解决在很大程度上又是为真正解决好期满后地上建筑物的归属问题提供基础和依据的,因此,土地使用权期限届满之时面临的首要问题便是其上建筑物的权属问题。我国的土地使用权制度是在借鉴国外相关制度的基础上设计出来的,其目的在于既能保证国家对土地资源的所有权,还能充分发挥土地资源的市场效益,这种两者兼顾的立场必须导致土地使用权期限届满后地上建筑物之归属在理论、立法及实践等方面存在诸多问题。土地使用权期限届满后地上建筑物归属问题的实质并非在于制度本身,而是权益的衡平问题。因此,要从根本上解决地上建筑物期满后归属问题,必须超越制度本身,以权益的权衡与制约为出发点,从立法、理念和实践等各方面综合考虑。除引言和结论外,本文分为四个部分。第一部分,主要在理论上阐述了土地使用权及其期限、地上建筑物所有权以及土地使用权与建筑物所有权的关系等问题,提出了土地使用权期限届满后土地与房屋在权属方面存在的矛盾与冲突。第二部分,以比较法为视角,在对我国土地使权期限届满后地上建筑物归属之现状和问题等进行综合分析的基础上,结合域外相关规定和模式的对比研究,提出我国土地使用权期限届满后地上建筑物归属问题的解决应该突破传统思维上的局限,寻找权益之间的统一与协调。第三部分,通过对地上建筑物的绝对物权的肯定和土地使用权期满收回问题的阐释,强调土地使用权期限届满后地上建筑物归属问题的实质在于权利主体与相关对价之间的协调问题,并从权益对立与统一的角度提出了问题的解决思路。第四部分,从立法、理念及实践等三个方面综合阐述了土地使用权期限届满后地上建筑物归属制度之构建与完善。

【Abstract】 Brought about by the expiry of land mostly are two problems:the one with the land itself and the one of the building on the ground after the expiry of land ownership. The well solution of disputes on the land-use right will provide a real basis and premise for the solution of the disputes on the ownership of the building. The first question faced at the expiration of the land-use right would be about the ownership of the building. Our system of land-use right has been adapted from the relative systems of other countries, in order to protect the ownership of the state of land resources and to give full play the market benefit of land resource, which also definitely brings about the issue of the ownership of the earth buildings at the expiration of land-use right both in the fields of theory and practice. The heart of the issue is not the system itself, but the balance of rights. To fundamentally solve the problem, we should hold the balance and restriction of the rights as the start point and consider the issue from various aspects such as legislation idea and practice. In addition to the introduction and conclusion, this paper is divided into4parts. In the Part1, this paper elaborates some fundamental concepts of land-us right, the ownership of the above-ground buildings, and their relationships. It also claims the contradiction between the land’s ownership and the house’s ownership at the expiration of land-use ownership. In the Part2, from the perspective of comparative law, this paper, after the comprehensive analysis having been made on the status and issues of the ownership of the above-ground buildings at the expiration of land-use rights, Using comparative study on foreign extraterritorial regulations and models, puts forward that the solution of the problem on the ownership of the above-ground buildings the after the expiry of land use right, to look for the unity and coordination among various rights. In the Part3, through the absolute right to the earth buildings of certainly and land use right back the explanation of the expiration of the problem, Emphasize the land use right after the expiry of the earth buildings belonging to the heart of the problem lies in the right subject and related to the problem of coordination among the price, And from the point of view of the opposite and uniformity rights and put forward the solution of the problem. In the Part4, from the legislation, idea and practice three aspects such as the comprehensive expounds the land use right after the expiry of the ownership of the above-ground buildings of the system construction and improvement.

【关键词】 土地使用权期限地上建筑物权属收回
【Key words】 Land use rightPeriodThe buildings on the landOwnershipRecover
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南京大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期
  • 【分类号】D922.3
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】340

