

Investigations of Earrings from the Bronze Age to the Early Iron Age in Xinjiang

【作者】 戴茜

【导师】 水涛;

【作者基本信息】 南京大学 , 考古学及博物馆学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 新疆历来是文化交流的重要通道和多元文化汇集的舞台。考古资料显示,从很早起,东西方就存在着文化互动。本文选择新疆地区近几十年考古发掘所见青铜时代至早期铁器时代的耳饰作为研究对象,试对其进行考古学研究。全文共分为六章。第一章为绪论,一方面介绍了新疆的自然地理条件以及以往考古工作;另一方面对学术史进行回顾,较全面的总结了新疆青铜时代至早期铁器时代划分与考古学文化的研究状况,以及耳饰的发现史和研究史。第二章笔者将新疆分为7个小区,分别介绍耳饰的发现情况及其年代,并根据年代分为三期,即第一期为公元前19至公元前13世纪,第二期为公元前13至公元前5世纪,第三期为公元前5至公元前1世纪。第三章为耳饰类型简述。就发掘所见可统计的122件耳饰分为铜质、金质、银质和铁质四种进行类型分析,将其大体可以分为单环型、双环型及耳坠型三型,并结合分区与分期情况认为:第一期皆为单环形,发现较少;第二期耳饰样式丰富,三型耳饰皆已出现;第三期单环型基本不见,耳坠型耳饰以附加复合坠饰为多,样式趋于复杂。就材质而言,第一期以铜质为主,第二期开始金质比例开始增加,至第三期金质已经超越铜质,而黄金也成为了制作耳饰最主要的材质。同时也就型式与地域的关系略作了说明。第四章考察了耳饰的佩戴习惯及其与随葬品的组合关系。笔者认为,就整体来看,耳饰多由女性佩戴,或单耳或双耳,双耳佩戴者通长为年龄较大的中老年女性;男性佩戴耳饰者多是随葬品较丰的富有者,普遍的情况是由左耳佩戴单只,那些随葬品特别丰富的男性墓主则会双耳各饰1只或左耳1只、右耳2只;而察吾乎文化虽墓葬流行多人二次葬,情况不明,但可以肯定的是,此文化流行单耳佩戴,且多人葬的家族葬中,通常只有一人佩戴。第五章为新疆青铜至早期铁器时代耳饰所见的早期文化交流,其主要体现在来自安德罗诺沃文化的喇叭口形耳饰东传至塔什库尔干地区、河西走廊地区及中国北方地区,以及来自四坝文化的扁桃环形耳饰西传至新疆东部地区,并且从耳饰的发现可以证明在整个欧亚草原诸青铜文化已存在着千丝万缕的联系,而新疆地区正是文化交流的中继站。第六章为结语。耳饰虽为装饰品中很小的一个种类,却承载着很多历史文化信息,值得重视。本文以新疆青铜时代至早期铁器时代的耳饰为题,兼论东西方文化交流,抛砖引玉,不足之处还望方家指正。

【Abstract】 Xinjiang has been the important place where different cultures met and exchanged. Shown by archeology data, Eastern and Western cultures interacted with each other for a very long time. This paper did some archeological research on earrings from the Bronze Age to the early Iron Age unearthed in recent several decades.There were six chapters. The first chapter was the preface. On the one hand, it introduced the physical geography environment and the archaeological work in Xinjiang. On the other hand, it comprehensively introduced the divide of the Bronze Age and the early Iron Age as well as the archaeological culture studies in Xinjiang. It also introduced the history that earrings discovered and studied in Xinjiang. In second chapter, Xinjiang was divided into several small regions. It introduced the discovery of the earrings and their age. According to their age, they were divided into three periods:the first period was from19th to13th century; the second period was from13th to5th century; the third period was from5th to1st century. The third chapter discussed the types of earrings. The122pieces earrings in archeological statistics were divided into four types:bronze, gold, silver and iron materials; and three patterns:single ring, dual ring and ear drop. The first period was the single ring pattern and was rare. The second period had three patterns of earrings. The third period was composited ear drop pattern whose patterns became complex. As to materials, the first period was mainly the bronze material. The second period has more silver and gold materials. The third chapter was mainly gold material. Meanwhile, it discussed the relationship between the patterns and the regions. The fourth chapter investigated the habits of wearing earrings and its combination with other burial objects. This paper believed that females generally wore earrings in one ear or in both. The females who wore earrings in both ears were usually the aged ones. The males who wore earrings were rich people with many burial objects. They generally wore one earring in left ear. Sometimes, the males with many burial objects wore earrings in both ears, or two earrings in right ear. The second burial with many people was popular in Chawuhu culture. It was difficult to study the habit of wearing earrings, but it was obvious that wearing earring in one ear was prevalent in this culture. Especially, in family burial, only one person wore the earring. The fifth chapter studied the culture exchange of earring from the Bronze Age to the Iron Age in Xinjiang. It was found that horn-shape earrings in Andronovo culture were brought to Tashkurgan and almond-shape earrings in Siba culture were brought to the eastern region of Xinjiang. The discovery of earrings displayed that the Bronze cultures in the Europe were interrelated with the one in Asia grassland and Xinjiang was the relay place of culture exchange. The sixth chapter was the epilogue.Earring was the small type in accessories, but it had the abundant historical cultures and deserves our attention. This paper was themed by the earrings from the Bronze Age to the early Iron Age in Xinjiang and discussed the culture exchange in East and West. Please point out the mistakes so that it can be corrected.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南京大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 11期
  • 【分类号】K875.2
  • 【下载频次】298

