

A Study on the Mu’s Tombs of the Ming Dynasty

【作者】 邬俊

【导师】 贺云翱;

【作者基本信息】 南京大学 , 考古学及博物馆学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 自20世纪50年代以来,南京将军山南麓一带已发现12座明代沐氏家族墓,云南呈贡也曾发现1座和南京地区墓葬形制一致的沐氏成员墓。这些墓葬的时间跨度达217年,在墓葬形制、设施和随葬器物等方面表现出一些共性特征,同时在两百余年间也存在演变。本文依据迄今所发现的沐氏家族墓葬材料,结合其他明墓的发现情况和文献记载,对墓葬形制、墓葬设施及随葬器物的渊源、丧葬功能、演变和社会背景进行了分析,并对相关问题进行了探讨。第一章(绪论)介绍了沐氏家族墓葬的考古发掘情况和文献中的相关记载,对目前的学术研究情况进行了总结,并对本文的研究方法和资料来源等做了说明。第二章分别对墓葬形制和墓葬设施进行了统计、比较和分析。沐氏家族墓葬采用的是横券中(前)室加纵券后室的结构,为实现夫妻合葬,男性成员的墓中均并列两个或两个以上形制一致的长方形后室。沐氏所采用的这种结构可能曾对其他一些实行夫妻合葬的大型砖室墓产生过影响,但程度有限。虽然墓葬形制变化不大,但在200余年间,墓葬规模和面积有逐渐减小的趋势。墓葬设施包括地面和地下两部分。根据文献记载和其他明墓遗存,沐氏家族墓地中曾存在神道、石刻和享堂等地面建筑,本文对相关制度进行了探讨。地下设施包括甬道、石门、石架、石台、祭台、棺床和壁龛等,本文重点探讨了它们的演变和丧葬功能。第三章综合其他明墓的考古发现和文献记载,对沐氏随葬器物中的墓志、陶缸、官制明器、金银冥钱和日用品等进行了分析。沐氏家族墓志均为两石相合形,一般放置在前室,墓志的大小与身份等级无关,但墓志篆盖者、撰写人的品衔大多与墓主人生前的地位相应。陶缸一般放置于横中(前)室或后室内的东南角,内盛灯油,有庇佑后人的祈愿。官制明器除出土的铜、锡明器之外,还应包括木质的人俑、家具和仪仗类明器,以及纺织类明器。后室中常出土金、银冥钱,从其他明墓的发现来看,冥钱的大小、数目与墓主身份没有必然的联系,而与个人财力有关。第四章对相关问题进行了探讨。第一,通过对墓葬规模、形制和设施的分析,推测M15的年代大致在明代中晚期。其次,综合考古实物和文献记载,南京将军山墓地虽以埋葬嫡长子为主,但这一规则执行得并不严格,一部分庶出成员和无爵位者也葬入将军山;同样地,虽然有部分沐氏成员葬于云南,但除了嫡庶或爵位方面的“先天”因素外,也存在一些现实的、偶然的原因,如后人年幼,无法承担扶柩归宁的重任。第三,对明代家族墓地的排列方式进行了综合分析,推测当时盛行“昭穆”之风,但实际上“昭穆”之制执行得并不严格,在沐氏家族墓地的排列方式上,辈分和风水因素更能起到决定性的作用。结语对本文的研究收获进行了总结,并提出了不足之处。

【Abstract】 12Mu’s tombs, which are located at the southern slope of JIANGJUN Mountain in Nanjing, have been excavated since1950s. Besides, another Mu’s tomb was excavated in Chenggong County, Yunan Province. These tombs belonged to members of different generations of Mu’s family, and were built during more than200years in the Ming Dynasty. When it comes to the structures, facilities and funerary objects, they look similar to each other. However, the differences between them are also obvious. Based on the archaeological materials and historical documents, this thesis discusses the structures, the facilities, the funerary objects and other related issues of Mu’s tombs.The thesis is divided into five chapters.Chapter1, the preface, makes a general introduction of the excavation and historical documents about the Mu’s tombs, provides a review of the research history, and explains the research methods of this thesis and the source of data.Chapter2focuses on the structures and facilities of the Mu’s tombs.Most of the Mu’s tombs includes one traversing chamber and two or more paratactic longitudinal chambers. These longitudinal chambers were built for couples so that husband and wife (or wives) could be buried together. The structure of Mu’s tombs had a few influences on some other tombs which also built for couples in the Ming Dynasty. Although the structure remained stable during more than200years, the size of tombs was getting smaller.The facilities of Mu’s tombs are separated into two parts in this thesis, the overground and the underground. According to the historical documents and other relics, there were sacred paths, stone sculptures, and ancestral halls in the Mu’s cemetery at the beginning. The underground facilities mainly included paved passage, stone door, stone shelf, stone table, sacrificial altar, coffin platform, niche, etc. The thesis does a research into the origin, evolution and funeral function of them.Chapter3analyses the funerary objects such as epitaphs, pottery jars, objects made by official departments, funerary gold/silver coins and articles of daily use. All of the Mu’s epitaphs were composed of two pieces of carved stone and usually unearthed from the fore chambers. The size of epitaph was not related to the occupants’ ranks, while what was really related to ranks was the writer. The pottery jars were used for lighting as oil container, and usually unearthed at the southeast corner of chamber. Besides the unearthed cupreous and stannic objects, the official departments provided wooden entourage figures, wooden furniture models and textiles to Mu’s main members. The gold and silver coins were near to the coffin, and the quantity of them depended on the wealth of the occupant.Chapter4discusses several relevant topics, such as the time when M15was built, the reasons some Mu’s members were buried in Yunnan, the arrangement of family tombs in the Ming Dynasty. First, according to compare the structure and facilities of M15with the others, the author draws a conclusion that M15was built in middle or late period of the Ming Dynasty, and the occupant was probably one of MU Cheng, MU Zeren and MU Changzuo. Second, where the members buried did not totally depend on the consanguinity, though the cemetery at JIANGJUN Mountain was mainly built for the eldest sons born of the legal wife. Third, the arrangement of family tombs in the Ming Dynasty was actually decided by the generation and divination, instead of the so-called Zhao Mu(昭穆)system.The last chapter makes a brief summary of this thesis.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南京大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期
  • 【分类号】K878.8
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】435

