

The Study of Employees Pressure of Social Work Intervention

【作者】 邹遥遥

【导师】 风笑天;

【作者基本信息】 南京大学 , 社会工作, 2012, 硕士


【摘要】 随着信息科技革命的发展,人类的生活方式带来了巨大的变革,也面临着前所未有的机遇与挑战,中国社会经济在发展的同时,企业也面临越来越大的竞争压力,以电信、IT和互联网为代表的信息产业,在中国国民经济发展中已经开始占据主要地位。在全球性金融危机的影响下,员工普遍出现压力加大,不良情绪增多,IT业首当其冲成为压力最大的行业之一。员工压力如果不能得到较好疏导和处理,一方面会对人们的身心健康和生活质量产生影响,另一方面会对个人的工作业绩和组织绩效产生相应影响。深圳是典型的移民城市,经济发达,地处改革开放的最前沿,受到的文化冲击比内地更明显,转型期带来问题严重,由于竞争激烈,工作压力大,职业发展困惑等等各种外在因素的综合作用下,因此,员工压力干预问题,具有迫切性和现实性。受到内外因素的影响,深圳的企业社会工作发展也领先于全国,越来越多的企业开始设立相关的部门关注员工心理健康,同时也开始引入专业EAP公司,本文结合企业具体实践,以深圳某IT企业为例,对企业员工压力的社会工作干预模式及工作方法进行探索和研究,具有现实而重要的意义。本文主要分为四大部分:第一部分:研究背景及意义。结合社会经济变革中产生的问题,IT行业的现状,深圳企业社会工作发展情况,从理论,现实及政策三个层面探讨深圳企业社会工作在员工压力干预研究的重要性与可行性。第二部分:经典理论与相关研究成果梳理:从经济学,管理学,心理学,社会学等各角度针对压力及心理健康等概念进行了整理,界定了本文中研究对象为企业员工压力干预问题;通过对社会工作方法中的个案,小组等方法及理论的回顾,为本文奠定了社会工作的理论基础;结合国外,港台,国内的企业社会工作研究现状相关背景及深圳企业社会工作实务开展基础,确定了具体的研究方向。第三部分:企业员工压力干预的实务研究:选取IT行业H公司为例,笔者对该企业的员工压力干预开展活动进行了参与式观察研究,并选取了有代表性的员工群体及管理者进行深度访谈,获得了丰富,可靠地实证资料。在大量实证资料的基础上,对H企业员工压力的社会工作干预活动开展方案,效果进行系统描述和评估,分析其工作手法及介入方式的可行性及不足。

【Abstract】 With the development of the information technology revolution, the human way of life brought about a dramatic change, is also facing unprecedented opportunities and challenges, the Chinese socio-economic development at the same time, companies also face increasing competitive pressures, the telecommunications IT and Internet information industry has begun to occupy a major position in China’s national economic development. Under the influence of the global financial crisis, most employees the pressure increased, the increase in negative emotions, bear the brunt of the IT industry to become one of the most stressful industry. Employee stress, if you can not get better guidance and treatment, on the one hand, people’s health and quality of life impact on the other hand, the individual’s work performance and organizational performance. Shenzhen is a typical city of immigrants, economic development, located in the forefront of reform and opening up, by the culture shock is more pronounced than the mainland, the transition brought about a serious problem, due to intense competition, work pressure, and professional development of confusion, and so a variety of outside a combination of factors, employee stress issue of intervention, with the urgency and reality.Affected by internal and external factors, Shenzhen enterprise development of social work are also ahead of the country, more and more companies began to set up relevant departments to focus on employee mental health, but also began the introduction of professional EAP company, this paper combined with the concrete practice of enterprises to ShenzhenIT companies, for example, social work intervention models and methods of work pressure on employees to carry out exploration and research, with the reality and significance.This article is divided into four parts:Part Ⅰ:Background and Significance. Combination of socio-economic change, the status of the IT industry, Shenzhen enterprise development of social work from the three levels of theory, practical and policy to explore Shenzhen enterprise social work intervention in employee stress the importance of research and feasibility.Part Ⅱ:classical theory and related research combing the concept of stress and mental health:from the angle of economics, management science, psychology, sociology and other finishing, the object of study defined in this article for the employees pressure intervention; review of methods and theory of social work methods in the case, groups, the paper has laid the theoretical foundation of social work; combination abroad, to carry out the relevant background of the Hong Kong and Taiwan, the domestic enterprises of Social Work Research and Shenzhen enterprise social Work Practice a basis for determining the specific direction.Part Ⅲ:the practice of employee stress intervention:Select the IT industry, H, for example, the author of the corporate staff pressure intervention activities conducted participant observation research, and select a representative group of employees and managers depth interviews, rich, and reliable empirical data. In a large number of empirical data on the basis of social work interventions on the pressure of H Employees to carry out the program, the effects of the system description and assessment of work practices and the feasibility of the intervention and insufficient.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南京大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期
  • 【分类号】F272.9;C916
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】1375

