

The Research of Aged Care Service Mode Based on Social and Economic Perspective

【作者】 朱婷婷

【导师】 范克新;

【作者基本信息】 南京大学 , 社会保障, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 随着人口老龄化的加剧,我国老年人群的养老服务需求剧增。我国目前的养老服务供给模式有政府公办机构养老、社区养老、民营机构养老、家庭养老、老人自养(空巢独居)等。在养老服务领域,不仅存在供不应求、优质养老服务资源准入门槛高、主体责任不明的矛盾,也存在发展不均衡、总体质量较低、重护理轻慰藉等问题。如何在人口日趋老龄化、养老服务需求迫切的趋势下,提供一种既充分保质,又可持续的养老服务供给模式,是解决养老服务问题的当务之急。本文的创新之处在于没有承袭学术界和政策领域普遍认同的“居家养老”、“社区养老”主体模式,而是在比较了现有几种养老服务模式的基础上,从准公共产品和经济学三个基本问题、基本假设和基本原理的视角,分析了政府、社会资本、社区、地域化公益组织在养老服务中的作用空间。由此提出社会资本在竞争市场下提供专业化养老服务、政府宏观调控并为特殊老人兜底购买、社区优化发挥养老服务资源、地域化公益组织增补老人福利的养老服务供给模式,这种路径趋势更能产出专业化和充沛的养老服务、调动市场积极性和流动性、促进老年养老服务可持续与整体改进。在此研究目的下,本文的章节安排如下:第一章为绪论,首先援引我国的人口老龄化数据,在养老服务需求剧增的和现有供给模式存在问题的情况下,指出养老服务供给研究的价值,并提出了研究问题、研究思路和研究方法。第二章研究了问题的产生及养老服务需求内容。文章从社会问题的内涵和核心要义出发,对养老服务供给中存在的现实问题进行择议,并结合社会政策的产生条件,指出养老服务已经进入我国社会政策的审视范围。在此基础上,文章结合马斯洛的需求层次理论,对老年群体的养老服务需求和专业化养老服务的要素进行了分析。第三章,对现有的养老服务供给模式进行了比较,分析了政府公办机构、社区、民营养老机构、家庭养老的优缺点及老人自养(空巢独居)的问题,并探讨了我国尚未建立起统一的养老服务供给模式的影响因素。旨在明确问题的基础上,探讨养老服务供给模式发展的应有趋势。第四章,文章从公共物品理论出发,对养老服务的产品性质进行了分析,明确了养老服务“准公共产品”的定位。随后,针对养老服务要不要生产、如何生产、为谁生产的经济学基本问题,文章将“养老服务”作为一种特殊的商品,从经济学的经济人、资源稀缺性、个人产权的三个假设和利益最大化、供求关系、等价交换的三个原理出发进行了分析。第五章,文章对养老服务供给模式的路径趋势进行了分析。首先援引吉登斯“第三条道路”福利思想中对于“政府、市场、市民社会”的平衡观点。其次,明确了社会资本进入养老服务领域的必要性和生产的主体地位,并对政府宏观调控的角色定位进行了分析,阐述了政府应承担的引导、规范、监管和兜底购买责任。随后,结合实际与发展趋势,分析了社区在养老服务供给中的定位和福利增补作用,如社区具有养老服务临近、快速、便于跟进,拥有健身中心、卫生服务站等养老服务资源。最后,分析了地域化关爱老人公益组织的优势、作用空间及发展中应注意的问题。第六章是本文的研究结论。这部分首先对养老服务供给领域现有的几种争议,提出了自己的认知;其次,指出了本文研究的不足之处;再次,对自己的研究结论进行了明确。

【Abstract】 With increasing aged population, the demand for aged care service is increasing sharply. There are several aged care services modes in China, such as Government-run care service, social capital operation, community supply, family support and empty nest living alone. There are many problems in aged care service supply. For example, aged care service supply is less than huge demand, the access threshold is high, supply responsibility is not clear, the development is unbalance, the overall service quality is very low, emphasis of nursing but not spirit comfort. In aging China, It is a important and urgent problem that how to supply a abundant, high-quality and sustainable aged care service mode for increasing demands.The paper’s idea is different with the common ideas about Home-care or Community aged care service which is popular in academy and political circles. The innovation of this paper is it analysis the advantage and disadvantage of those common aged care service modes, and it analysis the role of government, social capital, community and local public interest organization based on quasi-public product and economic principles’ perspective,then it pointed out that it’s a more professional,abundant,market-actively,sustainable and improved mode which including social capital supply professional aged care service, the government is responsible for macro-control and buying service for poor old people, the community optimize aged care resource, and the local public interest organization improve the old people’s welfare. Under this research purpose, the article contains following chapters: Chapter one is a introduction. Based on the data and fact of aging, explain the necessity of aging care service mode research. Then point out the questions, mentality and methods of this research.Chapter two from the perspective of social problem and social policy, explain the problem of aging care service supply. Based on Maslow-need-hierarchy theory, the part puts forward the need of aging care service and the factors of professional aging care service.Chapter three explain the advantage and problem of existing aging care service modes, such as Government-run care service, community supply, social capital operation, family supply and empty nest living alone. Then the part discusses the factors that affect the establishment of the unified mode. Aimed at investigate the development trends of aging care service based on definitude of problems.Chapter four from public products theory perspective, point out the aging care service is a quasi-public goods. Then the part based on the three assumption of economics and three principles of economics, discusses what is produced, how to produce and for whom in aging care service area.Chapter five is trying to construct the aging care service mode system in China. The dissertation considers that the aging care service should pull in social capital to produce professional service, and government should play a role in macro regulation and buying service for poor old people. Then the part puts forward the role of community and regional public interest organization, the community should optimize aged care resource, and the local public interest organization improve the old people’s welfare.Chapter six is the conclusion. It puts forward the cognition for controversial views in aging care service, then it puts forward the inadequate of the research. At last, the part puts forward the conclusion.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南京大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期
  • 【分类号】D669.6
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】878

