

the U.S. Factor in the Creation of Multilateral Food Aid Regimes

【作者】 卓松

【导师】 舒建中;

【作者基本信息】 南京大学 , 专门史, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 南北战争之后,随着耕地的大规模扩张和农业科技革命的兴起,粮食剩余开始在美国迅速出现并日趋严重。朝鲜战争的结束使美国失去了处理剩余粮食的一大渠道,在新一轮农业革命和过时的农业政策的刺激下,政府持有的剩余粮食库存开始迅速膨胀并在60年代初达到了骇人的规模。如何处理堆积如山的剩余粮食是战后初期的美国政府面临的一大难题。自1954年通过对外粮食援助的核心法令《农产品贸易开发与援助法》(简称Public Law480或《480公法》)以后,美国开始大规模地进行对外粮食援助。到了60年代初,经过几年的粮食援助实践和肯尼迪政府的“粮食换和平”(Food for Peace)变革之后,在开辟新的剩余粮食处理渠道和促使其它国家分摊粮食援助负担以及冷战的外交政策需要的驱使下,美国开始了推动创建多边粮食援助机制的历史性进程。由于美国在粮食领域超强的霸权地位,战后国际社会创建多边粮食援助机制的多次尝试都因美国的反对而失败。美国的态度因此就成为战后多边粮食援助机制创立成功与否的关键性因素。正如美国的霸权是战后大量多边机制创建的主要推动力量一样,其粮食霸权也在多边粮食援助机制的创建中发挥着主导性的作用。1961年,美国发起在联合国系统内创建了第一个多边粮食援助机制——世界粮食计划署(World Food Programme,简称WFP),规定各签约国在自愿的基础上提供目标为1亿美元价值的粮食援助(在1963—65年期间作为试验性项目运作,1965年成为正式的多边机制)。这标志着多边粮食援助时代的真正开始。在1964年开始的关税与贸易总协定的肯尼迪回合谈判中,美国通过联系战略成功地迫使欧洲和日本在1967接受了《粮食援助公约》(Food Aid Convention,简称FAC)。《1967年粮食援助公约》为国际粮食援助数量确立了一个450万公吨的最低基准目标,从而在一定程度上修正了世界粮食计划署的不足。美国通过它迫使欧洲和日本接受了有约束力的责任,从而在分摊粮食援助负担的道路上迈出了关键的一步。《1967年粮食援助公约》是国际粮食援助史上的一个里程碑。世界粮食计划署和《1967年粮食援助公约》的创立和运行都在很大程度上依赖于美国霸权的支撑并服务于美国的利益,因而本质上都是霸权性粮食援助机制,美国通过它们完成了由其主导的多边粮食援助机制建设。从60年代后期开始,现行的多边粮食援助机制已经越来越不能适应世界的需要了,而国际社会对此改革的努力却都因美国的拒绝而失败。随着从肯尼迪政府开始的耕地转移政策的成功和粮食援助与出口的大量增加,美国的剩余粮食库存在1967年跌至波谷之后再也未能大规模地重建。1972年的全球性气候灾难导致了世界性的粮食歉收,这极大地刺激了国际社会对美国粮食的商业和援助需求,而尼克松政府激进的粮食出口政策(特别是向苏联)和土地转移政策迅速导致了粮食库存的耗竭和粮食价格的暴涨,与此同时美国的对外粮食援助额却跌到了1954年《480公法》通过以来的历史最低点。这与石油输出国组织大幅提高油价同时发生,从而造成了1972—1974年的第一次全球性粮食危机,许多发展中国家陷入了严重的粮食短缺之中。美国主导建立起来的霸权性粮食国际援助机制因而处于崩溃之中。70年代初的世界正迅速地变得相互依赖起来,同时发展中国家日益兴起为国际政治中一支重要的力量并试图通过集团化战略来主导国际机制的议题。在此背景下,美国发起了1974年的世界粮食会议,希望借此缓解发展中国家的压力并为世界粮食领域的长期问题的解决创造一个国际合作的框架。美国霸权(尤其是粮食霸权)的相对衰落使它不再能够在世界粮食会议上发挥主导性的作用,而发展中国家却成功地利用这次会议推动了对现行的多边粮食援助机制的一系列改革并创造了一些新的机制。改革后的国际粮食援助机制褪去了强烈的霸权色彩,变得更具有发展导向性并能更有效地应对世界的粮食灾难。1974年世界粮食会议是国际粮食援助史上的一个分水岭,战后的多边粮食援助机制至此走向了成熟。本文即通过对美国在世界粮食计划署、《1967年粮食援助公约》和1974年世界粮食会议创建或召开过程中所扮演角色的分析,来阐述美国因素在多边粮食援助机制创建过程中所起的作用。

【Abstract】 With the great expansion of arable land and the rise of revolution of agricultural science and technology, food surplus began to emerge and became increasingly serious in America after the Civil War. Because of the end of the Korean War, the U.S. lost a main outlet of surplus food disposal. A new revolution of agricultural science and technology and outdated agricultural policy stimulated the government-owned food stocks expand quickly and reached a terrible size in the beginning of1960s. Dealing with the mountainous surplus food stocks became one of the toughest problems facing the governments in the early postwar period. After the coming into force of Public Law480(PL480), the most critical foreign food aid law, the U.S. began to provide a large quantity of food aid to the world. At the beginning of1960s, after several years of practice of food aid and the revolution of "Food for Peace" by President Kennedy, with the need to dispose surplus food and to urge other countries to share more food aid burden and the foreign policy of Cold War, the U.S. began to promote the historical process of creating multilateral food aid regimes.In fact, several attempts to create multilateral regimes of food aid by the international society were failed by the refuse of the U.S. and its super hegemony. Then the attitude of the U.S became the vital factor of the success or failure of creating multilateral regimes of food aid in the postwar period. Just as the hegemony of the U.S. is the main driving force of many multilateral regimes after the Second World War, its hegemony of food was also the dominant factor in creating multilateral food aid regimes. In1961, the U.S led to create the first multilateral regime of food aid-the World Food Aid Programme, short for WFP--in the UN system, the truly beginning of Multilateral regimes of food aid, providing an aim of100million U.S. dollar food aid by all signatories. In the GATT’s Kennedy Round negotiation, which was began in1964, the U.S. successfully forced the European Community and Japan to receive a "Food Aid Convention", assured that at least4.50million metric ton international food aid were provided by signatories each year. With the FAC, the U.S. forced the European community and Japan to receive binding responsibilities for the first time and took a critical step on sharing the food aid burden with other countries. The FAC of1967is a milestone in the history of international food aid. Both the creation and operation of the WFP and FAC rely on the hegemony of the U.S. attempting to serve the interests of the United States. In this case, they are hegemonic food aid regimes. With the help of the WFP and FAC, the U.S. accomplished the creation of its dominant multilateral regimes of food aid.Since the late1960s, the current multilateral food aid regimes have been more and more difficult to meet the needs of the world. However the attempts of the international society to change them were all failed because of the objection of the United States. With the success of the farm land diversion policy from the Kennedy government and the great increase of food aid and food exports, the surplus food stocks of the U.S. decreased to the bottom in1967and never rebuilt on a large scale. The global climate disaster of1972led to worldwide agricultural failure, which stimulated the world need of the food of America greatly, including the business imports and food aid, while at the same time the Nixon government adopted a radical food export policy (especially to USSR) and farm land diversion policy, the combination of these factors thus led to the exhaustion of American food stocks and the jump up of world food prices. As a result, the amount of the U.S. foreign food aid decrease to the bottom from the year of1954while the world needed it most, which happened at the same time of the substantial increase of oil price by the OPEC, which therefore led to the first global food crisis in1972-1974and many developing countries dropped into serious food shortage. The hegemonic international regimes of food aid of the U.S. domination so fell into collapse.The world in1970s became more and more inter-dependent quickly; at the same time the developing countries were increasingly becoming an important force in the international politics and with the group strategy they were trying to dominate the issues of international regimes. In this background, the U.S. sponsored the1974world food conference, hoping to relieve the pressure from the developing countries and to create an international cooperation framework for the long term world food problems. The relative decline of the U.S. hegemony (especially food hegemony) made it no longer able to dominate the agenda of the conference while developing countries has successfully reformed the current multilateral food aid regimes and created some new regimes on this conference. The hegemonic role of the international food aid regimes faded after the reform. It became more development-orientation and more effective to deal with the world food disaster. The1974world food conference is a watershed in the history of international food aid; because of it the multilateral food aid regimes after World War II became mature. The aim of his thesis is to express the role of the U.S. in the creation of multilateral food aid regimes by analysis the U.S. factor in three cases:World Food Programme,1967Food Aid Convention, and the1974World Food Conference.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南京大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期
  • 【分类号】D815;F316.11
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】165

