

Which Strategy Do the British Students Take in Learning Chinese Pronunciation?

【作者】 董青霖

【导师】 吕浩雪;

【作者基本信息】 南京大学 , 汉语国际教育, 2012, 硕士


【摘要】 如今,学习汉语的年轻外国人不断增加,对汉语作为外语进行教学产生了很大的影响。作为二语学习的一个分支,研究发音学习策略是相当重要的。发音是语言的物质外壳,是语言最主要的表现形式之一。在汉语教学中,拥有良好的语音对学习者能否表明达意有显著的促进作用。良好的发音有助于学习者的汉语学习,熟悉基础语音知识对其他语言技能的习得有很大影响。含糊不清的发音不仅阻碍了学习者用普通话进行交流,而且对学习者学习兴趣,学习信心也有一定影响。多年来,众多研究者着迷于语言研究,然而,在所有语言教学中,语音教学排名并不高。虽然在此之后也有研究者成功找出一些影响学习者第二语音学习的变量,但是,几乎没有一项研究是与语言学习策略相关联的,更不用提及语音学习策略——影响语音习得至关重要的变量之一。其中,发音习得的传统研究模型主要集中在语音的比较和误差分析上,忽略了个人因素在学习过程中发挥的作用。本研究旨在探索英国学生汉语语音学习策略的使用情况,通过问卷和访谈两种研究方法挖掘大学一年级,即经过一年汉语学习的学生所使用的汉语语音学习策略,每一个策略使用频率,华裔和非华裔在学习策略选择上的差异,汉语语音学习成功者(语音成绩高分组)与不成功者(语音成绩低分组)在语音学习策略使用上的异同,以及影响汉语语音学习策略使用的因素。研究对象是大学一年级即将进入大学二年级学习的谢菲尔德大学汉语系学生,共30人,其中15人为白种英国学生,15人为从小在英国受教育的华裔学生。采用问卷和语音测试相结合的研究方法,在回顾国内外第二语言学习策略、汉语作为第二语言学习策略和汉语作为第二语言语音研究的基础上,采用汉语语音学习策略问卷进行了调查,并对留学生进行了语音成绩测试。其中,《汉语语音学习策略问卷》的设计主要参照了Oxford的SILL语言学习策略量表,以及谢冰的《英语语音学习策略调查问卷》和Peterson的语音学习策略清单,通过前测,该问卷具有一定的信度。自行设计的语音清单包括一些外国留学生重点读音。对问卷调查和语音测试取得的数据用SPSS19.0软件包分别进行描述性统计,独立样本t检验,相关分析,方差分析和回归分析。本研究发现:(1)认知策略和记忆策略是英国学生学习中文时最常用策略,紧随其后的是情感、元认知、社会策略,而补偿策略使用最少。(2)拥有不同的族裔背景的学习者使用的发音学习策略大不相同。(3)高、低分组在六类汉语语音学习策略的使用上无显著差异,但在具体汉语语音学习策略的使用上,高分组更频繁地使用那些效果可能更好的语音学习策略,而低分组更频繁地使用那些效果可能较差的语音学习策略。在发音学习方面表现较好的学生倾向于使用认知策略。(4)华裔学生和英国学生在社会和情感策略选择上存在明显差异,华裔学生更倾向于使用社会情感策略。本研究结果表明:(1)汉语语音学习策略有助于语音教学,教师与学生应认识到汉语语音学习策略的重要性。(2)语音训练的准确程度会间接影响第二语言语音习得,学习者应重视语音训练。(3)应培养学习者学习策略学习的能力。最后,这项研究最后总结建议不同学习背景学习者选择针对性的学习策略,并且展望了对外汉语语音教学和语音学习策略的前景。

【Abstract】 The ever-increasing number of young foreigners learning Chinese is having a great impact on Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language. As a branch of L2learning, the study on the pronunciation learning strategies is very important. Pronunciation is the material crust of language, and its importance is beyond dispute in the communication. A good pronunciation plays a significant role in promoting Chinese language teaching. It not only helps foreign learners’Chinese language study, but also has a great influence on the acquisition of other language skills. Ambiguous pronunciation not only hinders the learner to communicate with Mandarin, but also have a certain influence on confidence and interests. Over the years, many researchers are fascinated by the study of the language; however, there were not enough attentions paid on the pronunciation study. The researchers successfully identified a number of variables affects in the2nd language acquisition field, but what they found had little associate with language learning strategies, not to mention the pronunciation learning strategies-the impact of acquisition of the pronunciation one of the crucial variables. Until relatively recently, there has been little academic consideration given to this area. The traditional pattern for pronunciation acquisition is focused on phonetic comparison and error analysis, neglecting the role that individual factors play in the learning process.This research project aims to analyses the condition of British learns’ pronunciation learning strategies. More specially, the study discusses the pronunciation learning strategies relationship between the different ethnic backgrounds. By examine the pronunciation level, the project then progress to analyses on how the strategies influence the pronunciation level.The Chinese Phenomenon learning strategies questionnaire designed by the Oxford’s "SILL Language Learning Strategies Inventory" and "English Pronunciation learning strategies questionnaire and a list of Peterson’s voice learning strategies". Based on the pretest, we found that the questionnaire has a certain degree of reliability. The voice list includes a number of pronunciations which British students should have learned. On questionnaires and the data obtained by the voice test, we use SPSS19.0software package for descriptive statistics, independent sample t-test, correlation analysis, analysis of variance and regression analysis.The research project discovered that:1) Learners from different ethnic backgrounds vary significantly on using pronunciation-learning strategies.2) Cognitive strategy and Memory strategy on pronunciation learning are most often used in British Chinese learners, while compensation strategies are the least.3) Good pronunciation learners tend to use cognitive strategies rather than others.4) Chinese students prefer to use the social strategies and affective strategies. The study concludes by suggesting the learners pay attention to the primary learning process and the usage of different learning strategies.The results of this study show that:1) Chinese language phenomenon learning strategies has impacts on language skills; teachers and students should pay attention on the importance of learning strategies of Chinese language phenomenon.2) The accuracy of voice training will indirectly affect the second language phenomenon acquisition; learners should pay attention to pronunciation training.3) Learners learning strategies should be trained.Finally, the study concluded that suggest a different academic background learners to select specific learning strategies. Some prospects of foreign language phenomenon teaching and learning strategies were given in the end of this paper.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南京大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期
  • 【分类号】H195
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】446

