

The Study of Social Work Intervention for the Migrant Children under the Perspective of Social-ecological Systems

【作者】 于卉

【导师】 马道明;

【作者基本信息】 南京大学 , 社会工作, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 大规模的人口流动迁移是我国工业化、城镇化进程中最显著的现象。数据显示2010年我国流动人口数量达2.21亿人,占全国人口总量的16.5%,其中14岁及以下儿童占流动人口总体20.8%。可见,儿童已成为流动人口的重要组成部分。城市中的农民工大多数面临农民、劳工、移民的“三重弱势”身份,流动儿童也面临着比较艰难的处境。社会工作是服务弱势群体的专业,规模庞大的流动儿童是其重点关注的群体之一。以往从社会工作视角对流动儿童的研究,或研究范围比较狭窄,可推广性不大,或对问题的阐释比较笼统,缺乏可操作性。本研究力图在前人研究成果、自我观察与实践的基础上全面了解流动儿童的生态系统状况,总结其面临的四大问题:教育问题(包括家庭教育、学校教育、社区教育、教育不公平)、卫生保健问题、心理健康问题以及社会融合问题,从而在社会生态系统理论的指导下,探索社会工作介入流动儿童服务领域的路径。本研究包括四大部分:第一部分:文献综述。阅读国内外相关文献,归纳出流动儿童问题主要有四各方面:教育、心理健康、卫生保健、社会融合等,这些即是社会工作需要解决的问题。第二部分:社会工作介入流动儿童服务的必要性分析。首先引入儿童福利、儿童权利与儿童需要的概念,说明流动儿童面临着福利匮乏、权利受损和需求得不到满足的困境,然后分别从价值观和专业伦理、理论依据、专业方法三个方面介绍社会工作介入流动儿童服务的专业优势。第三部分:社会生态系统理论与社会工作专业的契合。首先介绍社会生态系统理论,包括社会生态系统的三个层次及其相互作用、生态系统观点的基本假设,其次介绍生态系统观点下的社会工作,包括对于案主问题的界定、生态系统评估、干预原则以及干预方法与策略,这些是本研究的理论基础。第四部分:社会生态系统视角下的流动儿童社会工作介入。首先从整体上分析流动儿童的社会生态系统,包括微系统、中间系统、外部系统和宏系统,最后针对流动儿童的四类问题分别提出生态系统视角下社会工作介入的方法。

【Abstract】 Large-scale population mobility and migration is the most significant demographic phenomena in the process of industrialization and urbanization in China. The data show that the number of floating population in China in2010amounted to221million people, accounting for16.5%of the total population, and children under the age of14accounted for20.8percent of the mobile population overall. It is perceived that child has become an important part of the floating population. The majority of migrant workers in the city facing a triple disadvantaged status of the farmers, workers, immigrants, migrant children also faced with a difficult situation.Social work is a subject services of vulnerable groups, large-scale migrant children is one of the focus groups. Previous studies of migrant children from the perspective of social work are too narrow to be extended,or the interpretation is too general to be Implemented. This study sought to get a comprehensive understanding of the ecosystem conditions of migrant children on the basis of previous studies, self-observation and practice,and to summarize four major problems they face:education (including family education, school education, community education, education fair),health care issues, mental health problems and social integration.Then to explore the path of social work involved in the migrant children’s services.This study included four parts:Part Ⅰ:literature review. By reading the relevant literature,the problems of migrant children are summed up in four areas including education, mental health, health care and social integration, which are the fields social work need to be resolved.Part Ⅱ:Analysis of the necessity of social work services migrant children. First,the concept of child welfare,children’s rights and needs will be introduced to explain the fact that migrant children are faced with the lack of welfare, the right to be damaged and the needs are not met.And then elaborate the advantages of social work intervention from three aspects including the values and professional ethics, theoretical basis and the professional practices.Part Ⅲ:The fitness of social-ecological systems theory and the social work profession. First introduced the theory of social-ecological systems, including the three levels of social-ecological systems and their interactions, the basic assumptions of the ecosystem approach, followed by introduction of social work under the perspective of social-ecological systems,including the definition of the main issues of the case, ecosystem assessment, intervention principles and intervention methods.All of these are the theoretical basis of this study.Part Ⅳ:social work intervention for the migrant children under the perspective of social-ecological systems. First, there is an analysis of the migrant children’s social-ecological systems, including microsystems, Mesosystem, Exosystem and Macrosystem.Finally, the path of social work intervention for migrant children will be proposed under the perspective of social-ecological systems.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南京大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期
  • 【分类号】C916;D432.5
  • 【被引频次】17
  • 【下载频次】2770

