

Study on Embedded Sleep Monitor and Alarm System

【作者】 马文博

【导师】 张俊涛; 张开生;

【作者基本信息】 陕西科技大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 医学数据表明,夜间是疾病的高发期。急性心肌梗塞在夜间的发病率约占全天总发病率的一半,脑血栓患者在睡眠中发病猝死的人数高达70%~80%。另外,许多疾病也多在夜间加重,包括心功能不全、支气管炎、哮喘等。本课题对睡眠状态下的人进行实时监护,意外发生时采取合理措施,方便医护人员及时救治,可降低夜间突发疾病的危害性。嵌入式系统因其功耗低、效率高、性价比高、可靠性高、实时性强,支持多任务和占用空间小等特点,在医疗设备领域应用广泛。针对夜间突发疾病的救助问题,设计了嵌入式睡眠监控报警系统。它用于采集和分析用户在睡眠中的生理数据,当生理特征值出现异常征兆时,提供及时有效地报警措施,为患者争取宝贵的救助时间。研究内容主要包括:(1)硬件设计。系统分为采集处理和监控报警两个模块。采集处理模块由微控制器(LPC2103)、信号调理电路、无线发射电路、存储电路和工作电路(供电电路和复位电路)组成,可以实现的功能包括采集、调理、发送和存储睡眠中的生理信号(脉搏信号和体温值)。监控报警模块由微控制器(P89LPC935)、GSM模块TC35i、门控开关电路、无线接收电路和串口转USB接口电路组成,可以实现的功能包括电话报警、短信通知、自动开门、接收信号和PC机通信。(2)软件设计。根据μC/OS-Ⅱ嵌入式多任务实时操作系统的内核结构,给出了μC/OS-Ⅱ移植在LPC2103处理器上所需的条件和步骤。(3)生理分析与算法。在深入学习小波变换、多分辨率分析、Mallat算法和小波基函数的理论基础上,选用了阈值去噪法对脉搏信号小波去噪。从时域、频域、时频域和脉搏波特征量K值4个方面提取并分析了脉搏信号的特征值,根据参数范围初步诊断病情。实验结果表明,在不干扰用户正常睡眠的情况下,系统根据采集处理的脉搏信号和体温值,可以实现监控报警的功能。

【Abstract】 Large amount of medical statistical data showed that the highest incidenceof diseases occurs during nighttime. The incident of acute myocardial infarctionat night is accounted for about half of the overall incidence of all day. Suddendeath rate of patients with cerebral thrombus in sleep reaches as high as70%~80%. In addition, many diseases get aggravated more likely at night, includingcardiac dysfunction, bronchitis, asthma and so forth. The emphasis of the studyin this paper is the implementation of real-time monitoring of sleeping patientsand taking reasonable measures when accident happened, which helps medicalpersonnel provide convenient and timely treatment, reduce the danger of suddendiseases happened at night. The embedded system is widely used in the medicaldevice field because of its low power consumption, high efficiency, highreliability, high cost performance, good real-time, multi-task supporting and littlespace occupying.The system can collect, condition, store and analyze the physiology signalfrom users in sleep, to provide timely and effective warning alert measures whendetecting abnormal physiology signals and to win valuable time for patients’medical treatment. The subject mainly focus on the sudden night diseases aidingsituations, the content of the research consists of:(1) Hardware design.The system can be divided into Acquisition/Processingand Monitor/Alarm two modules. Function of Acquisition/Processing module isto collect, to condition, to store and to analyze the physiology signal (pulsesignal and body temperature) from users in sleep. This module consists ofmicrocontroller (LPC2103), signal adjust circuit,wireless transmitting circuit,memory circuit and operating circuit(supply circuit and reset circuit). Function ofMonitor/Alarm module is to realize telephone alarm, SMS notification, openingdoors automatically, signal receiving and PC set communication. This moduleconsists of microcontroller (P89LPC935), GSM module TC35i, gate controlswitch circuit, wireless transmitting circuit and serial port to USB module. (2) Software design.Based on the internal structure of μC/OS-II embeddedreal-time multitasking operating system, it is elaborated that the requiredprerequisite and steps to transplant μC/OS-II to LPC2103processor.(3) Analysis and arithmetic.Threshold de-noising method is chosen forpulse signal in wavelet de-noising on the theoretical basis of the further study onwavelet transform, multiresolution analysis, mallat algorithm and waveletfunction. Extract and analyze the pulse signal eigenvalue from time domain,frequency domain, time-frequency domain and pulse wave eigenvalue K fouraspects, and presumptively diagnose diseases from the parameter range.The experiment results show that, the system can realize monitor andalarm function based on pulse signal and body temperature from acquisition andprocessing without disturbing users’ morpheus.

【关键词】 睡眠嵌入式系统μC/OS-Ⅱ脉搏小波分析
【Key words】 sleepembedded systemμC/OS-IIpulsewavelet analysis

