

Study on Refining Properties of Kraft Bamboo Pulp

【作者】 吴乾斌

【导师】 张美云;

【作者基本信息】 陕西科技大学 , 工学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 由于森林资源短缺,我国造纸用纤维原料供应一直比较紧张,国内主要生产少量的木浆,较多的非木浆如稻麦草浆、竹浆、蔗渣浆和苇(荻)浆等。我国拥有丰富的竹林资源,全国有竹林面积约538.1万公顷,约占世界竹林总面积的1/4。竹子生长速度快,一次种植,可以多次砍伐利用,其纤维长度也比较长,是比较优良的造纸原料。目前我国制浆造纸开发利用的竹材还相对较少,主要是由于对竹材纤维的特性还没有完全掌握,缺乏利用竹材进行现代化制浆造纸的经验。本论文主要针对漂白硫酸盐竹浆在经过打浆后滤水困难的问题进行研究。研究了竹浆不同长度纤维组分在打浆过程中的纤维特性及成纸性能的变化,并且与阔叶木浆、麦草浆进行对比。通过研究主要得到以下结论:(1)截留在30目、50目、100目、200目筛网上的四种竹浆纤维性能差别不大,但是这四种浆料与竹浆原浆的浆料性能差别很大,这说明通过200目筛网的竹浆细小纤维组分的性能与竹浆长纤维组分的性能差别较大。(2)竹浆中含有约28%的细小纤维组分,细小纤维组分和长纤维组分的纤维特性差别很大,长纤维的细胞壁结构复杂,在打浆过程中较难分离出微细纤维,纤维润胀困难;细小纤维比表面积大,经过轻微打浆之后,充分吸水润胀,浆料的滤水性能下降,打浆度升高较快。(3)麦草浆的长纤维组分和细小纤维组分的纤维特性基本相同,阔叶木浆也是如此。(4)相同磨浆转数下,打浆度由高至低的顺序是:麦草浆>竹浆>阔叶木浆;麦草浆长纤维>阔叶木浆长纤维>竹浆长纤维。相同打浆度下,保水值由高至低的顺序是:麦草浆>竹浆>阔叶木浆;麦草浆长纤维>阔叶木浆长纤维>竹浆长纤维。细小纤维组分含量高的麦草浆和竹浆,经过轻微打浆之后,浆料容易吸水润胀,打浆度和保水值均较高;与竹浆长纤维相比,麦草浆和阔叶木浆的长纤维细胞壁结构简单,在打浆过程中容易分离出微细纤维,打浆度和保水值均较高。(5)麦草纤维的细胞壁较薄,在打浆的机械作用下容易破裂,分丝帚化和细纤维化较快,纤维间结合力较高,与纤维间结合力关系紧密的成纸抗张指数和耐破指数都较高,但是由于麦草纤维的平均长度较短,成纸的撕裂指数和耐折度均很低;竹浆纤维的平均长度较长,成纸的撕裂指数和耐折度均较高。(6)未经过打浆的竹浆细小纤维组分添加进经过打浆的竹浆长纤维浆料之后,相同磨浆转数下,其打浆度和保水值均比竹浆的低;打浆前期,其成纸的抗张指数、撕裂指数、耐破指数和耐折度较竹浆的高,打浆后期,比竹浆低。

【Abstract】 Because of shortage of forest resources, the supply of raw materials havebecome tight in China. Chinese have a small amount of wood pulp, but morenon-wood pulp. The main non-wood pulp are the rice straw pulp, wheat strawpulp, bamboo pulp, bagasse pulp and reed pulp. China has abundant bambooresources, the area of bamboo is about5.381million hectares, accounting for aquarter of the world bamboo area. Bamboo grows fast and can be repeatedly cutdown. Bamboo is an excellent paper material with its long fiber length.The utilization of bamboo is relatively little in pulp and paper industry dueto the lack of experience using bamboo in China. The characteristics of bamboofiber has not been fully predominated. This thesis mainly studied the filtration ofbleached kraft bamboo pulp. Studying the changes of bamboo fiber properties indifferent fiber lengths in comparison with the hardwood pulp and the wheatstraw pulp.This thesis obtain the following conclusions:(1)The bamboo pulp’sproperties of fiber length above30mesh,50mesh,100mesh and200mesh aresimilar. The four pulp are difference with the bamboo pure pulp. It is indicatedthat the bamboo fiber above200mesh is different from the bamboo fines.(2)Thebamboo pulp contains about28%of the fines which is very different from thelong-fiber components. The cell wall structure of long-fiber is complex, difficultto seperate more micro-fibers in the refining process, it swells difficult. Due tothe larger specific surface area, bamboo fines are fully swelling. Bamboo finesmakes the pulp filtrated difficulty, the beating degree rises faster after slightbeating action.(3) The properties of long fiber components of wheat straw pulpand the fines is similar. The properties of hardwood pulp’s long fiber and thefines is also similar.(4) Under the same refining revolutions, the beating degree’sorder is: wheat straw pulp> bamboo pulp> hardwood pulp; long fiber of wheatstraw> long fiber of hardwood> long fiber of bamboo. At the same beatingdegree, the water retention value’s order is: wheat straw pulp> bamboo pulp> hardwood pulp; long fiber of wheat straw> long fiber of hardwood> long fiber ofbamboo. Due to high content of fines, the cell wall of the wheat straw pulp andbamboo pulp is easy breaked and swell, beating degree and water retention valueis higher than that of hardwood pulp. Compared with the bamboo long fiber,wheat straw fiber and hardwood pulp fiber’s cell wall structure is simple andeasy breaked, the beating degree and water retention value is higher than bamboolong fiber in the refining operate.(5) Wheat straw fiber’s cell wall is thin andeasily ruptured when refining. It microfibrilling faster and strengthen the bindingforce of fibers. The tensile index and burst index is high because of the high fiberbinding force. Due to the short fiber length of wheat straw pulp, the tear indexand folding endurance is low. Due to the long average fiber length, the tear indexand folding endurance of bamboo pulp is high.(6) The fines without refining isadded into the refined bamboo long fiber pulp makes the beating degree and thewater retention value lower than the bamboo pulp. The tensile index, tear index,burst index and folding endurance are higher than the pure bamboo pulp at theearly stage, but are lower than the pure bamboo pulp at the late stage.

【关键词】 竹浆阔叶木浆麦草浆细小纤维打浆
【Key words】 Bamboo pulpHardwood pulpWheat pulpFinesRefining

