

Study of Low Density and Middle Strength Oil Fracturing Proppant

【作者】 曹佳媚

【导师】 任强;

【作者基本信息】 陕西科技大学 , 材料工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 在石油的开采过程中,压裂工艺技术能使油田增产,而用来支撑裂缝的固体颗粒被称为石油压裂支撑剂,支撑剂性能的优劣对油气开采的压裂效果具有重大影响。本文介绍了目前国内外石油压裂支撑剂的发展现状,针对国内在低密度支撑剂制备方面存在的技术问题进行了研究。以铝矾土、高岭土、伊利石为主要原料,以滑石和氟化铝为矿化剂,采用传统烧结方法制备了Al2O3含量在60wt%~65wt%之间的低密度中强度的石油压裂支撑剂,研究了不同的矿化剂及其含量、铝矾土的含量、烧成温度及其保温时间、原料细度等对支撑剂性能的影响,通过X射线衍射仪(XRD)和扫描电子显微镜(SEM)对支撑剂的晶体结构和表面形貌进行了分析,研究得到以下结论:(1)以铝矾土、伊利石和高岭土为主要原料,通过配方及原料加工工艺的优化,在1320℃~1360℃下,能够制备密度、强度和耐酸性等质量指标符合国家标准的低密度中强度石油压裂支撑剂。(2)随着支撑剂配方中铝矾土含量的增加,支撑剂的烧结温度提高、密度增大、强度增大、耐酸性提高。(3)配料中引入少量的滑石作为矿化剂,能够降低支撑剂的烧结温度,同时降低支撑剂的密度。在铝矾土、伊利石、高岭土的含量分别为62wt%,26wt%,12wt%时,最佳的外加量是2wt%。(4)配料中引入少量的氟化铝作为矿化剂,能够提高支撑剂的强度,同时提高支撑剂的耐酸性。在铝矾土、伊利石、高岭土的含量分别为62wt%,26wt%,12wt%时,最佳的外加量是2wt%。(5)配方相同的条件下,烧成工艺制度对支撑剂的性能影响较大。在烧结温度范围的下限附近烧成的支撑剂强度较高,适当的高温保温能够提高支撑剂的强度和耐酸性,同时密度也略有提高。(6)降低原料的颗粒细度能够促进烧结并提高支撑剂的强度和耐酸性能。配方为铝矾土66wt%,伊利石26wt%,高岭土8wt%,外加2wt%滑石时,原料平均粒度为2.802μm的支撑剂在1340℃保温1h的条件下有较高的强度、较好的耐酸性能,支撑剂的体密度为1.55g/cm~3,视密度为2.79g/cm~3,52MPa闭合压力下破碎率为8.72%,酸溶解度为4.5%,达到了低密度中强度石油压裂支撑剂的性能要求。

【Abstract】 The fracturing technology is contribute to improve oil production.Oilfracturing proppant is a lot of solid particles which can prop up fractures, effectof properties of proppants on the fracturing result of oil and gas well productionis evident.Oil fracturing proppant is a lot of solid particles which can prop up fractures,effect of properties of proppants on the fracturing result of oil and gas wellproduction is evident.The developing situations of oil fracturing proppants are introduced in thispaper,the technical problems of internal low-density proppants is studied. Thelow-density and middle-strength oil fracturing proppant was prepared bytraditional method using bauxite, kaolinite, illite as main raw, talc and aluminumfluoride as mineralizers, its content of Al2O3is60wt%~65wt%. The influencesof raw material matching, mineralizers, size, firing temperature and holding timeon the properties were studied, the phase composition and microstructure of theproppant were investigated by XRD and SEM. The paper obtains the followingmain conclusions:(1)The low-density and middle-strength oil fracturing proppant usingbauxite, illite and kaolinite as the main raw materials was prepared through theoptimization of formulation and process of raw materials under1320℃~1360℃,its quality indicators such as density, strength and acid resistance meet nationalstandards.(2)The sintering temperature,density, strength and acid resistance wasincreased as the increase of bauxite content in proppant.(3)The sintering temperature and density of proppant was reduced when asmall amount of talc as the mineralizer. When bauxite content was62wt%, illitewas26wt%, kaolinite was12wt%, the best addition of talc was2wt%. (4)The strength and acid resistance of proppant was improved when a smallamount of aluminum fluoride as the mineralizer. When bauxite content was62wt%, illite was26wt%, kaolinite was12wt%, the best addition of aluminumfluoride was2wt%.(5)The properties of proppant was affected by the firing process systemunder the condition of the same formula, the strength of proppant was highernear the lower limit of the sintering temperature range, suitable hightemperature insulation can improve the strength and acid resistance of theproppant, and the density was increased slightly.(6)The reduce of the particle fineness of raw materials can promotesintering of proppant and can improve the strength and acid resistance of theproppant, when the formula is bauxite66wt%, illite26wt%, kaolin8wt%, talc2wt%, and the average particle size of the raw materials is2.802μm, thesample has a higher strength and a better acid resistance under1340℃for1h, thesample met the property requirements of low-density and middle-strength oilfracturing proppant, its apparent density was2.79g/cm~3, its damage rate was8.72%under52MPa closed pressure, its acid solubility was4.5%.


