

Research on Vibration Characteristics and Topology Optimization of the Vertical Processing Center Headstock

【作者】 谷玉芳

【导师】 张功学;

【作者基本信息】 陕西科技大学 , 机械制造及其自动化, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 加工中心作为基础机械产品,是先进制造技术的载体和装备工业的基本生产手段,它直接影响到我国的自动化水平和国防科技的建设。而作为高档数控机床的高速立式加工中心,最重要的性能指标是其动态性能指标(振动、噪声、稳定性等)。对于加工中心系统而言,其动态特性的好坏将直接影响加工中心加工精度的好坏,所以机床振动控制的研究对整个机械行业有重要的现实意义。主轴箱是立式加工中心的关键部件,其动静性能和抗振性能的好坏将直接决定加工中心的性能好坏。本论文对高速立式加工中心主轴箱进行了动静态特性分析和优化设计。通过本课题的研究设计出了相对最优的主轴箱方案,保证了主轴箱的静态特性,很大幅度地提高了其动态特性。本文的设计方法为以后同类设计和研究提供了很好的技术支持。首先对原始结构的主轴箱进行了静力学分析、模态分析和谐响应分析。得出其相应的静变形、各阶固有频率和相应的振型、谐响应位移等,由结果看出其抗振性能不足,不能很好的满足结构设计的需要。其次将蜂窝结构引用到主轴箱设计中来,蜂窝材料不仅具有良好的比强度和比刚度,而且还有良好的抗振和电磁屏蔽等多种功能。采用Solidworks三维建模软件建立了蜂窝结构的主轴箱模型,在有限元分析软件ANSYS Workbench中进行有限元分析,步骤大致为材料的设置、边界条件和载荷的确定以及求解结果。分别进行了静力学分析、模态分析和谐响应分析。将蜂窝结构主轴箱与原始结构主轴箱进行动静态特性的对比,结果表明蜂窝结构的主轴箱能够提高X方向的静态性能,并且动态性能方面也是蜂窝结构的主轴箱较优些。再次对蜂窝结构的主轴箱进行了优化设计。对其进行了拓扑优化,根据优化结果设计了新的蜂窝结构的主轴箱。优化后的主轴箱在能保证静态性能的基础上动态性能有了很大的提高。通过本课题的研究,提高了主轴箱的抗振性能,得出了相对最优的主轴箱设计方案。为了验证理论分析结果的正确性,对加工中心样机进行了动静刚度的测试试验,设计了该试验的试验方案,分析了测试结果。由于理论分析时的简化和测试时的一些误差,使得测试结果与理论分析的结果有些差距,但是动静刚度的变化趋势是一样的。

【Abstract】 Processing center as the foundation of mechanical products is thecarrier of advanced manufacturing technology and the basic mean ofproduction of the equipment industry. It directly affects the level ofautomation and the construction of national defense. As the High-endCNC machine tools, the dynamic performance (vibration, noise, stability,etc.) is the most important performance indicator. For the processingcenter system, its performance will directly influence the accuracy ofmachining centers, so the research on machine tool vibration controllinghas the important practical significance for the mechanical industry. Theheadstock is the key component of vertical machining center, its staticand dynamic performance and vibration resistance will directly determinethe performance quality of the machining center.This paper analyzes of the static and dynamic characteristic andoptimization of the vertical machining headstock. Relative optimalheadstock was designed by the research of this subject, which not onlyensures that static characteristics of the headstock, but also improves itsdynamic characteristics. This paper provides technical support for thesimilar design and research in the future.First, it gives the static analysis, modal analysis and harmoniousresponse analysis for the headstock of the original structure. Then thepaper gets their static deformation, the natural frequencies and the modeshapes. The result shows that the anti-vibration performance isinsufficient, and it cannot meet the needs of the structure design.Second, the paper leads the honeycomb material into the design ofthe headstock. The cellular material has not only good specific strengthand specific stiffness, but also a good anti-vibration and electromagnetic shielding. We use the Solidworks3D modeling software to establish thehoneycomb structure of the headstock model, and finish finite elementanalysis in the ANSYS Workbench software. The steps include settingmaterial, determining the boundary conditions, loads, and solving theresults. The paper carries out static analysis, modal analysis and harmonicresponse analysis on the honeycomb structure headstock. It also contraststhe honeycomb structure headstock to the original structure headstock. Itshow that honeycomb structure headstock is better that the originalstructure headstock.Third, the honeycomb structure of the headstock has been optimized.First analyzes the topology optimization of the honeycomb structureheadstock. According to the results, we put forward a new type ofheadstock structure. After the optimization, the headstock staticperformance was kept, but the dynamic performance was improvedsignificantly. Through the research on this subject, we can improve theanti-vibration performance of the headstock and obtain the most optimumdesign of the headstock.The final part of this paper describes the process of static stiffnesstest on machining center. And it also designs a test scheme and makes awell analysis on the test results. Because of the simplification onmachining center model in computer analysis and some experiment error,it will produce some differences in the two kinds of results. But the totallaws of stiffness changing are the same in the results.


