

The Produoctive Audience in Ten Years——The Study on Internet Writer

【作者】 韩学历

【导师】 阙岳;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 传播学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 互联网的出现和电脑的普及降低了文学写作和发表的门槛,让大众获得了更多参与文学创作和阅读的机会,带动网络文学的繁荣,加速网络写手的数量增加。网络写手之所以出现,是因为互联网没有限制的发表体制和便捷的传播途径。“门槛”的虚无促使本来身为读者的网民摇身化作网络写手,阅读性受众能够根据自己的社会经验重新解读文本,生产出自己的文化,从阅读性受众转化为生产性受众。生产性受众即网络写手主动创作,从大众传媒资源中获取自己的意义,创建自己的文化。我国的网络用户数量庞大,网络文学用户在网络用户中占有很大的比例,网络写手是网络文学的创作主体,从读者变为写手,角色互换。网络文学在批判声中成长,新媒介语境下,网络写手群体从新型群体发展成网络的主流群体之一,对网络写手的研究有着重要的意义。

【Abstract】 The rapidly growing popularity of the Internet reduces the threshold of literary writing and published, and let the public get more involved in the creation and reading of literature, which led to the prosperity of the network literature, to accelerate the increase in the number of online writers. The network of writers has arisen because the Internet does not limit the publishing system and convenient route of transmission. Nothing to promote the "threshold" originally, as readers of Internet users suddenly turned into a network of writers. Readability audiences according to their social experience to re-interpret the text to produce its own culture, from the read Xing audience into productive audience. Productive audience that online writers take the initiative to create, obtain their own meaning from the mass media resources to create their own culture. A huge number of network users, network literature A large proportion of users in the network users, network writers is the main body of the creation of the network literature, from the readers become writers, the roles were reversed. In the context of new media, online writers groups from the new groups to develop into one of the dominant groups of the network, research has important implications for online writers.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 09期

