

The Causes of Tibetan Fish Avoidance and Its Changes

【作者】 温梦煜

【导师】 洲塔;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 藏学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 藏族不吃鱼的现象由来已久,史料记载最早的时间可追溯至雅隆部落时期。藏族食鱼规避经历了一系列的演变,从雅隆部落时期的食鱼禁忌演变为现今的不吃鱼。与此同时,每个时期藏区都存在一部分吃鱼、捕鱼的藏族人。藏族人对鱼肉的否定态度首先源于高原鱼生长速度缓慢。根据最佳搜寻理论,高原鱼的热量回报率远低于一头牛或羊的回报率。其次,鱼对于藏族而言是一种穷人的食物。此外,苯教和藏传佛教加强和维护了藏族不吃鱼的习俗。在苯教中,鱼是鲁神的象征,这赋予了高原鱼神圣性。藏传佛教宣扬不杀生观念,这阻止了藏族人捕鱼和食鱼的行为。然而由于藏传佛教并未明令命令禁止食用鱼肉,而更倾向于禁止捕鱼。这也是食鱼禁忌淡化为不吃鱼甚至可以吃鱼的原因之一。造成这一变化的其他原因是鱼在藏传佛教中的去神圣性、藏区渔业的开发、运输业与餐饮业的发展。本文以历史史料和调查资料为依托,在国内外已有的研究成果和相关理论的基础上,从民族学、历史学、生物学等多角度重点探究藏族不吃鱼这一饮食习俗的演变及原因。本文分为五个部分。第一部分为绪论,该章包括选题缘起、研究方法和研究综述,藏区的自然资源及生计方式,并详细介绍了国外人类学家研究饮食禁忌和偏好的相关研究成果,为课题提供了论述背景和理论支持;第二章主要论述了从新石器时期到当今藏族对鱼的态度及其演变过程;第三章主要从高原鱼的生物特性、藏族的生计方式、苯教和佛教的影响这几个方面详细论述了藏族不吃鱼的原因;第四章从宗教变迁、渔业的发展及长途运输业的发展来阐释藏族食鱼禁忌淡化的原因;最后一部分文章结语。

【Abstract】 Tibetans have refused to eat fishes for a long time, which at least can date from the period of Yarlung Dynasty in the history documents. The custom of Tibetan fish avoidance has been through a series of changes, from fish taboo in the period of the Yarlung Dynasty to the custom of no eating fishes nowadays. Otherwise there’re a small parts of Tibetan who eat fish and fishing through the whole Tibetan history.Firstly, Tibetan denial attitude towards fish is because fishes in the Tibetan plateau usually grow slowly. According to the optimal foraging theory, fishes in the Tibetan plateau provided lower calorie for human being than the yaks and goats do. Secondly, fish is the food for the poor in the conception of Tibetan people. Furthermore, the Bon religion and Tibetan Buddhism strengthens and maintains the custom of fish avoidance. In the Bon religion, fish is the symbol of the klu deity, which endows the fish holiness. Then Tibetan people have been preventing from eating fishes and fishing by the conception of ahimsa in Tibetan Buddhism. But in Tibetan Buddhism, there’re no obvious rules prohibited believers from eating fishes and be opt to fishing prohibition. This is one of the reasons which lead to the conversion of fish taboo to fish avoidance. And the rest reasons are the de-holiness of fishes in Tibetan Buddhism, the explosion of fishery, the development of transportation and catering.This paper is based on the history documents and field survey, and combined the domestic and international existing research results and theories. The general idea of the article is to look into the causes of Tibetan fish avoidance and its changes ethnologically, historically, biologically.Five chapters are composed of the paper. Chapter one is the introduction, containing the value of the thesis theme, the research methods and the academic history of this topic, and especially introduces the research results about the food prejudice and taboo abroad. Chapter two is mainly about Tibetan attitude to fish eating and its changes from Neolithic times to these days. Chapter three expounds the causes of Tibetan avoidance. Chapter four discusses why fish taboo turned to fish avoidance. And the last part of the article is the conclusion.

【关键词】 藏族食鱼舰避食鱼禁忌不吃鱼演变原因
【Key words】 Tibetanfish avoidancefish taboono eating fisheschangesreasons
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期

