

Geophysical Detection of Municipal Solid Waste

【作者】 王少一

【导师】 张虎元;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 地质工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 固体废弃物(MSW)即城市垃圾,是指在城市日常生活中或者为城市日常生活提供服务的活动中产生的固体废物以及法律、行政法规规定视为城市生活垃圾的固体废物。采用高密度电阻率法和多道瞬态面波法分别对所处半干旱地区的兰州市伏龙坪垃圾填埋场和野狐沟垃圾填埋场进行现场探测,通过室内试验和现场探测结果研究了半干旱地区垃圾填埋场的地球物理特性。室内对含水率、密度、有机质含量、颗粒分析、易溶盐成分、矿物组成及电阻率性质测试。对野狐沟垃圾填埋场试样进行含水率测试得出,深度7.4-19m位置含水率范围在20-25%左右,深度19-25m位置处含水率变化范围在5-10%内。密度测试结果,在深度7.4-17m范围密度随深度增加而递减,在深度17-25m时密度随深度增加而增加。有机质测试结果显示,深度在7.4-11m内,随深度增加有机质含量增大,当深度继续增加时,有机质含量又呈减少趋势。在垃圾填埋场的一定深度范围内,填埋固体废弃物性质变化基本一致,在达到某深度处时存在性质改变的拐点。进行易溶盐分析得出,在埋深12-13m位置处,阴阳离子含量都达到最大值,在18-19m埋深以下,易溶盐主要以芒硝和石膏的形式存在,基本无变化。矿物成分测试结果显示,12-13m深度以上不存在白云石和伊利石,随深度增加石英含量减少,钠长石含量增加,其余矿物变化不明显。填埋固体废弃物的深度不同,固体废弃物组分也会随着改变。填埋所在环境不同,组成的矿物成分也不同,显示了固体废弃物组成的复杂性。现场运用高密度电阻率法和多道瞬态面波法分别对伏龙坪垃圾填埋场和野狐沟垃圾填埋场进行勘测研究。首次在半干旱地区对填埋的固体废弃物进行比较系统地勘测,利用高密度电阻率法勘探结果为伏龙坪垃圾填埋场上覆盖层的电阻率大于39.70Ω·m,而生活垃圾的电阻率值小于18.60Ω·m。野狐沟垃圾填埋场上覆盖层电阻率大于38.20Ω·m,而生活垃圾的电阻率值小于38.20Ω·m,填埋的生活垃圾中带有较多的高阻异常区,说明填埋场中填埋成分的复杂程度。利用多道瞬态面波法勘探结果为伏龙坪垃圾填埋场上覆盖层的瑞利波速大约在150-170m/s之间,而生活垃圾的瑞利波速大约在130-180m/s之间。野狐沟垃圾填埋场上覆盖层瑞利波速在143-198m/s,下部生活垃圾的瑞利波速在171-179m/s左右。这处在半干旱地区兰州市填埋固体废弃物的地球物理探测积累了资料,填补了兰州市填埋固体废弃物地球物理探测的空白。

【Abstract】 Municipal solid waste (MSW) or named municipal waste is defined the one produced in urban everyday life and services provided, and ruled by laws and administrative laws and regulations. This paper studied the geophysical characteristics of Fulongping landfill and Yehugou landfill field in lanzhou city, which located in semiarid region, by exploring with the high density resistivity method and multi-channel transient surface wave method and researching with laboratory test.The water content change of Yehugou landfill is20-25%and5-10%at the depth of7.4-19m and20-25m, respectively. The density of it decreases as the depth increases from7.4m to17m, but increase as the depth increases from17m to25m. In depth of landfills, within the scope of solid waste landfill properties change basic consistent, in the depths to certain existing properties change a turning point.As to the organic content, it presents parabola. The result of soluble salt indicates that the maximum of ion content occurs at the depth of12-13m, and the soluble salt at the depth of18-19m is mainly mirabilite and gypsum. The content of quartz and albite increases with the increasing of depth but of others mineral vary little. There is not dolomite and illite at the depth of12-13m. The depth of the solid waste landfill different, solid waste as components change. The environment where landfill different, composed of mineral composition is different also, the display of the solid waste of the complexity of the composition.The results of field exploration indicates:(i) the resistivity in overburden layer of Fulongping landfill and Yehugou landfill is39.70Ω·m and38.20Ω·m, respectively,(ii) the resistivity of life rubbish in these landfill is less than18.60Ω·m and38.20Ω·m.(iii) the wave velocity in overburden layer of Fulongping landfill and Yehugou landfill is about150-170m/s and179-198m/s, respectively,(iv) the wave velocity of life rubbish in these landfill is130-150m/s and143-198m/s. Therefore, there are many anomaly region of high resistance in landfill and its compounds are complicated.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 09期

