

Network Feminist Novels

【作者】 宋玉霞

【导师】 冯欣;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 随着互联网的普及,网络文学的蓬勃发展,网络文学研究已成为文学理论研究的一个热点,但是专门针对网络女性文学的研究还较少,有深入探索的空间。本文以网络生态的实地观察、数据统计、理论和文本分析相结合方式,对网络女性小说进行了多方位研究。首先以实地观察的方法介绍了网络女性小说的创作平台和消费机制;在梳理清楚网络女性小说的题材类型后,以数据统计为基础,介绍了目前网络女性小说的典型题材,分析其塑造的平凡型、魅力型、强势型女性形象和偶像型、被看型男性形象,以及这些典型题材和典型人物形象背后的创作与阅读心理。最后,以这些分析为依据,对网络女性小说的制度特质、精神特质和性别意识进行了进一步解读:网络女性小说一方面具有自由的本性,却逐渐被收编在文化产业的链条中;网络女性小说在题材上“务虚”超过了“务实”,这种幻想性是女性对于现实生活的一种“出走”,但小说的情感与精神内核是基于和指向现实的;在性别意识上,女性一方面强调个体独立自主,另一方面又执着地在小说中塑造男性偶像,犹如“失笼的囚徒”,女性性别解放的道路依然漫长。

【Abstract】 At present, with the popularization of internet, network literature develops rapidly. Network literature study has become a hotspot of literature theory study. However there are seldom studies technically aiming at network feminist novels, so more researches are necessary. In this paper, the network of ecological field observations, statistics, text reading, and a combination of theoretical deduction, a full range of network female fiction.First, introduced the first field observation network creative platform and consumption of the female novel mechanism; Distinguish clearly the theme of the network of female fiction type, based on statistics, describes the typical of the network of female fiction, and analysis of the shape of the ordinary type, charismatic, story female image and idol type, see type image, as well as behind the creation of these typical themes and Typical image in Reading Psychology. Finally, these analyzes based on the institutional characteristics of the network of female fiction, ethos and gender awareness further interpretation:network of women fiction on the one hand has the nature of freedom, has gradually been incorporated in the chain cultural industries; network of women in the themes of the story "retreat" more than "pragmatic", this illusion is the women’s a "running away" in real life, but the emotional and spiritual core of the novel is realistic. On gender awareness, women, while emphasizing independence, the other hand, persistent shaping male idol in the novel, like a prisoner losing of the cage. Female gender liberation is still a long road.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期

