

Numerical Simulation Research on Impact of Large-scale Wind Farms on Regional Climate

【作者】 胡菊

【导师】 王澄海;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 气象学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 本文利用A1B情境下的EH50M数据,用RegCM对河西走廊酒泉千万千瓦基地的大型风电场的长期气候效应进行了模拟研究,得到了大型风电场建成后30年边界层和温度湿度等气象要素的变化特征。结果表明:(1).大型风电场建成后边界层高度和垂直风切变强度增加,大气边届层变得更为不稳定,而风电场产生的机械湍流与午后局地加热产生的热力湍流互相促进,湍流变得更加强烈,使风电场下游较远的地方边界层高度仍然有显著增高,夜间机械湍流受到大气稳定层结的抑制,影响较弱;(2).大型风电场的建设会使风电场及其下游地区600hPa以下大气的温度升高最大0.3℃,湿度降低0.2g/kg,600hPa以上高空温度和湿度变化不明显;(3).由于地形等综合因素的影响,风电场的建设,河西走廊南侧可能会产生较强地形波,由于非拦截地形波将高空的动量下传,使得河西走廊的局部地区风速增强;而风向的改变主要表现为从南北两侧向风电场及其下游地区辐合;(4).对边界层高度、气温、湿度、风速和风向等的影响具有明显的日变化特征;白天温度较高、风速较大、大气层结不稳定时,各类气象要素变化剧烈,而夜间温度较低、风速较小、大气层结稳定时各类气象要素变化幅度较小;(5).风电场主要通过影响对流性降水的时间影响区域降水,风电场建成后,其周边地区的对流降雨日增加1-1.5日/年,但是由于水汽减少和地形等因素的影响,一些地区的降水量没有增加,反而减少2-3mm。

【Abstract】 Useing the EH50M model data under the A1B scenario,this study researches the impact of large-scale wind farms, Jiuquan ten million kilowatts base in the Gansu Corridoron, on regional climate with regional climate model.The changes characteristics in boundary layer, temperature, humidity and other variables are analyzed caused by large-scale wind farm in next30years.The results show that:(1) while the large-scale wind farm set up, the atmospheric boundary layer will be more unstable, both the boundary layer height (PBLH) and the vertical wind shear will be rise;due to the mechanical turbulence caused by wind turbines, the thermal turbulence caused by local heating in afternoon will facilitate each other and become stronger, the increase of PBLH is still very large from the wind farm in the wind direction,while because of the suppression of the mechanical turbulence caused by wind turbines in stable air at night.(2) After the large-scale wind farm was settd up, temperature increased by0.3℃and humidity reduced by200mg/kg below600hPa at the wind farm, the down stream region of the wind farm, while the changes of them above600hPa are not obvious.(3)as the result of the effect of topography, topographic waves occurred,which transports the momentum from high lays and leads to increasing of wind speed at some part of Gansu Corridor.(4) There are obviously diurnal changes of PBLH, temperature, humidity, wind speed and direction. In daytime, with higher temperatures and wind speed, the unstable atmospheric stratification is more obvious than it at night.(5)Wind farms effects regional precipitation mainly through changing convective precipitation time;convective rain day increased1-1.5day/year around the wind farm, but due to the reducing of water vapor, the effect of terrain, precipitation in some areas will be reduced about2-3mm.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 09期

