

An Analysis of the Humanity Basis of Mencius’s Political Thought

【作者】 何小双

【导师】 乔健;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 专门史, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 作为儒家代表之一的孟子,是孔子思想体系最重要的继承者。他明确提出了性善论,并在性善论的基础上建构起一套具有完整体系的政治理论。孟子的这套政治理论主要围绕四大主题展开,即以天人合一奠定终极依据,以性善论提供德性凭借,以内圣外王描摹政治理想,以德主刑辅为具体治道。从而将政治与伦理紧密联系了起来,为儒家伦理政治化、政治伦理化奠定了理论基础。因此孟子的性善论与政治思想是一个不可分割的整体,离开性善论,孟子的政治思想就失去了内在的根据;离开政治思想,性善论的地位和作用也将一定程度地降低。

【Abstract】 Mencius is one of the representatives of the Confucianism. And he is also one of the most important inherits of Confucianism that Confucius founds. He clearly puts forward the theory of good nature. An embryo of the whole Confucian system base on the theory of good nature is formed. The political thought of Mencius opens up around four themes. First, the relation between Heaven and Man is regarded as the ultimate foundation. Second, it regards the theory of good nature as its virtue evidence. Third, it portrays the political ideal as one who dominates by his saintly virtue. Forth, the rule of virtue with punishment as supplement is considered the essence of the institution of ethical politics. And then he takes an ethics view of politics, this helps people complete the mutual assimilation of ethics and politics. So Mencius’s political theory will lose the inherent basis without the theory of good nature. And the status and role of the theory of good nature will also be greatly lowered without the political thought of Mencius.

【关键词】 天人性善合法性
【Key words】 the theory of good natureheaven-man relationshipthe legitimacy
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期

