

"Talent Paradox" Phenomenon of College Graduates Employment in Western Minority Areas

【作者】 何晓波

【导师】 陈文江;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 社会学, 2012, 硕士


【摘要】 人才匮乏对于我国民族地区社会经济发展而言一直是一个十分突出的问题,针对这一问题,党中央和政府长期关注对民族地区人才资源的开发,利用高校扩招、民族优惠政策等机会为这些地区培养了大批高素质、高学历的本地人才。然而随着这些人才的产生,出现了令人不解的现象:一方面,民族地区的人才匮乏问题至今仍未得到令人满意的解决,另一方面,这些地区的大学毕业生就业难、行政事业单位人满为患的状况又摆在我们眼前。本文认为这是一种“人才悖论”现象,已经成为当前民族地区社会经济发展面临的严峻问题之一,需要我们认真加以研究。本文试图运用社会学的理论与方法,力图解读当前民族地区“人才悖论”现象,描述其真实状态,分析其产生的社会根源。通过对对毕业生就业时的理性选择、民族地区社会经济结构、就业过程中政府与待就业群体的相互博弈、就业过程中社会网络的作用以及社会意识对毕业生择业观的影响等因素的分析与解释,得出民族地区出现“人才悖论”现象的原因:1、民族地区社会产业结构的失衡导致人才供需错位、就业矛盾突出;2、部分高等院校专业设置与市场需求脱节;3、基于个人的理性选择致使民族地区行政事业单位“人满为患”;4、就业过程中的博弈使得双方都在次优的层次上做出选择;5、传统社会意识影响毕业生的择业观。与此同时,落后的社会经济条件下产生的滞后的人才政策使民族地区地方政府背上沉重的负担。笔者发现民族地区人才已形成一种恶性循环的局面,归根结底,民族地区“社会经济发展滞后”是此问题的症结所在。这一问题需要整个社会共同努力面对。本文也对民族地区“人才悖论”现象今后的发展趋势做出悲观的前景与乐观的前景的预测,这些前景彼此直接对立,但却代表了依据今天的发展趋势所做的符合逻辑的推断。希望本文的研究能对西部民族地区人才问题今后的开发做出一定的贡献,也希望能对以后对于此问题的研究者给予一定的帮助。

【Abstract】 For a long time, the socio-economic development of the western minority areas in China lags far behind other areas. Many reasons result in this phenomenon, apart from unpleasant geography and climate, one crucial factor cannot be neglected is the shortage of talents. To solve this problem, China has stepped up efforts to cultivate talents in minority areas by way of expanding college enrollment and ethnic preferential policies for minority areas in recent years. Through these measures, China has cultivated a large number of high-quality, highly educated local talents for these areas. However, there is a puzzling phenomenon in minority areas:on the one hand, the problem of lack of talents has not yet been satisfactorily resolved, on the other hand, college graduates face serious problem in finding jobs and the administrative departments are overcrowding. Therefore it is of great significance for us to conduct a research on the "talent paradox" phenomenon in minority areas.This article is composed of five chapters, trying to explain the social causes of the talent paradox phenomenon. We use relevant sociological theories to analyze the college graduates’rational choice in the midst of employment, the social and economic structure of minority areas, the game between the employment groups and government in the course of employment, the role of social networks and social consciousness in the course of employment. Based on these analyses, we come to the conclusion that the causes of "talent paradox" phenomenon include:1. It is a rational choice for most graduates to find jobs in hometown;2. The imbalance of social industrial structure lead to the contradictions in employment;3. Majors of some colleges cannot meet the market needs;4.The game in the employment process leads to both sides making a choice in the sub-optimal levels;5. The traditional social consciousness, corrected influence graduates. At the same time, the backward social economic conditions of the lag of produce talent policy to make the national regions local government back of the heavy burden. The author found that national area talent has formed a vicious circle of the situation, in the final analysis, the social economic development behind in race region is the profound reason. It is the whole society’s responsibility to take effective measures to solve this problem.This study makes both pessimistic and optimistic prediction on the "talent paradox" phenomenon of minority areas. It seems a paradoxical prediction, but it represents a logical inference made based on today’s development trends.We sincerely hope that this study can make some contribution to the development of talents in minority areas and provide some help for the further researches on this problem.

【关键词】 民族地区人才就业人才悖论
【Key words】 Minority areastalentEmploymenttalent paradox
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 09期

