

Urban Material-Metabolism Evolution and Regulation in Zhangye

【作者】 王红娟

【导师】 陈兴鹏;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 人文地理学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 城市是一个以人类活动为中心的社会-经济-自然复合生态系统。高投入、低产出、高污染的粗放型城市发展模式导致了一系列严重的结构性隐患与环境问题,如环境污染、资源短缺、效率低下等,对我国的城市生态系统和居民健康产生了一系列惩罚性影响。从本质上讲,上述问题大部分与城市代谢相关,如代谢通量大、代谢结构不合理、代谢效率低等问题导致城市代谢过程紊乱。城市代谢是城市功能得以维持的基础。只有从代谢角度入手才能真正深入研究城市生态环境、资源消费、经济活动水平等方面的各种城市问题。因此,对城市代谢机理的评估就成为一个重要的研究课题。本文以城市生态系统为研究对象,核算城市资源环境及经济发展代谢状况,采用能值分析方法核算系统各种能量流、物质流,在构建的基本指标体系的基础上,构建包括城市代谢流量、代谢结构、代谢影响和代谢效率的城市代谢评价指标体系,并在此基础上构建了城市生态系统健康评价指标(EUEHI)。以张掖城市生态系统为例,核算了张掖市2001-2010年城市代谢能力,评价了张掖市生态系统健康水平的多年演变趋势。通过对张掖市张掖2001-2010年城市代谢能值的时间序列分析,代谢结构以本地自然资源开发利用为主,对外界输入依赖度较低,对可更新资源依赖度有上升趋势,废弃物排放有上升趋势,但在系统承载能力范围内,生态系统健康指数呈上升趋势。本文将能值理论分析方法创新性的运用到城市代谢能力的评价中去,为定量分析城市生态系统提供一种新思路,有助于完善城市生态系统研究理论与方法学体系,弥补我国当前在此领域研究较少的现状,为我国城市的健康发展与政府综合管理提供科学依据。

【Abstract】 City is a social-economic-natural complex ecosystem, taking human activity as the center. High input, low output, high pollution of the extensive mode of city development has caused a series of serious structural problems and environmental problems, such as environmental pollution, shortage of resources, low efficiency, and that has produced a series of punitive effect to the city of our country ecosystem and health of residents. Essentially, these problems is the result of city metabolism, such as metabolic flux, unreasonable structure of metabolism, low efficiency, these problem has caused the city metabolism metabolic disorder. City metabolism is where the city function based. Only through the perspective of in-depth study of metabolism is the way to improve city ecological environment, resource consumption, put up solution of various aspects of city problems. Therefore, the city metabolic mechanism evaluation has become an important research topic.Paper taking ecological system as the research object, accounting of resources environment and economic development of the city’s metabolic status, using the method of accounting system of energy flow, material flow, in the construction of the basic index system based on the construction of city, including metabolic flux, metabolic structure, metabolism and metabolic efficiency evaluation index system of city metabolism, and on the basis of constructing the city ecosystem health assessment index (EUEHI). Then taking Zhangye city ecological system as an example, accounting Zhangye city metabolic capacity from2001-2010, evaluated Zhangye city ecosystem healthy level evolution trend. The result shows:metabolic structure to local natural resources development and utilization based on input from outside, the system is less reliant on renewable resources dependence,,the wastes are on the rise, but in the range of load carrying ability, ecosystem health index looks upward trend.The emergy theory and analysis method of innovative applied to city metabolic capacity evaluation of quantitative analysis of city ecological system, to provide a new train of thought, conduce to improve the city ecosystem research theory and methodology system, make up for our current study in this field which is less present situation, for our country the healthy development of the City and the integrated management of the government to provide a scientific basis.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期

