

【作者】 裘利钢

【导师】 俞高红;

【作者基本信息】 浙江理工大学 , 机械设计及理论, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 作为世界最大的蔬菜生产基地,中国蔬菜行业的发展前景相当可观。然而现如今在种植方式上却仍然以人工种植为主,在蔬菜的需求量与日俱增、劳动力成本越来越高的今天,蔬菜种植的高效化和机械化成为了蔬菜种植业的迫切要求。另一方面,目前蔬菜种植业上使用的一些蔬菜移栽设备基本都是人工喂苗之后进行移栽作业,人工喂苗环节的速度限制在很大程度上成为了蔬菜移栽机械实现高速化的屏障。所以对蔬菜钵苗自动移栽机进行探索具有其重要的意义。论文的主要研究内容如下:1)通过对蔬菜移栽技术和移箱送苗技术的研究现状分析,阐述了对蔬菜钵苗自动移栽机送苗装置进行分析设计的意义和重要性。2)论文通过对穴盘育苗方式和旋转式取苗机构的分析,明确了蔬菜钵苗自动移栽机送苗装置设计的可操作性。并针对蔬菜钵苗自动移栽机的送苗装置进行了分析设计,目标是该送苗装置与旋转式取苗机构配合实现完全的蔬菜自动移栽工作。3)蔬菜钵苗自动移栽机送苗装置在进给送苗作业时有其的特殊要求,其间歇性与周期性的配合要求不同于一般机械。研究了各种间歇机构的特点及运动特性后,论文重点对槽轮机构、椭圆齿轮机构和分割器进行了分析比较,并对槽轮机构、棘轮机构等常规机构做了变型设计。最后通过评价优劣确定了分割器作为送苗装置的间歇机构。4)以双螺旋轴的设计过程为重点阐述了送苗装置核心部件的参数确定,并通过SolidWorks2009的软件环境,通过三维建模、干涉分析、motion运动分析和simulation受力分析等方式对送苗装置的参数进行了调整和优化。5)进行了蔬菜钵苗自动移栽机送苗装置的试验台设计,并加工了试验台样机。通过样机加工验证设计方案的可行性与合理性,并通过调试对设计中存在的部分问题加以进一步改进。通过最后的试验台分析和理论总结,本论文的设计可以实现蔬菜钵苗自动移栽机的准确送苗功能。

【Abstract】 As the world’s largest vegetable production base,the developmental prospect of Chinavegetable industry is quite considerable.However,nowdays still deploys the artificial plantingfirstly.The High efficiency and mechanization of Vegetables planting become the urgent requestof planting vegetables With the increasing demand of vegetables and more high labor costs. Onthe other hand, currently some vegetables planting vegetables transplanting equipment istransplanting operation after artifical feeding basically, the limit of artifical feeding’s speedbecomes the barrier of vegetables transplanting machinery realizing the fast pace. So it’s veryimportant to research the automatic vegetable pot seedling transplanting mechanism. The maincontent of this paper is listed as bellow:1). Through the analysis of the research status of vegetables transplanting techniques andmoving box sent seedlings technology, it expounds the significance and importance of analysingthe automatic vegetable pot seedling transplanting mechanism.2).According the analysis of the hole tray seeding way and the rotary seedling institutions, itmakes the design maneuverability of the automatic vegetable pot seedling transplantingmechanism clearly, with its analysis design. The aim of the device matching up the rotaryseedling institutions is realizing automatic transplanting work.3). The automatic vegetable pot seedling transplanting mechanism has its specialrequirements when sending seedings, whose ntermittent and periodism is Different from thegeneral machinery. After researching all kinds of intermittent institutions’s traits and motioncharacteristics, this paper analyzes slot wheel mechanism, Elliptical gear mechanism and thedivision and does variant design for the conventional institutions, such as slot wheelmechanism and ratchet wheel organization. Finally confirm the division as the sending seedingsdevice’s intermittent institutions through evaluating their superiority or inferiority.4).Exponding the parameter determination of the sending seedings device’s corecomponents especially the design process of the double helix axis. Adjust and Optimize thesending seedings device’s parameter through3d modeling, interference analysis, motion analysisand simulation analysis based on SolidWorks2009software environment.5).Designing the the automatic vegetable pot seedling transplanting mechanism’s test-bedand processing the prototype test. Through the prototype test, check the design scheme’s feasibility and rationality and Improve the structure design via commissioning the existing partof the problem in design.Combining the final test rig analyzed and summarized,this paper will realize the function ofthe automatic vegetable pot seedling transplanting mechanism sending seedings ecactly.


