

Study and Developement on Intelligent Monitoring of Clothing Based on Single Chip

【作者】 陈欢欢

【导师】 杨斌;

【作者基本信息】 浙江理工大学 , 材料加工工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 基于单片机的智能监测服装是人体健康监测领域的一个重要研究方向,近年来引起了不少学者的极大兴趣。该服装系统由数据采集单元、信号处理单元、串口通信和客户端应用软件及作为基体的服装组成,以提取人体体表信号,借助计算机技术对人体身体状况进行监测分析。智能监测服装的内容涉及纺织工程、计算机信息、电子学等多学科。研究成果可用于国防军事,医疗健康等领域,在发达国家已作为重点研究内容,但国内尚处于起步阶段。论文的研究内容主要包括监测系统整体方案的确立、各子模块的设计与实现、在计算机仿真环境下对设计好的监测系统进行测试、借助计算机CAD软件制作出实体装置及在测试者身上对装置的功能进行检测。整个监测系统由硬件设计、软件设计和系统测试三大部分组成。硬件部分由采集模块、信号处理模块、通信模块等组成。其中采集模块由多个单总线数字温度传感器DS18B20和脉搏传感器HK2000-B组成;信号处理模块由带通滤波电路、A/D转换电路、单片机STC89C52、非溢失RAM存储芯片62256、8位锁存器74LS373、双向总线发送/接收器74LS245等组成;串口通信部分由串口电压匹配芯片MAX232和RS-232接口组成。软件部分,以硬件为基础设计硬件驱动程序和用于数据分析的客户端应用软件,并进行调试,保证整个系统能够安全、可靠、稳定地运行。系统测试方面,以温度和脉搏实时监测为例对研制的智能服装进行功能测试,与标准传感器对照,检查该服装系统的报警指示、信息暂存和串口通信等功能。结果显示该服装能够完成多点温度值、脉搏值的采集、数据的暂存、传输和分析等任务,整个智能监测服装可用于人体健康监测和远程医疗服务系统。

【Abstract】 The intelligent monitoring clothing (IMC) based on single chip is an importantresearch direction of body health monitoring, which has attracted researchers’ greatinterest in recent years. The IMC includes sevearl units such as data acquisition,signal processing, serial communication, client application software and clothingsubstrate. The whole system could collect the body surface signals by embeddedsensors, and monitors the physical condition with the help of computer technology.The studies of IMC involve in textile engineering, computer information system,electronics etc. Research results can be used for military defense, medical, health andother fields. In developed countries, IMC has been an important research content, butat home still in its infancy stage.The thesis’s content includes the establishment of monitoring system, design andimplementation of each sub-modules, testing the designed monitoring system in thecomputer simulation environment, using CAD software to produce the device andchecking the system’s function on human body.The designed colthing consists of hardware design, software design and systemtest. The hardware part includes signal acquisition modules, processing modules,serial communication modules and others. The signal acquisition module is based onsingle-bus digital temperature sensor DS18B20and pulse sensor HK2000-B; Theprocessing module is made up of band-pass filter circuit, A/D conversion circuit,microcontroller STC89C52, non-volatile RAM memory chips62256,8-bit latch74LS373, bidirectional bus transmitters/receivers74LS245and other relatedcomponents; The serial communication module employs voltage matching chipMAX232and RS-232interface. In addation, the software design is consist ofhardware drivers programm based on hardware design and client applicationprogramm for data analysis. The whole design should ensure that the entire systemcan work saftly, reliably and stably. Finally, this thesis takes temperature and pulse for example, compares the results of IMC with standard sensors to appraise the IMC’sworking performance in alert instructions, information temporary storage and serialcommunication.The results indicate that the IMC could exactly collect multi-pointtemperature value and pulse value, possessing temporary storage, transmission anddata analysis functions. The IMC is available to human health monitoring and remotemedical services system.

  • 【分类号】TS941.7
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】235

