

Studies on Extraction, Purification and Activity of Total Tannins in Sanguisorba Officinalis L.

【作者】 彭诚

【导师】 杨晓虹; 王广树;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 药物化学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 地榆(Sanguisorba officinalis L.)为蔷薇科(Rosaceae)地榆属(Sanguisorba L.),多年生草本植物。我国有地榆、细叶地榆、宽蕊地榆、矮地榆、大白花地榆、疏花地榆、高山地榆等七种,主要分布于东北、西北、华北等地区。2010年版《中国药典》中规定中药地榆为蔷薇科植物地榆Sanguisorba officinalis L.或长叶地榆Sanguisorbaofficinalic L. var. longifalia(Bert.)Yu et Li的干燥根,后者习称“绵地榆”。其性微寒,味苦、酸、涩,归肝、大肠经,具有凉血止血,解毒敛疮的功效。本文以地榆根为原料,以提取物中总鞣质含量为指标,通过单因素考察和正交实验对乙醇浓度、提取时间、提取次数、提取溶剂用量四因素进行研究,确定了最佳提取工艺为:15倍量的70%乙醇,超声提取3次,每次60min。并对最佳工艺进行三次实验验证,表明该工艺稳定可行。采用先用明胶沉淀法、后用乙酸乙酯萃取法对地榆总鞣质进行纯化,得到的地榆总鞣质含量大于73%。本文对地榆总鞣质进行急性毒性试验,结果未能测出LD50。通过最大给药量的实验,表明地榆总鞣质的最大给药量为10g/kg,得知地榆总鞣质毒性小。通过测定地榆总鞣质对小鼠的出血时间和凝血时间的变化,建立胃溃疡动物模型,数据经统计学分析,结果表明地榆总鞣质有很好的止血作用和抗溃疡作用。本文对地榆总鞣质提取和药理活性进行了系统的研究,确定了合理的提取工艺和纯化方法,为传统中药地榆的合理开发和利用提供了科学依据。

【Abstract】 Sanguisorba officinalis L. is the perennial herb for the Sanguisorba L. of Rosaceae.In the northeast of China, Sanguisorba L. mainly includes S. officinalis L., S. officinalic Lvar longifalia (Bert) Yu et Li, S.grandifolia(Maxim)Makino, S. sitchensis C.A.Mey, S.tenuifolia Fisch. ex Link, S. parriflora (Maxim.) Takeda and S. officinalis L. var. carnea(Fisch.) Regel ex Maxim. Sanguisorba Radix is the dried roots of Sanguisorba officinalisL., and first recorded in“Shen Nong’s Herbal Classic” as one of the well-known Chinesetraditional medicines. Sanguisorba Radix is widely used for the treatment of the bleeding,the fire burns, typhoid fever, etc.At present, the studies of tannins have become a most active field in the naturalpharmaceutical chemistry. In order to develop and make use of this Chinese traditionalmedicine better and provide scientific data for the traditional Chinese medicinemodernization, we have studied the tannins and pharmacological activities of the roots ofSanguisorba officinalis L. in this paper.1. Referring to the related literatures, we reviewed the latest research progress ofSanguisorba officinalis L. in several aspects such as plant morphology, chemicalconstituents, pharmacological activity of Sanguisorba officinalis L. and tannins.2. In this paper, we select the UV spectrophotometric method that determined thecontent of total tannin of Sanguisorba Radix. The method is using gallic acid as referenceto measure absorbance and draw standard curve and using phosphomolybdic tungstic acid–casein to calculate the content of tannin. We chose several factors that may influenceresults of extraction, including concentration of ethanol, volume, time and times ofextraction. First, we did single factor experiments to determinate the extent of these factors,and then orthogonal test showed that the best technology is reflux extraction with70%ehanol (15folds) for3times, an hour once. Validation experiments were also done to makesure the technology stable applicable.We purifica the tannins of Sanguisorba Radix by adopting method of gelatinprecipitation and being extracted with ethyl acetate. The results show that content oftannins of Sanguisorba Radix is greater than73%. 3. According to acute toxicity testing of total tannins of Sanguisorba Radix, themaximum administered dose is10g/kg in mice and we can not test the value of LD50.According to acute gastric ulcer in mice and observe the ulcer stuation of gastric gland, themedium and high dose group of total tannins of Sanguisorba Radix can inhibit gastric ulcerof the mice with the method of group T test. By researching, the total tannins ofSanguisorba Radix also can effectively reduce bleeding and clotting time. It’s showing thattotal tannins of Sanguisorba Radix have a better hemostasis.

【关键词】 地榆总鞣质抗溃疡止血作用
【Key words】 Sanguisorba officinalis L.total tanninsanti-ulcerhemostasia
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期
  • 【分类号】R284.1
  • 【下载频次】474

