

Ore-forming Regularities and Mineralization Forecast of the Bailing Cu-Zn Deposit in A’cheng Area, Heilongjiang Province

【作者】 唐铭君

【导师】 杨言辰;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 矿物学,岩石学,矿床学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 矽卡岩矿床主要产生于酸性侵入体与石灰岩或者是大理岩的接触带部位,是一类重要的矿床类型,矽卡岩矿床是所有矿床类型中数量最多和变化性最大的矿床,有其重要的经济意义和成因特征。白岭铜锌矿床是围绕一撮毛岩体形成的规模最大的矿床,对该矿床及外围成矿规律与成矿预测的研究显得尤为重要。白岭铜锌矿床地处小兴安岭-松嫩地块、滨东隆起带、玉泉断陷内,区内出露的最老地层为晚古生代石炭系上统,其次为二叠系及中生代侏罗系、白垩系、新生界第四系,发育的岩浆岩主要是晚二叠世、晚侏罗世、早白垩世侵入岩及各种脉岩。铜锌多金属矿体赋存在一撮毛白岗质花岗岩体边部的斜长花岗斑岩体与土门岭组和五道岭组地层接触带,以及土门岭组大理岩与砂板岩层间矽卡岩中。矿区已控制的铜锌矿体4条,其中主要矿体3条,以I号矿体为最大。矿石矿物以磁铁矿、闪锌矿、毒砂、黄铜矿为主,黄铁矿,白铁矿、赤铁矿次之;脉石矿物以矽卡岩矿物为主,包括石榴石、透辉石、绿帘石、阳起石等。矿区围岩蚀变较发育,与成矿有关的蚀变主要是矽卡岩化、绿帘石化和硅化等。该矿床的形成主要受三个主要条件控制,一是五道岭中酸性、酸性火山岩组成的地层及层间破碎带;二是一撮毛花岗岩岩浆活动,特别是与其相关的晚期斜长花岗岩、花岗斑岩等;三是北西向断裂构造和接触带构造。矿床所处的区域大地构造位置,属于不同构造单元的接触复合部位,造就了区内岩浆活动频繁,褶皱与断裂构造发育的特征。本矿床具有重叠交代、多次成矿的特点,矿床成因为高—中温热液交代矿床,工业类型为铜、锌、砷、铁多金属矽卡岩型矿床。在一撮毛岩体与五道岭组、土门岭组接触带,仍然存在找寻白岭式铜锌矿床的潜力。为进一步评价白岭矿床外围铜锌多金属找矿潜力,在白岭矿床西部(139~419线)、东部(60~260线)及周边(60~129线)开展了系统的地质、物探和化探工作,同时对矿区深部找矿潜力进行分析,结果表明在白岭矿区外围和深部具有较好铜锌多金属找矿远景。

【Abstract】 The skarn deposits, an important ore deposit type, are mainly hosted in contactzone of acidic intrusive body and limestone or marble. This type of deposit has thelargest number and variety within all types of deposits. The Bailing copper depositwas formed around the Yizuomao rock mass. It is particularly important to researchon peripheral metallogenic regularity and metallogenic forecast for the deposit.The copper–zinc polymetallic orebodies are occurred in contact zone betweenstrata of the Tumenling and Wudaoling group, and plagioclasite granite porphyry inthe margin of Yizuomao rock mass, as well as skarn occurred between the Tumenlingmarble and sandstone. There are four copper–zinc orebodies in mineral deposit, ofwhich three are main orebodies and the No. I orebody is the biggest one. The oremineralogy is dominated by magnetite, sphalerite, arsenopyrite and chalcopyrite, withminor pyrite and hematite. The gangue minerals are mainly on skarn mineral,including garnet, diopside, epidote and actynolin. Wall–rock alteration associated withmineralization consists of skarn, epidotization and silicification.Copper-zinc polymetallic orebodies occur along the contact zone betweenplagiogranite porphyry and Tumenling group or Wudaoling group, and theplagiogranite porphyry is located in the edge of the famous Yicuomao alaskitegranites. Four copper-zinc ore bodies has been proven in the deposit, three of them arethe main orebodies, and the I orebody is the biggest. Ore minerals in this deposit are mainly magnetite, sphalerite, arsenopyrite, chalcopyrite, with minor amounts of pyrite,marcasite, hematite. The gangue minerals in the ores are predominately Skarnsminerals, including garnet, diopside, epidote, actinolite, etc. wall-rock alteration arewell developed in this deposit, and the alteration related with mineralization is skarn,epidotization, and silicified.The formation of Bailing deposit is controlled by three main conditions: The firstis strata of mediu–acid and acid vocanic rock, as well as interformational faulted zonestructure. The second is granite magmatism of the Yizuomao, espacially associatewith the later period of plagiogranite and granite porphyry. The thrid is northwesttrending faults and contacted structure. The regional tectonic of Bailign depositbelongs to contact composite parts of different tectonic units, which caused frequentlymagmatic activity in the region and characterized by developemen of fold and faultstructure.This deposit is characterized by multi–metasomatism and multi–metallogenesis.The genesis of Bailing deposit is high–mesothermal deposit and industrial type isCu–Zn–Sn–Fe polymetallic skarn deposit. There also have prospecting potential ofCu–Zn deposit in the contact zone of the Yizuomao rock mass and Wudaoling,Tumenling group.For further evaluation of the potential of BaiLing deposits, We carried outgeological, geophysical and geochemical in the west (139–419line) and east (60–260line) of Bailing deposit, as well as peripheral area (60–129line). Meanwhile, weanalyzed deep prospecting potential of the Mining area, the results indicate that theBailing deposit has good ore-searching prospects of copper–zinc polymetallic in theperipheral and deep of Bailing deposit.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期

