

Evaluation and Governance Programs about Low-frequency Debris Flows in the Dong Wopo Village, Jixian County

【作者】 崔孝礼

【导师】 王清;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 地质工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 泥石流作为一种常见的山区地质灾害,是暴雨、融雪或其它流水动力(如溃坝、冰川等)作用于流域内不稳定的地表松散土体上,形成的携带有大量泥沙以及石块的特殊洪流,其具有突发性、流速快、流量大和破坏力强等特点。蓟县东窝铺泥石流发育在盘山景区内,属中低山地貌。形成区海拔高度一般在400~600m,坡度一般大于35°,最高处为盘山主峰挂月峰,海拔高度857.3m。形成区面积约20km2。泥石流堆积区位于中低山区内,地势总体东、西高中间低,最高点在评估区东边界,高程为345.7m;最低处沿宝平公路,高程为190.8m。蓟县东窝铺泥石流发育在盘山花岗岩分布区,该区花岗岩岩体是一个多次侵入的复合岩体,分别为中粗粒花岗岩侵入体、中细粒黑云母花岗岩侵入体、含斑石英二长岩侵入体及细粒花岗岩侵入体。泥石流堆积区出露地层主要为中上元古界蓟县系的杨庄组与雾迷山组的白云岩,岩性比较单一。由于盘山岩体为多次侵入岩体,各侵入岩体矿物含量不同、结晶程度不同,导致了岩石在强度与抗风化能力上的差异,加之岩体中大小不等方向不同的三组主要裂隙以及局部节理密集带等地质构造现象,在长期的地质时期风化作用下,差异风化的结果不但产生了大量的细颗粒物质来源,同时也形成了东窝铺泥石流沟汇水面积大,出水口小的特殊的地形地貌。当接受了足够的单位雨强时,由于基岩地区的入渗量只有10%以下,形成区内水量不能及时排出,大量的水与松散堆积物混合后,流向流通区形成了泥石流。根据现场调查初步判断,蓟县东窝铺泥石流属于间歇特大型低频率沟谷型泥石流,总体上属于偏向粘性泥石流。采用剖面法计算泥石流沟形成区和流通区物源量为666.7万方,在极端最不利的条件下预测东窝铺泥石流速度为9.7m/s,极端最不利条件下预测东窝铺泥石流在两沟交汇附近的断面高度为8.4m。一般情况下泥石流速度为5.3m/s,对应的泥石流高度不足4m。本着“先急后缓、以防为主、防治结合”的原则,蓟县东窝铺泥石流治理工作需分区治理,即对泥石流形成区、流通区、堆积区分别进行治理。泥石流治理措施可分为生物措施与工程措施。在形成区搬掉甘露寺与双峰寺旧址之间的似崩塌小山体,打通主沟向南沟的通道,同时采用工程加固与生物加固相结合的方法,加固个沟谷堆砌石坝,因地制宜植树造林,减少水土流失;流通区修筑石笼坝保证北口安全;堆积区采取修建停淤场,定期清淤的方法确保周边及下游地区安全。

【Abstract】 Debris flow is a kind of very common geological disaster which often happens inmountain area. It is a torrent carrying a lot of sand and stones. It is generated whentorrential rain, snow melt and other Water powers (dam break, glacier) act onthe unstable surface loose earth. It happens suddenly and has a high flow speed. Then ithas a strong destructive power.The debris flows in Dongwopu village, Jixian county, developed in Panshanmountain. It is the middle and low landform. formation area ‘s altitude is generally inthe400~600m, and slope is generally greater35°.The main mountain of Panshanmountain, Guayue mountain, has the highest altitude which is857.3m. Forming region’sarea is about20km2. Debris flow’s accumulation area is located in the low mountains,andthe east and west parts are very high, the middle is low. The highest point is345.7mlocated in the east boundary of assessment area. The lowest point is190.8m located alongBaoping highway.The debris flows in Dongwopu village, Jixian county, developed in granitedistribution area in Panshan mountain. The granite in this area is composite intrusiverocks: they are medium to coarse grain granite intrusion, medium to fine particle biotitegranite intrusion, containing spot quartz monzonite intrusion and fine-grainedgranite intrusion. There is only dolomite distributed in debris flow accumulation area.Due to the differences between the intrusions, the strength and the resisting weatheringability of rocks are distinct. In addition, three main groups cracks with varying sizes anddifferent directions in the rock and dense bands of local joints, provide favorableconditions for weathering so that a large number of fine-grained generate. The specialgeological environment results in the distinctive landforms,that the catchment area islarge but water outlet is small. When enough rainfall intensity is accepted, owing thatinfiltration capacity of the bedrock areas is under10%,the plenty of water in formationregion can’t be drained off in time, a large number of water and rickle mix and flow intocirculation area, then, generate a debris flow. According to the preliminary in-site investigation, the gully debris flow in Dongwopuvillage, Jixian county has the following characteristics: interval,oversize and lowfrequency, and it is classified as viscose debris flow. The provenance’s volume of theforming region and circulation area is6.667million cubic meters by the method ofcalculating the profile. It is predicted that the speed of the debris flow is9.7m/s and thesection height beside the intersection of the two gullies is8.4m in the extreme the mostadverse conditions. The debris flow’s speed is usually5.3m/s and the correspondingsection height is less than4m in general.Based on the rule of after before deciding on、putting the prevention first、combiningprevention with controlm,the management engineering needs regionalization, that is tosay,the formation area、circulation area and accumulation area are respectively controlled.The treatment methods are divides into biological control measure and mechanical controlmeasure. Moving off the small mountain liked collapse between GanLu temple andShuangfeng temple in the Channel, get through the channel from main ditch to south ditch,and combining reinforcement and biological reinforcement method to strength rock-filldam. Proceeding in the light of local conditions to plant trees to reduce water and soilerosion. Building gabion dam in circulation area to guarantee the safety in north; Buildingstop silting field in accumulation area and desilting regularly to ensure the safety ofperipheral and downstream areas.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 12期
  • 【分类号】P642.23
  • 【下载频次】125

