Study of Intrauterine Environment and Its Co-rrelation with Neonatal Birth Conditions
【作者】 刘晓琳;
【导师】 赵正言;
【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 儿科学, 2012, 硕士
【摘要】 目的:探讨浙江省4个市(永康市、湖州市、宁海市、绍兴市)孕产妇孕前BMI,孕期高龄、吸烟、饮酒等危险因素,家族肥胖、高血压、糖尿病等代谢综合征史,孕期营养情况和孕晚期血生化指标对新生儿出生体重、新生儿脐血生化指标的影响,了解孕期宫内环境对新生儿的影响。方法:选取2010年1月1日至2011年4月1日在永康市、湖州市、宁海市及绍兴市妇幼保健院行产前检查并于该院分娩的32-37周孕妇共1325例,对相关家庭背景、孕前BMI、孕期相关危险因素、孕期膳食营养情况、分娩情况、新生儿体重及孕晚期血液及脐血生化指标等数据进行整理及统计分析。结果:1325例孕产妇每日摄入的碳水化合物(166.0±61.4)g及蛋白质(52.7±22.2)g明显低于推荐量(P<0.01);每日摄入的脂肪(41.0±24.2)g高于推荐摄入量(P<0.05)。新生儿体重、脐血ApoAl、C肽以及胰岛素水平与母孕前BMI正相关。脐血脂蛋白a高于平均值的孕母脂肪摄入量高(P<0.05);脐血胰岛素及C肽高于平均值的孕母能量及碳水化合物摄入量高(P<0.01)。高出生体重组母血甘油三酯水平、胰岛素水平及脐血胰岛素水平高于低出生体重组及正常出生体重组(P<0.05);低出生体重组脐血ApoAl与HDL水平低于高出生体重组及正常出生体重组(P<0.01)。结论:浙江省4个市孕产妇孕期膳食营养不平衡;出生体重与孕前BMI、孕晚期母血甘油三酯、胰岛素水平正相关;低出生体重儿脐血HDL水平偏低,高出生体重儿脐血胰岛素水平偏高。
【Abstract】 [Objective]To approach the effcet of puerperants’BMI before pregancy, intrauterine risk factors, such as smoke、 drink、 hypertension、 diabetes mellitus,etc, nutrients intake, family history of overweight、 hypertension、 diabetes mellitus and biochemical indicators of maternal blood on biochemical indicators of cord blood and birth condition, to find how intrauterine enviroment affect fetus’growth.[Method]Analysis was made for1325pregnant women conceive from32to37weeks in the maternal and child health hospital in Yongkang、 Huzhou、 Ninghai、 Shaoxing city from January1st2010to April1st2011. They receive prenatal check-up and dilivery in these hospital. Investigations were made on family background, risk factors, biochemical indicator of maternal blood and cord blood.[Result] In the1325cases, the maternal daily nutrition intake is unbalanced, which refer to the Chinese Dietary Reference Intakes; Birth weight, cord blood ApoAl, cord blood C-peptide and insulin levels were significantly different in the three groups. The high birth weight group maternal serum triglyceride level, maternal serum insulin level and umbilical blood insulin level was higher than the low birth weight group and normal birth weight group (P <0.05); low birth weight group cord blood ApoAl and HDL level was lower than the high birth weight group and normal birth weight group (P <0.01). [Conclusion] In the Zhejiang Province, the maternal pregnancy diet nutrition is imbalance. Maternal serum triglycerides, insulin and C-peptide levels and pre-pregnant BMI were positively correlated with the neonatal birth weight. Low birth weight infants cord blood HDL level is low, high birth weight infants cord blood insulin level is high.
【Key words】 intrauterine environment; BMI; diet nutrition during pregnancy; neonatalbirth weight; biochemical of umbilical cord blood; metabolic syndrome;
- 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期
- 【分类号】R722.1
- 【下载频次】121