

Design and Application of Lightning Parameters Inquiry System

【作者】 成勤

【导师】 肖稳安;

【作者基本信息】 南京信息工程大学 , 雷电科学与技术, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 根据日常业务和科研需要,结合GIS应用和二次开发技术、数据库应用和开发技术,基于.NET平台,开发了闪电参数查询系统。在分析了闪电定位资料属性的基础上,提出了一种利用正则表达式匹配闪电定位数据的算法,并实现了该系统闪电定位资料入库的功能。该系统还实现了图形导入与导出、数据管理、图层控制、鹰眼窗口、视图控制、面积与距离测量、闪电数据简单查询、闪电位置及雷电流强度查询和专题图绘制等功能。首先利用闪电参数查询软件的闪电定位资料入库功能将中部五省(湖北省、安徽省、湖南省、江西省、河南省)ADTD闪电定位资料入库。然后利用闪电参数查询软件的其他查询分析功能,统计分析中部五省闪电频数、正负闪电比例、雷电流强度与陡度、闪电密度等参数,研究中部五省雷电参数总体时空分布特征和变化规律。统计结果表明:中部五省负闪比例均远大于正闪比例,闪电频数日分布曲线呈单峰单谷特征。闪电总频数从2月开始增加,8月达到最多,9月后迅速减少。正、负闪百分比南北差异较明显,低纬度地区负闪百分比高于高纬度地区。闪电密度高值区主要包括江西全境、湖北中部和安徽南部地区。一年中闪电高密度区随太阳直射点移动呈现从南向北、再从北向南移动的规律。利用闪电参数查询系统的闪电参数简单查询功能详细分析各纬度带闪电参数特征,并结合中部五省雷暴日资料分析结果,发现闪电参数在30.8°N纬度带南北两侧呈现不同的分布特征。利用闪电参数查询软件、ArcGIS软件和MapInfo软件,结合闪电定位资料、土壤类型数据、地貌数据、土地资源利用数据和地表温度数据,分析闪电密度与下垫面性质的关系。结果表明:下垫面为河流、湖泊水库时,闪电密度较大。土壤质地粘重、富含金属元素和水分时,闪电密度较大。不同类型土壤交界处闪电密度较大。低海拔水陆交界处和各种形态地貌交错分布的区域闪电密度较大。不同年代构造地貌的交界处和不同构造地貌交错分布的区域闪电密度较大。地形坡度为3-7度、有效土层厚度为49(59)-20cm、基岩占总面积的21%-50%时或土壤类型为粘土、沙壤土时,闪电密度较大。地表温度较低(约低于11℃)时的闪电变化规律与较高(约高于11℃)时的不同。

【Abstract】 To assist daily work and scientific research as needed, in the use of GIS componentbased development technology and database application and development technology, a software named lightning parameters inquiry system has been developed in dotNET4.0development environment. By analyzing the characteristics of data from Lightning Detection and Location System, a new pattern matching algorithm based on the Regular Expression was proposed in this paper. And on that basis, a function about lightning data warehousing has been developed. This software has also realized the following functions:map import and export, data management, layer control, Eagle eye view, View control, area and distance measurement, Simple inquires of lightning data, inquires of lightning location and peak current, thematic map drawing, etc.First, use lightning data warehousing function of lightning parameters inquiry system to make sure that the lightning data from ADTD Lightning Detection and Location System in five provinces in central China (Hubei, Anhui, Hunan, Jiangxi, Henan) has been put in storage. Then, for the sake of discussing the characteristics and distribution of cloud-to-ground lightning in central China, use lightning parameters inquiry system to analyze the parameters of cloud-to-ground lightning, including the total cloud-to-ground flash density, the positive flash density, the percentage of positive and negative flashes, the first stroke negative and positive peak currents, and the multiplicity for negative and positive flashes. Statistics Indicates:The percentage of negative lightning is far more greater than the positive one. The curve of mean diurnal flash count has one peak and one valley. The mean monthly flash count increases at February, peaks at August and decreases at September. The percentage of positive and negative flashes in the south differ from the ones in the north, the percentage of negative flashes in the south is much greater than the one in the north. The mean flash density maxima occur throughout central hubei province, jiangxi province and southern anhui province. The region of relatively high flash density moves with the direct sunlight point, first to the north and then to the south in a year.Use the simple query function of lightning parameters inquiry system to analyze the characteristics of lightning parameters in detial in each latitude, and combine with the analysis results of thunderstorm day of the five provinces, we get a conclusion that lightning parameters show different distribution characteristics in the north and south of30.8°.Use lightning parameters inquiry system, ArcGIS, MaoInfo, data of lightning, soil type, physiognomy, land resources and surface temperature to research the relationship of flash density and underlying surface properties. The results show that:the density is relatively high when the underlying surface is river, lake or reservoir. When the Soil texture is heavy clay and rich in Metal elements and water, it’s flash density is high. The junction of different soils has a high flash density. The border of land and water with low altitude and the junction of various topographies have high flash densities. The junction of tectonic geomorphologies in different ages or in different types has a high flash density. When the topographic slope is3-7degrees, the effective thickness of soil layer is49(59)-20cm, the percentage of bedrock is21%-50%or the soil is clay or sandy loam, the flash density is relatively high. The low annual average surface temperature (less than about11℃) differs from the high one (more than about11℃) in flash density.


