

Ecological Assets Assessment of Aerial Seeding Afforestation in Yulin Area

【作者】 曹华

【导师】 王让会; 王锁民;

【作者基本信息】 南京信息工程大学 , 生态学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 生态资产是国民经济可持续发展的物质基础,更是人类社会和谐共处的基本保障。景观变化是全球环境变化的重要影响因素,景观格局及其动态变化过程能够动态地反映区域生态环境特征及演化规律。从景观角度出发,客观研究和掌握区域生态资产信息,为应对气候变化、生物减排提供重要支撑。本文基于遥感TM影像、野外调查信息及实验数据,对榆林地区飞播造林的景观特征、林分特征及生态资产空间特征进行分析,并将可持续管理与绿色沙产业理论融入飞播造林的发展,提出了飞播造林可持续发展模式。研究表明:(1)榆林地区耕地景观利用面积最大,占33.69%,水域景观利用面积最小,占1.16%,飞播林占土地总面积的6.2%。样地区域景观破碎化程度和景观异质性均较大,景观优势度较低。(2)各样地植被覆盖度介于10%-80%,植被生长状况相对良好,林林分结构比较稳定。不同飞播年代同种植物的SPAD值具有一定的差异性,不同种植模式样地的生物量差异性较大,以柠条+沙柳+沙蒿种植模式生物量最大,为3736.76kg/hm2,种植模式为沙米林地的生物量最低,为47.26kg/hm2。(3)各样地平均有机质含量介于1.102mg/g-2.616mg/g,平均全氮含量介于0.110mg/g-0.148mg/g;各层土壤蔗糖酶含量介于0.095mg/g-0.997mg/g、纤维素酶含量介于0.082mg/g-0.410mg/g。(4)各样地0cm-100cm土层土壤含水率与温度呈显著正相关;除土壤容重与其它6类指标呈现显著的负相关外,其余各类指标间大多呈现显著正相关;样地间不同土层深度下微生物数量与有机碳含量呈正相关。(5)榆林地区飞播造林生态资产总值为80.7821×108元,各区、县飞播造林生态资产差异性显著,其中与毛乌素沙地接壤的区域飞播造林生态资产值较大,占全区总值的81.19%。(6)飞播造林后科学、合理的管护措施必须及时跟上,同时运用可持续管理模式,并借鉴沙产业经营方式,在平衡好生态效益与经济效益的基础上构建适合飞播造林的可持续发展模式。

【Abstract】 Ecological asset was the material basis for the sustainable development of the national economy, but also it was the basic guarantee of harmonious coexistence of human society. Landscape change was the important factor of global environmental change, Landscape pattern and its dynamic change process will reflect characteristics of environmental and evolution for regional. Starting from landscape point of view, studying and grasping ecological asset information of region will provide important support for address climate change and biological.Based on remote sensing analyses, experimental data and field survey, the character of landscape, forest and the spatial distribution of ecological assets to Yulin were analyzed. The sustainable management and green deserticulture implementation way were blend into aerial seeding forestry eco-engineerings, and then put forward the model of aerial seeding afforestatial sustainable development. The results showed as follows:1) The area of cultivated land landscape was the largest, which was about33.69%. Water area landscape was the smallest, which was about1.16%. The aerial seeding forest area was about6.2%of the total area. The level of landscape fragmentation and landscape heterogeneity were comparatively large of plot area, also the degree of dominance was lower.2) The plantation coverage of each sample plot was between10%and80%, which with high quality, and the vegetation with well grown. In the study plots, the result shows that the SPAD was different in different years. A conclusion were analyzed that the different aerial seeding forest plant pattern has different ratio of wetting-drying-time in different years. The biomass of Korshinsk Peashrub, Salix psammophila and Dester Wormwood was3736.76kg/hm2, it was the largest. The biomass of Agriophyllum squarrosum is47.26k g/hm2, it was the smallest.3) The results showed that the average contents of soil organic matter are between1.102mg/g and2.616mg/g of all the sample lands, the average contents of the entire nitrogen are between0.110mg/g and0.148mg/g. In different layers, the contents of soils sucrase are between0.095mg/g and0.997mg/g, and the soil cellulose contents are between0.082mg/g and0.410mg/g.4) In different layers of all sample lands between Ocm and100cm, Significant positive correlation are both between temperature and moisture content, and it was between amount of microbes and the content of organic carbon. The soil indicators of different groups were compared, most of them were also positively correlated, but the soil bulk density exhibited significant negative correlation with other index.5) The ecological assets of aerial seeding forest in Yulin was RMB80.7821×108, and the total value of ecological assets of aerial seeding forest have significant difference in each regions. The value of some regions was comparatively large which border on Mu Us Shadi, it was81.19%of total value.6) After aerial seeding forest, the ways of resource management should be make scientific and reasonable, meanwhile by using the sustainable management mode.The management strategy adopted in sand industry is worth to be followed. Constructing the model of sustainable development should base on balancing economic development and ecological environment efficiency.


