

A Multimodal Analysis of English Textbooks

【作者】 汪君

【导师】 陈海花;

【作者基本信息】 江西财经大学 , 英语语言文学, 2012, 硕士


【摘要】 多模态话语分析是一种基于系统功能语法上的新的话语分析方法,致力于探究两种或两种以上的符号系统在同一语篇内如何互动生成意义。本论文运用Kress&Van Leeuwen发展的社会符号学视觉分析法,探讨初中外语教科书中语言和图像符号共同构建意义的方式和产生的效果,探索多模态话语分析在多模态教科书中的运用。教育语篇在教育和文化传播过程中占有着重要的地位,一直是系统功能语言学家关注的主要课题之一。教科书语篇作为教育语篇的一种主要类型,在其形态上发生了很大的改变,其多模态现象更是引起语言学界的关注,因此不断推进教科书语篇的研究具有重大意义。本论文以人民教育出版社2007年出版的初中英语教科书为研究对象,书中的大量图像为本研究提供了充足语料。本论文分别从单模态和多模态两个视角综述了学者们关于教科书的研究,并从多模态理论研究和多模态应用研究两个方面对多模态进行了综述。理论框架部分主要介绍Halliday的系统功能语言学和Kress&Van Leeuwen的视觉语法。视觉语法以系统功能语言学理论为基础,建立了分析视觉图像的理论框架,为多模态话语分析提供了理论基础和分析方法。本研究根据以上两种理论展开了详细的分析。本论文采用多模态话语分析方法来研究纸质版教科书语篇的多模态性,并阐述文字和图像模态之间意义建构的互动机制。论文围绕研究问题分两个方面展开分析,总结初中外语教科书多模态语篇中图像的特点,根据社会符号学视觉分析法阐释图像构建的再现意义,互动意义和构图意义;探讨初中英语教科书多模态语篇中语言和图像符号的关系以及两者互动产生的效果。分析表明多种模态的配合比单一模态的使用更能生动形象的展现文本内容,更能清晰充分的表达意义,更能激发读者兴趣,从而使读者学习效果更佳。本文也证明了系统功能语言学理论在语言和图像符号的互动分析中具有指导作用。此外,本论文也表明了多模态语篇对于中学英语教学的积极作用,所以充分利用教科书图片教学可以达到更好的教学效果。

【Abstract】 Multimodal discourse analysis is a new approach to discourse analysis based on the semiotic theory of systemic functional linguistics. It investigates the meaning-making system of the combination of two or more than two semiotic systems within a text. Based on Kress and Van Leeuwen’s theory, the present study concentrates on how linguistic and visual semiotic resources cooperate with each other to construct meaning in multimodal pedagogic materials for teaching English as a foreign language for secondary education.Pedagogical discourse has been an important subject for systemic functional linguists because of its significant role in education and cultural transmission. And textbook is one of the major categories of pedagogical discourse. As textbook has undergone tremendous changes in its form, it is extremely significant to conduct progressive studies on textbook discourse. The data of this study is composed of five textbooks for teaching English as a foreign language for secondary education published by People’s Education Press in2007.This thesis reviews previous studies concerning textbooks, including researches from both a monomodal and a multimodal perspective. As for the review of multimodality, multimodality theory and the applications of multimodality discourse included. Then, the theoretical framework mainly introduces Halliday’s systematic functional linguistics as well as Kress and Van Leeuwen’s visual grammar. The visual grammar, derived form systematic functional linguistics, is adaptable in analyzing the multimodal texts. After introducing the theoretical framework, detailed multimodal analysis on textbook discourse based on the theory of visual grammar follows. The analyzing part elaborates and exemplifies through the textbooks how the representational, interactive and compositional meanings are achieved by means of the detailed analysis based on various elements such as contact, social distance, perspectives, information value, salience and framing.The research design is comprised of two respects:it investigates the characteristics of the visual images in the multimodal secondary English textbook discourse and explores the way in which those images construe representational, interactive and compositional meanings; besides, it discusses the relationship between linguistic and visual meaning-making resources in the multimodal secondary English textbooks and the effects the interaction make. The thesis verifies that systemic functional linguistics and the visual grammar are useful tools for the analysis of the interaction between the visual and the verbal semiotic resources which realizes the experiential meaning in an integral way in the multimodal discourse. At the same time, the analysis shows that the multimodal discourse is helpful in the English learning and teaching and gives some suggestions for the students and teachers.

  • 【分类号】G633.41
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】461

