

The Study of Hospital Service Process Performance System

【作者】 刘莹

【导师】 黄彬云;

【作者基本信息】 江西财经大学 , 企业管理, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 随着社会经济的不断发展,人们对医疗服务的需求越来越高,但与之对立的是社会医疗服务能力与人民群众日益增长的医疗服务质量需求之间的矛盾愈加凸显,“看病难、看病贵”等社会问题普遍存在,日益紧张的医患关系更是对医院服务水平提出了更高的要求。由此,如何对医院进行科学合理的绩效评价就显得尤为重要,虽然现有研究中对医院绩效评价体系的讨论已经非常成熟,但它们大多侧重于经济管理,缺乏对医院服务过程质量的关注,这与“以患者为中心”的医疗伦理思想相违背。医院服务过程绩效是医院人力资源管理中的基础和核心。长期以来,规范医疗服务机构绩效管理,提高医疗服务过程绩效一直是医疗卫生管理学界和医疗服务组织探讨的重要课题。本文以医院服务过程为着眼点,从衡量服务过程指标的选取入手,综合运用服务管理、顾客满意等与过程管理相关的管理理论,通过专家座谈法和问卷调查等方法搜集医院服务过程相关指标,对基于医院服务过程的绩效评价体系指标展开了探索性研究,提出了一套关注医院服务过程的绩效评价体系,从而逐步深入地对医院服务过程绩效这一在学术界尚处于探索阶段的领域进行了一定宽度和深度的研究。对于全面合理的评价医院整体绩效,推动医院深入改革和发展具有重要的现实意义。本文所探讨的医院服务过程分为三个维度,即医院形象、服务水平和社会责任。其中医院形象维度包括:医护人员服务过程中的态度、医护人员服务过程中的着装、医院硬件设施及维护水平、医院场所环境整洁程度、从挂号到被诊治前的流程的合理性、医院信誉状况、媒体报道数量等7个指标;服务水平维度包括:医生有效判断病情的能力、医生有效处理并解决问题的能力、医护人员对患者需求作出反应的速度、医护人员工作效率、费用合理性等5个指标;社会责任维度包括:门(急)诊人次中医保比例、医院环保支出水平、到乡镇为居民义务诊疗等3个指标。本文对医院服务过程绩效指标评价体系的设计重点突出了与社会大众满意度紧密相关的医院服务过程指标。研究内容侧重在评价指标的选取和评价体系的构架,由于时间和能力有限,没有进行案例分析。这是本文的局限,但也为今后的研究工作指明了方向。

【Abstract】 With the constant development of society and economic, the demand for medical services is increasingly high.Contrary to this,the contradiction between the society medical services ability and the growing demand for medical services quality is prominent. Hard medical treatment and expensive medical cost are widespread, growing tension in the physician-patient relationship puts forward higher request for medical services level.Thus,it is particularly important to make scientific and rational performance evaluation for hospitals. Though the discussion about performance evaluation of hospitals is already very mature in present study, much of it focuses on Economics and Management, lack of concerning on the quality of hospital services procedure, this is disobedient to the medical ethical of patient-centered.Hospital service process performance is the base and core of hospital human resource management. Since long ago, to specify the performance management of medical services agency and to improve medical service process performance are important issuues of health management academic and services organizations.This paper focuses on the process of hospital services, starts from the select of the measurement of services process indicators, comprehensively uses related management theories on service management, customer satisfaction and process management. It collects related indicators of the process of hospital services using methods such as expert panel and questionnaire, does exploratory study about performance evaluation indicators based on the process of hospital services, puts forward a performance evaluation system of focusing on the process of hospital services, gradually and deeply studies the hospital service process performance which is at the exploratory stage in academia. It has important practical significance for comperhensively and rationally evaluating overall hospital performance and promoting hospital reform and development deeply.What this article is about to discuss contains three dimensions which are image of hospital, service level and social responsibility. The dimension of image of hospital contains7indicators:attitude of process of medical staff services, dress of process of medical staff serveces, hardware facilities and maintenance level in hospital, degree of cleanliness of hospital environment, rationality of process starting from register to diagnosis and treatment, hospital reputation, number of media reports; the dimension of service level contains5indicators:ability of judging condition effectively by doctor, ability of solving problem effectively by doctor, response speed of health care staff to patient, efficiency of health care staff and rationality of cost;the dimension of social responsibility contains3indicators:proportion of medicare to the number of treatment, expenditure level of hospital environmental protection, obligation treatments in villages and towns.The performance evaluation of hospital services process system designed by this article highlights the indicators of hospital service process closely related to the community satisfaction degree. The research focuses on the select of evaluation indicator and the frame of evaluation system. Due to limited time and ability, this article does not do case study. This is the defect, however,points out the direction of further discussion.

  • 【分类号】R197.32
  • 【下载频次】207

