

Research on Supply and Demand of China’s Earthquake Disaster Rescue

【作者】 刘颉

【导师】 匡小平;

【作者基本信息】 江西财经大学 , 社会保障, 2012, 硕士


【摘要】 社会救助是一项基本的和必要的社会保障工作,也是一项重要的社会安抚工作,它是社会成员保障基本生活的最后一道防线,而地震救助是社会救助中的一个重要组成部分。就我国目前而言,地震救助制度正一步一步趋于完善,但距离建立一个真正科学完善的地震救助体系尚存在一段距离。随着世界各国在文化、经济、学术等领域的不断交流和融合,国内外环境也不断发生变化,我国原有的地震救助体系不能满足当前国内的地震救助需求。近年来,频发的自然灾害更是不断考验着我国的地震救助体系,在地震的轮番侵袭下,我国的地震救助体系的缺陷与不科学性逐一暴露,这也给我国敲响了完善地震救助体系的警钟。就民生来说,建立一个牢固的社会安全网,是保证全社会成员基本生存环境稳定的必然,也是我国市场经济转型的迫切需求。因此,经过比较后,决定以青海玉树地震作为背景,通过实例研究、相关数据分析和表格分析的方法把我国自然灾害救助的现状及存在的问题和解决方法分成:中国地震救助的发展、中国地震救助现状的分析、玉树地震后的需求及供给分析、日本地震救助的经验借鉴、解决灾害救助供需矛盾的对策研究这五个方面展开讨论,文章以中国古代到现代对地震灾害救助的相关制度、法规的更替为线索,引出地震救助中供需现状及种种问题,再分别以玉树地震后灾民的需求视角和救助单位的供给视角对玉树地震后的地震救助中存在的供需矛盾问题进行剖析阐述。在进行对比分析之后得出导致灾后救助供需矛盾存在的原因,主要集中体现以下几个方面:1、我国救助体制的不完善;2、救助供给模式的单一化导致灾后供给总落后于需求的变化;3、缺少救助必备的硬件设备及相关专业救助人员;4、我国救助部门职能过于分散以至于救助中因为人为原因影响救助进度;5、救助资金不能及时到位且利用不够合理;6、民众自身的防灾救灾意识不强,灾害知识极度欠缺。同时,通过对我国群众发放有关地震灾害救助的调查问卷,将问卷中大众统一反映出的问题,在论文中加以提出和论证,然后再结合我国地震的实地情况进行探讨和分析。通过前三章,按照从理论到案例,从整体到具体的思路,对我国灾后供需进行比较分析,得出我国想要进一步完善地震救助体系必须要做到的几点,而加强相关法律规章制度的建设、普及建设国家级物资储备站、充分发挥民间救助力量和培养专业灾害救助人才队伍是重中之重。本文的最后一章通过借鉴日本在地震防灾、抗灾、就灾等先进经验,从中结合我国实情,给出了一些我国完善地震救助工作的对策:1、建立健全地震救助的法律体系;2、明确职责,完善地震救助的组织架构;3、优化多元主体的供给;4、合理安排地震救助资金的投入和监管;5、积极引入地震保险制度;6、加强防灾意识的教育和专业人员救助培训;7、合理利用新闻媒体和宗教信仰等媒介。

【Abstract】 Social assistance is a basic and necessary work of social security, is also the important work of social comfort, it is the last line of defense of social members to protect the basic livelihood.At present, In China the social assistance system tend to improve step by step, but there are still some distance from the establishment of a true science and sound social assistance system. With constant communication and integration of the world in the field of cultural, economic, academic, domestic and international environments are changing, the existing social assistance system can not meet the requirements of the current domestic social assistance.In recent years, the frequency of natural disasters is constantly test Chinese earthquake rescue system. The invasion of the earthquake, defects and unscientific of Chinese earthquake rescue system are exposured one by one, which gived alarm for perfect Chinese earthquake rescue system. As people’s livelihood, establish a solid social safety net is inevitable, which ensure that basic living environment stable, also is the urgent needs of Chinese market economy reform. Therefore, after the comparison, give a case Yushu in Qinghai Province earthquake, through case studies, relevant data analysis and spreadsheet analysis, the situation of Chinese natural disaster rescue and the problems and the solution is divided into:The development of Chinese earthquake rescue; the Chinese earthquake analysis of the situation of rescue;the demand and supply in the Yushu after the earthquake; Japanese earthquake rescue experiences; analysis of counter measures to resolve the contradiction between supply and demand for disaster rescue. The clues of this paper is replacement of the regulations from Chinese ancient earthquake disaster rescue system to the modern, following problems and situation of supply and demand aspects of the earthquake rescue, and then analyzes and describe the contradiction between supply and demand in Yushu earthquake as the demand perspective of victims and the supply perspective of a rescue unit. Drawn after conducting comparative analysis led to the reason for the existence of post-disaster supply and demand, mainly to reflect the following aspects:1our rescue system is imperfect;2a single rescue supply in mode lead to disaster supply lagged behind the change of demand;3, the lack of the necessary hardware equipment and related professional rescue workers;4functions of our rescue department are too scattered to complete rescue progress because man-made causes;5the rescue funds can not be given in time and used not reasonable;6lack of people’s own awareness of disaster prevention and rescue knowledge.Through the first three chapters, according to from the theory to the case, from the whole to the specific ideas, a comparative analysis of supply and demand on China’s post-disaster makes a conclusion that our country wants to further improve the earthquake rescue system must be done a few, four of them are most important, including strengthening construction of the relevant laws and regulations, the popularity of the construction of national material reserves station, give full play to the strength of civil rescue and to cultivate a professional disaster rescue personnel. The end chapter of this paper to learn from the advanced experience of the earthquake disaster prevention, disaster rescue, etc. then combine with our national conditions, strategy to improve the earthquake rescue work of our country are proposed:1establish a sound and legal system of the earthquake rescue;2clear responsibilities, improve the organizational structure of the earthquake rescue;3optimize the supply of Multiple subjects;4reasonable arrangements for the input and supervision of earthquake rescue funds;5introduction of the earthquake insurance system;6strengthen education of disaster prevention and awareness and professional rescue trainin;7Rational use of media such as news media and religion.

  • 【分类号】X43
  • 【下载频次】309

