

Research on Reliability Growth of Disc-type Tool Magazine and Msnipulator

【作者】 李怀洋

【导师】 申桂香;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 机械电子工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 圆盘式刀库及机械手作为立式加工中心的关键功能部件,是由刀库、刀库分度装置、气动装置、机械手、机械手传动装置、电气装置、定位夹紧装置、驱动装置、润滑装置等组成的典型机电一体化产品。它的主要功能是快速、可靠的自动选刀、换刀,为更好地实现立式加工中心的一次装夹多工序甚至全部工序加工,减少零件加工过程中的非切削时间,提高生产效率,降低零部件的制造成本等提供保障。圆盘式刀库及机械手这一复杂系统能否确保换刀动作准确、可靠等是当前立式加工中心研究的重点问题之一。故本文依托“高档数控机床与基础制造装备”科技重大专项--关键功能部件的可靠性设计与试验技术(2010ZX04014-011),以圆盘式刀库及机械手为研究对象进行可靠性增长研究。论文首先依据圆盘式刀库及机械手的结构、工作原理和功能确定故障判据,明确故障传递关系,据此进行故障信息采集。其次,运用模糊FMECA对圆盘式刀库及机械手使用现场的故障信息进行分析,针对该方法中对故障模式频率、故障率和故障影响三个评判因素的权重的专家主观赋权问题,提出运用综合考虑主客观因素的模糊层次分析法确定三个因素的权重;针对模糊FMECA分析中出现的故障模式危害度值相同的现象,提出采用灰色关联理论对具有相同危害度值的不同故障模式进行进一步的优化分析,从而得到更详尽的故障模式危害度排序。根据故障分析结果,对当前圆盘式刀库及机械手的可靠性薄弱部位与危害度较大的故障模式,分别从其所涉及的制造、装配、外购件、使用等方面提出有针对性的可靠性增长措施;在此基础上,对圆盘式刀库及机械手的结构提出可靠性设计和工艺改进建议,以促进圆盘式刀库及机械手的可靠性增长。最后,根据可靠性试验标准,结合工厂实际情况设计基本性能和关键部件的可靠性试验方案,并应用关键部件可靠性试验验证可靠性增长措施和可靠性设计改进建议的有效性。试验验证结果表明,对圆盘式刀库及机械手的薄弱部位与危害度较大的故障模式实施可靠性增长措施和可靠性设计改进建议之后,圆盘式刀库及机械手的平均故障率降低了5.37%,可靠性水平得到了较大的提升。因此,根据故障分析采取的可靠性增长措施和可靠性设计改进建议是有效的,可以有效的促进圆盘式刀库及机械手的可靠性增长。

【Abstract】 Disc-type tool magazine and manipulator is an important functional componentof vertical processing center, it is compose of tool magazine, indexing devices of toolmagazine, pneumatic devices, manipulator, manipulator’s actuator, electrical devices,positioning and clamping devices, drive unit, lubrication devices etc. This makes thedisc-type tool magazine and manipulator become a typical mechatronic product. Thedisc-type tool magazine and manipulator can automatic choose and change tool fastlyand reliably, which realize the vertical processing center’s multi-process and even allmachining processes though one fixture, reducing non-cutting time of processing andimproving production efficiency, thereby greatly reduce the manufacturing cost ofeach part. Therefore, whether the complex disc-type tool magazine and manipulatorcan ensure accurate and reliable tool change action or not is one of the key issues ofvertical machining center. Hence, this paper is going to research on the reliabilitygrowth of the disc-type tool magazine and manipulator, which is rely on “High-endCNC machine tools and basic manufacturing equipment” the national science andtechnology major projects--the reliability design and testing techniques of keyfunctional components (2010ZX04014-011).According to the structure, working principle and function of the disc-type toolmagazine and manipulator, this paper first determines the fault criterion and explicitfault transmission relationship of the disc-type tool magazine and manipulator, whichcould direct us to collect the fault information. Second, this paper makes use of fuzzyFMECA analysis method to analyze the disc-type tool magazine and manipulator’sfault information. Fuzzy hierarchy analysis, which considers the objective andsubjective factors, is proposed to calculate the weight of three decision-making factors:failure mode frequency, failure rate and failure impact of fuzzy FMECA analysismethod to solve the expertise’s subjective empowerment. Further more,the grayrelational analysis method is delivered to analyze the failure mode, which has thesame hazard,to get a more detailed order. According to the analysis result, we canidentify the disc-type tool magazine and manipulator’s weak link; which can direct usto take target reliability growth measures from the involved manufacturing, assembly,purchased parts and the use of the disc-type tool magazine and manipulator’s weakposition and large hazard failure mode. Further more, this paper delivers the improvement of the tool magazine and manipulator’s reliability design suggestion,which might improve the reliability of the tool magazine and manipulator.Finally, according to the reliability criterion and combined with the factorypractical, the basic performance reliability experiment program and key componentreliability experiment program is designed, and put the key component reliabilityexperiment program into use to verify the effectiveness of the reliability growthmeasures and the improved reliability design suggestions. The reliability experimentverified that when we put the reliability growth measures and the improved reliabilitydesign suggestions into use, the average failure rate of the disc-type tool magazineand manipulator has been effectively reduced, which is reduced5.37percent.Therefore, the reliability growth measures and the reliability designsuggestions are effective, which can effectively promote the reliability growth of thedisc-type tool magazine and manipulator.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 09期

