

The Implement Approach and Accounting Method of Emission Reduction Performance for Cleaner Production Audit in Maize Deep Processing Industry

【作者】 林卓

【导师】 马小凡;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 环境科学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 “十二五”期间主要污染物总量减排措施将从以工程减排、结构减排为主逐渐向管理减排为主转变。清洁生产作为管理减排的重要举措,其最为直接有效的实施手段是清洁生产审核。因此,减排绩效的体现应是清洁生产审核工作的标志性成果之一。但是关于清洁生产审核的减排量核算尚未建立统一的方法及程序,更没有相应的规范和标准可循。所以如何将审核减排的污染物量纳入总量核查结果会影响到今后我国减排目标的持续性改进和实现。基于此,本文以玉米深加工行业为突破口,研究以下五部分:一、查阅文献及相关政策法规,通过对国内外玉米深加工行业的发展阶段、发展状况、主要产品、深加工能力及经营模式进行研究,确定本文以玉米深加工中最主要玉米淀粉加工为研究主线,贯穿全文。并对吉林省玉米深加工行业发展状况、行业特点及存在的问题进行归纳总结。二、按照清洁生产审核思路,重点分析玉米深加工废水及废气的产生及排放,找到影响清洁生产审核减排绩效因素的主要来源。三、对吉林省已完成清洁生产审核的玉米深加工企业产生的清洁生产方案进行汇总,结合查阅相关资料、咨询专家等手段对涉及减排类的审核途径,从影响生产的八方面加以筛选,总结提出适用于玉米深加工企业的减排绩效实现途径。四、对现阶段清洁生产审核中涉及减排类污染物核算的方法进行研究。提出适用于玉米深加工行业的减排绩效核算方法,即用实测法核算COD、氨氮,用物料法核算SO2减排绩效,用产排污系数核算NOx减排绩效。并对核算方法在使用条件和参数设置方面进一步细化。五、以玉米深加工企业为实例,将以上结论运用于具体实践。针对企业提出清洁生产审核减排绩效实现途径,并核算出该企业通过减排绩效的实施成果。

【Abstract】 In the Twelfth Five-year Plan period, the solutions of total emission reductions tomajor pollutants will be changed gradually from engineering reduction and structurereduction to management reduction. As one of the most important part of the cleanerproduction, the cleaner production audit becomes the most important, effective anddirect approach. So the emission reduction performance is also one of remarkableachievements to assess the clean production work. But there are no acknowledgedmethods and standardized procedures to evaluate the emission reductions, therefore itis difficult to find corresponding specifications and standards to be followed. So howto include the amount of audited emission reductions into the total amount forverification may affect the continuous improvement and realization of China’semission reduction target in the future.For these reasons, as the breakthrough in maize deep processing enterprises, thispaper includes the following five parts:1. To access the literature, relevant laws and regulations, and to study onthe maize deep processing and at home and abroad, such as the stage and thesituation of development, the main products, the capacity of the maize deepprocessing, the mode of operating. Took starch processing is the main line.Moreover, this paper also summarizes the general situation, characteristics and theproblems to be faced of the maize deep processing industry in Jilin province.2. Based on analysis the causes of waste water and exhaust gas of corndeep processing, this paper will try to find the main reasons of influencing theaccounting method of emission reduction performance for cleaner productionaudit.3. To collect the audit approaches, which are related to the maize deepprocessing companies that have taken part in the cleaner production audit andqualified acceptance in Jilin province. To filter the audit approaches of emissionreduction by accessing the relevant information, consulting experts and other methods based on the eight aspects which affect the production. Finally, there aresome accounting methods of emission reduction performance appraisal for cleanerproduction audit to be brought up and these emission reduction performanceapproaches were universally used in other industries.4. By researching the methods related to accounting the pollution in thecleaner production audits at the present., this paper brings up the accountingmethods of emission reduction performance appraisal for cleaner production inmaize deep processing industry, i.e. the spot monitoring method of COD andammonia nitrogen, material balance calculation method of SO2, experiencecalculation method of NOx. Furthermore we also improve the methods through theapplication condition and parameter setting aspects in details.5. For an instance of maize deep processing enterprises, this paper putforward to the accounting methods of emission reduction performance appraisalfor cleaner production, based on the above conclusions which are applied in thespecific practice.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期

