

Design and Simulation for Laser Cutting Equipment of Fracture Splitting Groove of Engine Crackcase Bearing

【作者】 先晓博

【导师】 邓春萍;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 材料加工工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 发动机缸体主轴承座是汽车发动机的关键部件,对强度和制造工艺都有严格的要求。20世纪90年代发展起来的裂解技术,作为一种极具创新性的加工技术,被应用到了发动机缸体主轴承座加工中。裂解加工技术能够减少加工工序、有效节省精加工设备、提高产品质量、降低生产成本。裂解加工的首要工序是在工件内侧加工出初始裂解槽,激光加工具有切割质量好、无刀具磨损、加工速度快、切缝易于裂解等优势,因此也成为了加工裂解槽的主要手段。缸体主轴承座裂解槽激光加工机床是针对发动机缸体主轴承座设计的专用裂解槽加工设备。机床主要由机床机架主体、数控系统、激光系统以及相应的配套设施组成,集光、机、电于一体,机床设计具有通用性,能够实现对多种类不同型号发动机缸体主轴承座进行加工。本文通过对缸体主轴承座裂解槽激光加工工序的分析,确立了机床设计的整体方案,并利用虚拟样机技术,进行了运动学分析。本论文主要研究成果如下:1.对缸体轴承孔裂解槽激光切割机床的总体结构进行了设计,对机床的机架结构以及缸体的定位调节机构进行了设计说明。设计的机床属于高精密数控机床,要求具有平稳、高效、高精度的特点,选取了滚珠丝杠副作为工作台的传动装置,通过计算选取南京工艺装备制造公司生产的FFB2005-2型滚珠丝杠副,选取了松下公司生产MSMA082AIC型号的伺服电机。2.在利用激光切割发动机缸体主轴承座的过程中,激光头在切割完一侧的轴承孔之后,激光头需要旋转180°,对另一侧的缸体轴承孔进行切割,设计选取了费斯托(FESTO)公司生产的单叶片摆动气缸作为回转装置,选取的型号为DSM-32-270-P-FW-A-B,最大摆动角度为270°,并且能够实现反方向摆动,很好地满足了加工需求。激光切割系统是激光切割机床的核心部分,设计选取了德国TRUMPF公司的YAG固体激光切割系统。激光通过光纤传导到激光切割头,光纤安装在激光头支承套筒中。缸体的定位由油缸驱动定位销进入活塞孔完成,设计了能够满足机床要求的机床定位液压系统,选用西门子公司生产的802D数控系统作为机床的控制系统。3.利用UG软件对机床零部件进行建模,并在UG的装配环境下进行零部件装配,生成机床整体3D模型。在仿真环境下,对机床的运动参数进行设计,激光切割裂解槽的速度为15mm/s,激光头最大速度设置为50mm/s。设计了两种激光头运动方案,激光头在缸体中匀速运动和在缸体中变速运动,对两种运动方案下激光头运动的STEP函数进行设计。计算得出在第二种运动方案,即激光头在缸体中变速运动情况下比在缸体中匀速切割方式下节省时间22.16秒。4.利用UG中的ADAMS求解器,通过参数设定,将UG中建立的两种运动模型依次导入到ADAMS中,进行运动学仿真分析。输出激光头在整个加工过程中在对应运动方向上的速度、加速度以及位移曲线,并对两种仿真结果进行了分析。综合分析,在实际生产中可采用方案二中激光头在缸体内变速运动的切割方式进行加工,达到提高生产效率的目的。5.激光头在切割过程中,速度会不断的产生变化,对机床的稳定性以及精度会有一定的影响,为此提出了加减速控制的方法。根据激光切割机床的特点,确定了一种新的加减速控制方法,提高机床运行的稳定性,防止了激光切割中出现过切或者切割残留的问题。并对新方法在连杆激光切割机床中进行了实验验证,结果显示新方法能够达到加工要求。发动机主轴承座裂解槽激光加工技术,能够很好的提高裂解加工质量,提高发动机整体性能,在我国具有广阔的应用前景。同时,该项技术的深入推广,对推动发动机制造技术发展,提升汽车制造业的整体水平有着积极的促进作用。

【Abstract】 Engine Crankcase Bearing Block is the key part of auto engine,which has strictrequirements to strength and manufacturing process. As a kind of very innovative processingtechnology, cracked technology developed from90years of the20th century,and it wasapplied to the engine crankcase bearing block. Cracking processing technology can reduce theprocessing operations, effectively save the processing equipment, improve product quality,reduce the production cost.The first process of the cracking processing is processing the initialfracture splitting groove. Laser processing has advantage of good cutting quality, no tool wear,Fast processing speed, easy to cracking. Therefore it became the main means to processingfracture splitting groove.Laser cutting equipment of fracture splitting groove of engine crackcase bearing is aspecial equipment which is designed for engine crackcase bearing. This equipment iscomposed by main frame,CNCsystem,laser system and other system,it combines light,machine and electricity. This is a universal design, it can processing different types of engine.Through to analysis the laser machining process, establish the overall design of theequipment,use the virtual prototype technology to give the result of dynamics analysis.1. Give the General structure design to laser cutting equipment of fracture splittinggroove of engine crackcase bearing. According to the transmission device requirements ofsmooth, high efficiency and precision,select the ball screw vice as table transmission devicethrough calculation. The ball screw vice model is FFB2005-2. Choose the correspondingservo motor.2. In this design,after processing one side,the laser head needs rotation180degree tocutting the other side. Choose the blade swing cylinder as rotary device of the laser head. Theblade swing cylinder’s model is FFB2005-2which produced by FESTO. As the core part ofthe laser cutting equipment,we choose the YAG solid laser cutting system produced byTRUMPF as the cutting system. And choose the SIMENS802D as the CNC system of thisequipment. 3. This paper establish parts model and whole assembly by UG software. Design themotion parameters of the laser head,cutting speed is15mm/s, the biggest movement speed is50mm/s.There have been designed two kinds of movement,uniform motion and variablespeed movement in the engine crankcase. Definite STEP function for the two kinds ofmovement. The results show that the second schemes can save time22.16seconds4. Use the ADAMS solver in UG, through setting the parameters, the two kinds of UGmovement model which were set up in UG will be imported into ADAMS in turn, then givethe kinematics simulation analysis. Output the speed, acceleration and displacement curve ofthe whole process on the corresponding direction of movement, analyze the two kinds ofsimulation results.5. According to speed change in the laser cutting process, puts forward the theory ofacceleration and deceleration control. According to characteristics of the equipment, made anew kind of acceleration and deceleration control method, in order to avoid the strong impactcaused by high speed, Improve the stability of the equipment. Prevent some problems in lasercutting,such as cutting incomplete.Using the new method to the connecting rod laser cuttingequipment, the results showed that the new method can achieve processing requirements.The laser cutting technology for engine crackcase bearing can improve crackingprocessing quality well,improve engine performance, it will have wide application prospectsin our country.At the same time, it has a positive role in promoting engine manufacturingtechnology development and improving the whole level of car manufacturing.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期
  • 【分类号】TG485
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】192

