

Research and Implementation of Magnetic Method Perforated Based on CIFLog Platform

【作者】 齐志斌

【导师】 王喆;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 软件工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 在石油开采领域,各大研究所都在为如何提高射孔深度的精度犯愁,因为它始终是控制射孔质量的难关,要是射孔深度的精准度提不上去,那么打孔采油就不可能得以实现,地层中的石油就不可能得以开采利用。然而,在测井和射孔作业中导致射孔深度误差的因素又是非常之多,许多设备因素、自然环境因素和人为因素都可能直接导致射孔深度的误差,最可怕的就是诸多因素积累,这样导致的误差更加难以校正。而射孔在油气田开发中的重要性是众所周知的,它直接关乎着油气井的产量。因此,研究分析造成射孔深度的误差然后采取相应的措施将其降到最小限度是非常重要的,是任何研究所都一直在攻克的难关。本文所研究的磁法孔眼正是帮助用户分析、计算、审核射孔过程中产生深度精准度误差的原因。如果是设备自身误差过大就及时通知试采大队及时更新设备,如果是地层土壤的酸碱性导致误差过大就另寻射孔口或者添加化学成分却减小误差,如果是人为射孔操作导致误差过大就加强对射孔工作人员的培训,提高作者人员的操作熟练度、降低设备自身误差、改造环境自然因素等等,都只是为了提高射孔深度的精准度,确保射孔工作能够准确、顺利的完成,保证既不浪费国家财产又能保证油气井的产量,实现石油的合理开发。本文以一体化网络测井处理解释软件平台为依托,开发实现了磁法孔眼的功能,磁法孔眼是从实际生产需要出发,在相关技术进行了充分调研的基础上开发的,它要求对射孔的技术原理要有充分的了解,现场观看和学习整个射孔流程,总结统计射孔过程中的各项参数,分析设计出合理的磁法孔眼系统。本系统正是基于采油需要所开发的——磁法孔眼模块,它帮助用户计算、分析、总结孔眼深度的误差,提示用户那些参数过大什么地方应该及时修正等。本系统已经在实际开采中得到应用,为测井人员了解实际射孔情况提供了详实的理论依据,有效的帮助了射孔工作的顺利进行。

【Abstract】 In the field of oil exploration, the major Institute for how to improve the accuracy of theperforation depth worry, because it is always the control of perforating the quality of storm, ifthe accuracy of the perforating depth is raised not up, punch oil production can not berealizedthat the oil formation can not be exploitation. However, the factors that lead to perforationdepth error in the logging and perforating operations are many, many equipment factors,natural environment and anthropogenic factors may lead to perforation depth error, the mostfrightening is that many factors accumulation, this has led to the error is more difficult tocorrect.And the importance of perforating in oil and gas field development is well known, itdirectly for the oil and gas well production. Therefore, the study by the depth of the erroranalysis of perforation and take corresponding measures to minimize the limits are veryimportant, is any research institute has been conquer difficulties. In this paper the research ofmagnetic method is to help users controlled analysis, calculation and audit perforation depthaccuracy produced during the cause of the error. brigade to update equipment, if is thestratigraphic soil acid and alkaline cause error is too large for the perforating mouth or addchemical composition but diminish error, if is the human perforating operation lead toexcessive error is to strengthen the training of workers followed on work, improve the authorof the operators, reduce the equipment itself skilled degree error, to change the environmentof natural factors and so on, is in order to improve the accuracy of perforation depth degreeensure perforating it accurately, work done smoothly, ensure that doesn’t waste state propertyand guarantee the production of oil and gas well, and realize the rational development of oil.Based on the integrated network logging software platform based on the processing andinterpretation, the development achieved the function of the pore magnetic method, and themagnetic method from the need of the actual production controlled, in the related technologybased on the research of the fully developed, it requires followed on the technical principleshould fully understanding, the scene to watch and learn the whole process of perforation, andsummarizes the parameters in the process of perforating statistics, this paper analyzes thereasonable design of magnetic method controlled system. This system was based on thedevelopment of the oil production need-magnetic method pore module, it helps userscalculation, analysis and summary of the depth of pore error, prompt the user thoseparameters in what place should modify too. This system has been used in the practicalmining, logging staff know the actual situation of perforating has provided detailed theoreticalbasis, effective help nuclear work smoothly.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期
  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【下载频次】43

