

Research and Development of Financial Affairs Management System Based on C/S

【作者】 赵庆龙

【导师】 刘淑芬; 李兵;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 软件工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 随着计算机网络技术的快速发展,信息资源在各高校得到了充分的应用、开发,计算机网络的创建,计算机技术应用的推进,计算机技术产业的发展,这些都显示了信息技术在现代社会中的作用越来越重要,地位越来越凸显。同时,随着高校办学规模持续膨胀,办学形式更趋于多元化。在内外部环境发生巨大改变背景下,如何节约财务管理成本,提高财务管理质量和水平,进一步使高校财务管理信息化、科学化,成为目前高校财务管理系统的发展方向。财务管理在高校管理体制中扮演重要角色,是高校日常管理核心工作之一。为了提高财务管理效率,满足呼伦贝尔学院会计电算化需求,把会计人员从繁琐的财务管理中解放出来,结合会计电算化的要求,特开发此基于C/S结构的财务管理系统。此论文依据呼伦贝尔学院财务管理电算化的需求,主要从系统先期设计、程序开发、应用调试等方面进行论述,具体实现了凭证管理、出纳管理、期末处理、账簿报表、辅助账管理等工作所需功能。本论文主要从以下四个方面进行探讨:1.首先阐述了国内外财务管理发展的现状及系统研发的背景。2.介绍与本应用系统开发有关的基本理论和基础技术。重点论述了研发本系统所采用研发工具的工作原理和特点。介绍了C/S、B/S两种结构,分析研究了Visual Basic、SQL Server2005的一些特性。3.围绕财务管理系统的设计、开发过程,重点论述了系统的总体目标、整体架构及基本功能需求,并以此为基础设计出系统主要模块的业务流程。4.依据系统整体架构及业务功能需求,对系统的运行环境、系统主要模块的设计、数据结构的设计和主要模块的实现进行了较为详细的论述。本系统是基于财务专网的多用户管理系统,在多用户环境下,如何确保系统的安全性就显得尤为重要。本系统采用数据加密、身份验证、权限分配三种安全技术来确保财务专网与系统的安全。本系统具有操作界面美观、交互能力强、易于使用、搜索方便、可靠性强、存储量大、保密性高、寿命更长、成本更低等优点,可以实现学校财务的规范化、科学化管理,极大地提高财务管理工作效率,对财务处的日常工作管理,具有重要的理论意义和应用价值。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of computer network technology, the informationresources in the industry has been developing and application, the improvement ofinformation networks, the application of information technology to promote industrialdevelopment, information technology, these are displayed by the informationtechnology in modern society in the increasingly important role, becomes more andmore prominent. At the same time, higher college education dimensions expandsceaselessly, form diversified. In the external environment changed greatly under thebackground of financial management, reduce cost, improve financial managementlevel and quality, further causes the university finance management informatization,science is changed, become the development direction of university financialmanagement system.Financial management is all in university management is relatively complex andimportant job in Colleges and universities, is one of the core works in daily work. Inorder to improve the efficiency of the financial management, to meet the demand ofaccounting computerization in Hulunbeier University, let the accounting staff from thecomplex financial work out, combine the informatization of financial managementrequirements, the development of special based on C/S mode of financialmanagement system.This paper mainly discusses the based on C/S mode of financial managementsystem in early design, program development, debugging and other content. On thebasis of Hulunbeier University financial management computerization needs, themain achievement of the certificate management, cashier management, the finaltreatment, books and statements, auxiliary account management functions requiredby the. This paper mainly from the following four aspects was studied:1. First elaborated the domestic, foreign financial management and the status ofthe project development background, the main work.2. Introduction and the application system development of the basic conceptsand knowledge. Focuses on the development of the system working principle andcharacteristics. Introduction of C/S, B/S two kinds of mode, research and Analysison Visual Basic, SQL Server2005and some properties of. 3. On financial management system design, development process, discusses theoverall goal of the project management system, the overall structure and the basicfunction demand, and the design of the system the main module of the business flow.4. on the basis of the overall structure of the system and the requirements ofbusiness functions, the system running environment, the main module design, datastructure design and implementation of main modules are discussed in detail.This software is based on the network management system, in the design ofmulti user environment management system, the system security is very important.This paper uses encryption, authentication, authority three kinds of securitytechnology to protect the security of network and management system.This system has a friendly interface, interactive, easy to use, easy to find, highreliability, large memory capacity, security and good, long life and low cost, you canachieve school finance scientific, standardized management, which greatly improvethe efficiency of financial management, the daily management of the Treasury, hasimportant theoretical significance and application value.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期
  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】828

