

A Study on Agricultural Drought Based on Ts-NDVI Space in the West Jilin Province

【作者】 赵广敏

【导师】 李晓燕;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 土地资源管理, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,干旱的频繁发生始终困扰着人类社会、经济的可持续发展,干旱对农业的影响尤为明显。吉林省西部地区作为吉林省农牧业主产区,受其自然地理与气候条件的影响,干旱频发,给当地工农业生产和人民生活造成了巨大损失。相对于传统的农业干旱监测,遥感技术以其快速、高效、低成本等的特性,越来越多的被应用于农业干旱监测中。地表温度和植被指数与植被生理、生长联系密切,成为研究农业干旱监测的重要指标。但单独利用地表温度或植被指数进行干旱监测时,会出现植被在受水分胁迫时短期内仍能保持原有绿色的时间滞后问题,从而降低旱情监测的准确度和实用性。因此将两者耦合进行干旱监测的方法成为当前干旱监测研究的一个重要方向。本文综合运用GIS、RS和GPS技术,利用2000-2008年5-9月MODIS地表温度数据和地表反射率数据,建立Ts-NDVI特征空间,反演得到吉林省西部植被生长期的温度植被干旱指数(TVDI),分析了TVDI与Ts、NDVI、表层土壤湿度和气象数据的关系以及研究区2000-2008年月际和年际旱情时空分异。研究表明:1)研究区Ts-NDVI特征空间的干、湿边并非呈一条直线,且不同时期特征空间的干、湿边具有相似的形状;干、湿边的斜率随着NDVI值的变化而发生变化;2)TVDI与Ts、NDVI、采样点表层土壤湿度以及气象站点降水量具有一定关系,从关系中可以发现TVDI作为旱情评价指标有一定的合理性。TVDI与Ts、NDVI和采样点表层土壤湿度的相关性分析显示,TVDI与Ts呈显著正相关,与NDVI呈负相关,与土壤湿度呈显著负相关;从TVDI与气象站点降水量数据变化趋势来看,随着TVDI值的增大,气象站点降水量呈减小趋势;3)2000-2008年的月际变化分析表明,研究区北部的湿润区总体变化不大;研究区各年的5-6月以中旱和重旱为主,易导致春旱发生,其中白城、洮南、通榆三地较为严重;各年的7-8月全区中旱和重旱面积有所减小,正常和轻旱面积增加,松原、前郭、长岭三地旱情减轻尤为明显,是旱情较轻的时间;到了9月,研究区干旱情况大体可分为两部分,大安以西的地区(包括大安)仍然会以中旱和重旱为主,而大安以东的地区则以正常和轻旱为主,部分地区受秋旱影响;4)2000-2008年的年际变化分析表明,2000-2008年研究区全区主要以轻旱和中旱为主。研究区内由东向西分别呈现出由轻旱向重旱的过渡性变化,其中研究区西南部通榆地区出现重旱年份最多。2000-2008年年间,2007年的中旱和重旱面积比最大,高达71.5%,旱情最为严重;2005年中旱和重旱面积比最小,两者和为38.7%,是旱情最轻的一年。

【Abstract】 Drought is one of major natural disasters that happens frequently inworld-wide in recent years, they not only disturbed social and economicsustainable development seriously, but also affected agriculture especially.The western region of Jilin Province where is the major agriculture andlivestock production in Jilin province is affected by drought frequently,because of the natural geographic and climate. Compare with thetraditional agricultural drought monitoring, remote sensing is more andmore applied in agricultural drought monitoring for its fast, efficient, lowcost and other characteristics. Land surface temperature and vegetationindex has the close relationship with the vegetation physiology andgrowth, so they have become the important indexes of agriculturaldrought monitoring. But only one index for drought monitoring willcause a problem which reduces the accuracy and usefulness of thedrought monitoring because short-term vegetation subjected to waterstress can maintain the original green time. So the methods which use twoindexes become an important direction of current drought monitoring.In this paper, using MODIS land surface temperature data andsurface reflectivity data between May and September from2000to2008with GIS, RS and GPS technology to retrieved TVDI in the westernregion of Jilin Province, and analyze the relationship between TVDI with Ts, NDVI, surface soil moisture and meteorological data as well as itsspatial variability inter-month, inter-annual change. The conclusions areas follows:1) The study area of Ts-NDVI feature space dry and wet edge arenot a straight line at all, and there are similar shapes of dry or wet edge indifferent feature space; the slope of dry and wet edge changes with theNDVI values.2) There are some relationships between TVDI with Ts, NDVI,samples of soil moisture and precipitation; we can conclude thattemperature vegetation drought index is reasonable to indicate theevaluation of drought. From the correlation of TVDI and Ts, NDVI andthe samples of soil moisture showed that TVDI and Ts has a significantpositive correlation, TVDI and NDVI has a negatively correlation, TVDIand soil moisture has a significant negative correlation. TVDI with theprecipitation showed that the data change trend has a contrary trend withthe increase of TVDI values.3) From month change of the western region of Jilin Province from2000to2008, we can find that there was little change in the wet areas ofnorthern of region; the drought was middle dry and severe dry in thewestern region of Jilin Province at May and June and it was easy to causethe spring drought, especially in Baicheng, Taonan, Tongyu. With thedevelopment, the middle dry and severe dry reduced at July and August, and the normal and light dry increased at the same time, the drought ofSongyuan, Qianguo and Changling eased particularly; The droughtconditions can be roughly divided into two parts when entered toSeptember. One part was the west of Da’an (include Da’an), the type ofdrought was still middle dry and severe dry, another part was the eastregion of Da’an, the drought dominated normal and light drought.4) The inter-annual variability from2000to2008analysis showedthat, the region was mainly in light drought and middle drought. And thedrought changed with middle drought to severe drought from east to west,especially the southwest Tongyu had the most years of the severe drought.There were the biggest areas of the middle drought and the severedrought in2007, two areas were accounted for71.5percent of the region,and the drought is the most serious in this year. The areas of middledrought and severe drought were the least areas in2005, they wereaccounted for38.7percent, and this year is the lightest drought than otheryears.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期

