

Study on Spiral Bevel Gear Cutting on the Tracing Line

【作者】 张海燕

【导师】 张学成;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 机械制造及其自动化, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 本文介绍了具有理论球面渐开线齿形的螺旋锥齿轮的应用和现有的加工方法。针对现有加工方法存在的问题——即现有加工方法本身存在理论误差,不能加工出标准的球面渐开线齿形齿面,建立和诠释了一种新的螺旋锥齿轮齿面切削加工方法——产形线切齿法的概念。阐述了产形线切齿法切削形成具有球面渐开线齿形的螺旋锥齿轮齿面——渐开螺旋锥面的基本原理。齿面的形成可以看做是齿轮基圆锥的回转运动和一条曲线在与基圆锥相切并与基圆锥做相对纯滚动的平面内运动的合成结果。如果该曲线就是刀具切削刃,则可以切削形成齿轮的齿面。这种由刀具上的产形线与工件做相对运动,切削齿轮齿面的方法在本文中定义为圆锥齿轮产形线切齿法。产形线切齿法的核心问题是形成正确齿面的展成运动的实现和作为齿面切削刀刃的产形线的形成,本文提出了相应解决措施,并对斜齿和阿基米德螺线齿螺旋锥齿轮运用产形线切齿法铣削形成具有球面渐开线齿形的螺旋锥齿轮的基本原理、切齿机床、切齿方法和切齿过程做了详细论述。以斜齿锥齿轮为例进行切齿实验并作啮合实验。从理论和实验上论证了这种产形线切齿法的正确性、合理性、有效性和可行性。产形线切齿法可能形成一种无原理误差的高效、高精度齿面切削加工技术手段,并且成本低和使用方便。产形线切齿法切削加工齿轮齿面,不囿于用产线面而是考虑由产形线来形成待加工齿轮齿面,是一种理论上的创新。新的切齿理论,必然要求有新的切齿设备和切齿方法与之适应,这为齿轮加工提供了一条新的途径,为齿轮刀具和机床的设计提供了创新开发的新思路,利用实现自主创新。基于渐开线齿形齿面形成运动的共同特性,这种产形线切齿法,不仅能够适应各种齿形的螺旋锥齿轮齿面加工,也可以推广应用到准上曲线齿轮的加工中去。

【Abstract】 In this paper, applications and processing methods of spiral bevel gears havebeen introduced, which have standard spherical involute teeth theoretically. Due tothe theoretical error of existing processing methods, the theoretical teeth shape canhardly be machined. So it is necessary and meaningful to theorize and explain a newconcept of spiral bevel gear machining--spiral bevel gear cutting on the tracing line.The principle of this new cutting method is introduced. The tooth face is generatedby a moving line, while moves in tangent plane of the basic cone, while the basiccone rotates round its own axis. If this line becomes the blade of cutter, the toothface can be made out. The processing method of tracing line on cutter movingrelatively against basic cone is defined spiral bevel gear cutting on the tracing line.There are core issues of this processing method. First, how to imply the relativemotion between the tracing line and the basic cone. Second, how to get a tracingline on cutter. These problems have been solved in this paper. Cutting machines,cutting methods and processes for helical and Archimedes spiral teeth bevel gear areintroduced detailedly. Helical gears have been cut and meshed as examples toexperiment this processing method. It shows than spiral bevel gears cutting on thetracing line is correct, reasonable, feasible and effective theoretically andexperimentally. In this way, an efficient and precise technical means of processing ispossible, as well as lower cost and more convenient to use. It is also a theoreticalinnovation for the usage of tracing line instead of shaping surface. This new theorymust promotes new cutting equipments and methods, which provides a new way ofgear machining and lead to independent innovation. Because of the similarity ofinvolute teeth generating, this processing method can be used not only to all kinds ofbevel gears but also to hypoid gears.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 09期
  • 【分类号】TH132.41
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】85

