

Study on Virtual Simulation Training Software on the Automobile Engine Construction

【作者】 周云成

【导师】 施树明; 隋礼江;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 交通运输工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 随着计算机软硬件的发展,各种虚拟仿真实验室软件大量出现,随着网络带宽的快速提升,网络学习也正在逐渐改变教与学的方式。作者在综合分析了国内外虚拟实验室建设情况和虚拟现实技术发展现状后,发现多数虚拟实验室技术只重视对3D图形引擎的研究,而没有对物理引擎进行研究;在教学形式上,仅实现了验证性实验,而不能进行探究式学习。因此,本研究围绕汽车发动机构造虚拟实训教学这一主题,展开探索。因此,本研究在全面阐述虚拟现实技术及物理引擎相关理论的基础上,设计开发了虚拟实训平台,提出了适合虚拟仿真实训教学的新模式。具体内容如下:1.对几种被广泛应用于虚拟实训的虚拟现实技术进行分析。(1)通过实际实验对比,发现中视典VRP在仿真效果、易用性等方面优于其他软件,因此选择中视典VRP作为虚拟实训设计软件。(2)对几种现有虚拟实验程序进行对比,得出只有采用物理引擎才能使虚拟仿真实训具备真实的交互功能这一结论,并对几种主流物理引擎技术进行研究。2.对虚拟实训教学模式进行研究。分析了传统实训教学与虚拟实训教学的差异,根据虚拟实训的特点,依据教育理论设计了新的教学模式。最后对采用新教学模式进行的教学实验效果进行分析和总结。3.发动机构造虚拟实训系统的设计与实现。分析了虚拟实训要达到的效果,探讨了设计虚拟实训系统所用的方法和手段。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of computer technology, it has not only changed the waypeople live and work, but also for the way people learn something. Now, using the computerand multimedia technology to assist teaching is very popular. With the rapid increase ofnetwork bandwidth, is gradually from nature to change the way of teaching and learning.With the development of virtual reality technology, practice teaching is also graduallymoving towards virtualization, virtual simulation laboratory software appeared in largenumbers. After a comprehensive analysis of the domestic and foreign construction of virtuallaboratory and virtual reality technology development status, the author found the majorityof virtual laboratory technology attached only to the3D graphics engine research. Althoughgraphic of the virtual experiment environment display vivid effect, the virtual environmentdoes not have true physical attributes and laboratory. As a result, students can’t experiencethe real experiment and the learning effect. In addition, it can’t meet the need of students’Inquiry Learning. The author in the virtual simulation methods for teaching the process alsofound that network virtual simulation teaching mode and traditional teaching mode also havevery big difference. The traditional teaching mode cannot play virtual simulation teachingvery well, so only by establishing a new teaching pattern can make the virtual simulationteaching to achieve the best effect. Based on the analysis of the physics engine technology invirtual training teaching application, the author elaborated the virtual reality technology andphysics engine theory, and put forward a new teaching model in virtual simulation training.And the author has a practical application in Teaching, to my surprise, which got the betterteaching effect. The specific content of this paper are summarized as follows:1.Several widely used in virtual training virtual reality technology for analysis:(1)Through the actual experiments, the author found VRP in simulation results, ease ofuse and other aspects is superior to other software. So choose VRP as the Virtual trainingsoftware.(2)After the several existing virtual experimental procedures are compared, only thephysics engine to make virtual simulation with the real interactive function can be concluded.And some mainstream physics engine technology is being researched.2.On virtual practice teaching mode research. Analyzed the traditional teaching and virtual training teaching method. According tosome characteristics of virtual training in Teaching, and according to the education theory tothe design of the new teaching mode. The new teaching mode of experiment teaching effectis analyzed and summarized in the end.3.Engine structure virtual training system design and Implementation.Analyzed the virtual training to achieve results, and probed into the design of virtualtraining system by using the method and means.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期
  • 【分类号】TP391.9;U464-4
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】374

