

A Design of SPI Dirver Referenced by AUTOSAR Structure

【作者】 葛传洋

【导师】 秦贵和;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 软件工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 随着汽车工业的发展,汽车电子产业进入了一个新的发展时期,以AUTOSAR为代表的软件架构体系席卷了世界各大车厂,开始引领汽车电子的潮流。AUTOSAR架构下的软件,对软件模块进行了细致的划分,并对函数及变量的类型、调用关系等因素都进行了细致的规定。其目的是使开发者可以最大限度的降低开发成本,使应用软件开发者可以将注意力集中到应用软件层,无视底层驱动软件及硬件平台的限制,在更新换代时,可以通过更换底层驱动模块的方式,将原有的应用策略更新到新的平台上而不必关心MCU之间存在的差异。这种架构受到了广大车厂的欢迎,使更多的软件厂商投入到了对AUTOSAR标准软件开发的队伍中,以期其产品被车厂采用。目前AUTOSAR组织已为飞思卡尔、英飞凌、瑞萨、ST等公司的主流16位机、32位机指定了规范,其成型的商业软件以在进入市场。由于8位机的FLASH及RAM资源有限,AUTOSAR组织并未对其指定相应的标准。但是在以8位机为汽车电子主流芯片的印度,精简版的AUTOSAR标准已经在政府支持下进入了研究阶段。考虑到可配置的标准化软件是未来汽车电子发展的主流方向,而8位机又是现代汽车电子中短期内难以替代的硬件,8位机平台上的AUTOSAR标准软件具有较大的研究价值。本文以8位机各模块中相对重要且复杂的SPI(Serial Peripheral Interface--串行外设接口)模块为着眼点,从接口实现及函数调用关系的角度研究了了AUTOSAR标准下的SPI模块及其代码在8位机上实现的可行性,编写了一种基于AUTOSAR思想,与当前AUTOSAR标准主体兼容的SPI驱动。

【Abstract】 With the evolution of auto industry, automotive electronics industry has entered anew period of development, the software architecture system which take AUTOSAR asrepresentative sweeps all major automobile manufacturers around the world and it alsobegan to lead the trend of automotive electronics. The software under AUTOSARarchitecture makes detailed division for software modules, engages in details provisionsfor functions, type of variables and relationship of calling and other factors. Its purposeis to enable developers to maximize the reduction of development costs, so thatapplication developers can focus on the application software layer, ignoring thelimitations of low-level driver software and hardware platform. When system needsupdate, just settle it in replacing the low-level driver module, that means the originalapplication strategy update to a new platform without having to care about the differencebetween the MCU.This architecture has been welcomed by the great majority of the automobilemanufacturers, so that more software company join in the development teams of theAUTOSAR standard for the sake of more orders. These days AUTOSAR organizationhas developed specification for16/32bits machine from Freescale, Infineon, Renesasand ST company and It’s mature commercial software had already enter the market. Dueto the limited resources in the Flash or RAM of8bits machine, They are not establish astandard for it. But the compact version of AUTOSAR standard has already entered theresearch stage with government support in India where the8bits machine is the maintrend. Take into account the standardization of software can be configured to themainstream direction of future development of automotive electronics,8machine is hardto replace in the short term in the modern automotive electronics hardware. Therefore,AUTOSAR standard software on the platform of eight machine has a larger value inrecent times.This article based on the AUTOSAR ideas and focus on the important and complexSPI modules, researching for SPI module under AUTOSAR standard and its codefeasibility from the view of interface and function call, writing a SPI drive which cancompatible current AUROSAR standard.

【关键词】 嵌入式SPI驱动汽车开放软件架构
【Key words】 Embedded systemSPIdriverAUTOSAR
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 09期
  • 【分类号】U463.6
  • 【下载频次】275

