

The Preliminary Studies of the Differential Protein in the Chronic Prostatitis Patients EPS

【作者】 杜从启

【导师】 王洪亮;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 外科学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 目的:运用蛋白质电泳技术及MALDI-TOF/MS技术,初步研究慢性前列腺炎患者前列腺液中蛋白质与正常人前列腺液中蛋白质差异表达的情况。方法:选取吉林大学白求恩第一医院男科门诊2010年10月至2011年9月期间诊治的慢性前列腺炎患者前列腺液标本15例,同时选取正常人前列腺液标本18例,将收集的标本运用蛋白质电泳技术及基质辅助激光解吸电离-飞行时间质谱(Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry-time of flight, MALDI-TOF-MS)技术检测各组标本中差异表达的蛋白质,运用相关软件对不同质荷比的蛋白质进行统计分析,并运用蛋白质数据库对相关蛋白质进行检索。结果:蛋白电泳结果显示两组有5条带蛋白表达明显差异;质谱分析结果显示在实验组中的15份标本和对照组中的18份标本在分子量1000-12000Da共检测到5种差异表达的蛋白,相对分子量分别为3373、3483、4655、5322、10631,其中前4者为高表达(P<0.01),后者为低表达(P<0.01);根据蛋白质数据库检索的结果这五种差异表达的蛋白质可能为:Brevinin-2Eg、Big endothelin-1(巨大内皮素-1)、Alpha-defensin15(a-防御素15)、Beta-defensin134(β-防御素134)和Prostatic steroid-binding protein(前列腺甾体蛋白)。结论:前列腺炎患者前列腺液中蛋白质与正常人前列腺液中蛋白质表达存在差异。鉴定出5种差异表达的蛋白质,其中Brevinin-2Eg、巨大内皮素-1、α-防御素15和β-防御素134表达明显增高,而前列腺甾体蛋白表达降低,差异表达的蛋白质可能与前列腺炎的发生、发展有关。

【Abstract】 Objective:By using protein electrophoresis technology and MALDI-TOF/MS technology, preliminary studying the different proteins in the prostate liquid between the chronic prostatitis patients and the normalMethods:Collect15samples in the type of chronic prostatitis and18samples of normal from the andrology department of The first hospital of Jilin university in the period2010.10to2011.09. Then we analyze composite samples by proteomics with follow steps:Protein electrophoresis Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry-time of flight (MALDI-TOF-MS). Finally we statistically analyze the data by using relevant software and retrieval the proteins by using the protein database.Results:There were visibly five strips of the protein between the two groups in the result of the Protein electrophoresis. There were five proteins in the range of MW1000-12000Da between the two groups in the result of the MALDI-TOF-MS. The MW were3373,3483,4655,5322and10631, the first4of which were high expressed(P<0.001), the latter was low expressed (P<0.001). According to the results of the protein database, this five kinds of proteins may be:Brevinin-2Eg、Big endothelin-1、Alpha-defensin15、 Beta-defensin134and Prostatic steroid-binding protein.Conclusion:There were different proteins expressed in the prostate liquid between the chronic prostatitis patients and the normal men. Identified five differential expressions proteins. Brevinin-2Eg、Big endothelin-1Alpha-defensin15and Beta-defensin134in chronic prostatitis patients is higher than in the normal. Prostatic steroid-binding protein C2is lower. These proteins may be concerned with the chronic prostatitis

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期

